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The Fall Guy (2024)
Danz0 1 points 9 days ago.

Loved it!
Fun from beginning to end!

Cold Case Files (2017)
SpontaneousOrder 1 points 9 days ago.

Most of Season 3 is streaming free on the original network.

Evil (2019)
Harthal 1 points 9 days ago.

We are so back EvilHeads

The Duelist (2016)
Lazeistheman2 1 points 9 days ago.

Why haven’t I seen this movie before? This is actually pretty good.

Alien 1 points 9 days ago.
Earth: Final Conflict (1997)
Piglet 1 points 9 days ago.

Another one that slipped past me. Going on the list too. Not familiar with any of the actors but it had to have substance for it to have 5 seasons.

DownrightDebonaire 0 points 9 days ago.

Did like Battlefield Earth? I just watched all of EFC and I have to say it’s by far my least favorite Roddenberry show. Possibly my least favorite sci-fi show ever which is saying a lot. They tried something different but the really awful props, over stylized scenery and bad CGI cannot help the weak storylines and bad acting.

The Duelist (2016)
Lazeistheman2 1 points 9 days ago.

Why haven’t I seen this movie before? This is actually pretty good.

Earth: Final Conflict (1997)
Piglet 1 points 9 days ago.

Another one that slipped past me. Going on the list too. Not familiar with any of the actors but it had to have substance for it to have 5 seasons.

Crusade (1999)
Piglet 1 points 9 days ago.

What the hell was I doing in 1999 that I didn’t know about this series? A very young Gary Cole (4 years prior I took note of him in American Gothic…..someone’s at the door, someone’s at the door) and a very young Daniel De Kim (also took note of him in Lost). Going on my list to watch when I get tired of crime dramas.

The Death of April (2022)
Gnostic_Alchemist 1 points 9 days ago.

Not even as background noise

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (2024)
Broadway_Musical_Fanatic 0 points 9 days ago.

I speak for everyone when I say we all need more godzilla films. Everyone is mad but gozilla teaches us to love

Alien 1 points 9 days ago.

That’s too funny! 😂

Detectorists (2014)
kerplunk111 2 points 9 days ago.

I wonder how many people have looked on amozon for a metal detector since watching this show lol😂

Emergence (2019)
cheeseburger 1 points 9 days ago.

Another great show canceled because it was not corrupted by politics.

grasshopper rex 2 points 9 days ago.

Nope. It was cancelled because it had lost half of its viewers by the end of the season.

Emergence (2019)
cheeseburger 1 points 9 days ago.

Another great show canceled because it was not corrupted by politics.

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (2024)
Broadway_Musical_Fanatic 0 points 9 days ago.

I speak for everyone when I say we all need more godzilla films. Everyone is mad but gozilla teaches us to love

Don't Forget the Lyrics! (2022) S3 E1
The Wastelander Sector 23 (Short 2024) (2024)
harper846 1 points 9 days ago.

Stay away this is bad

Evil Lives Here (2016) S15 E10
tyetoes 1 points 9 days ago.

For those who haven’t seen this episode yet…It will rip your heart out!May Veronica rot in hell!!

The Chase (1994)
MP8219 2 points 9 days ago.

This movie is so freakin’ good. CLASSIC, great cast, great lines, great movie. Period.

Stem Cell Universe with Stephen Hawking (2014)
Lazeistheman2 -1 points 9 days ago.

This is 1000% pseudo science. Thankfully I love reading the end credits “for entertainment purposes only, we do not endorse this material therein.” Steven Hawking is a joke.

Civil War (2024)
kyocera301 1 points 9 days ago.

This was in the trailer so not a spoiler but the line “ Yeah but what ‘kind’ of American are you?” was chilling and so on the nose to what our polarised world is like today. 5/5

Fleishman is in Trouble (2022) S1 E3
greenguy86 2 points 9 days ago.

I like this episode because it was like a short film in itself. The creator has the freedom to indulge himself. Whether it’s necessary is yet to be seen.

Once Were Warriors (1995)
Asiram 7 points 10 days ago*.

I first watched this in a theater in Wellington when it was released and sobbed throughout. It’s harrowing but brilliant. The film and its actors won dozens of awards around the globe and it’s still one of the best films to come out of Aotearoa. Holds it’s own 20+ years later! A cult classic. 10/10

Lulusbay 2 points 9 days ago.

The memory of this movie still breaks my heart. So intense.

Expedition from Hell: The Lost Tapes (2024) S1 E4
Pad Solo 1 points 9 days ago*.

I cant believe this is real but it is a good story i suppose. i saw this episode now, but i can never upload links tho.

Star Trek Continues (2013)
AmieWarren 2 points 9 days ago.

I didn’t know anything about all these fan shows. I’m waiting for the last episode of Discovery so I can watch the two last episodes at once, then I’ll watch this.

Doctor Who (2023)
BillSmugs 1 points 9 days ago.

Episodes 3 and 4 were really excellent !!

hellsingfan01 0 points 9 days ago.

Episode 3 but 4 is just meh at best but episode 4 really does have some really good acting from Millie Gibson but that twist was really predictable.

Doctor Who (2023)
BillSmugs 1 points 9 days ago.

Episodes 3 and 4 were really excellent !!

Doctor Who (2023)
Joey89 1 points 9 days ago.

Stunning and brave

Generation Mars (Short 2016)
Alien 1 points 9 days ago*.

Was that a cliffhanger?

Back to Black (2024)
tyetoes 1 points 9 days ago.

Great movie.She has such an original voice.This one broke my heart.A must watch!!

Back to Black (2024)
Danfis 2 points 25 days ago.
tyetoes 1 points 9 days ago.

thanx so much

30 Days of Night (2007)
tyetoes 1 points 9 days ago.

The most realistic vampire movie i have ever seen.Still gives me the creeps to this day.

Toy Story 5 (2026)
Rontron25 0 points 10 days ago.

yet its not a trilogy

hellsingfan01 0 points 9 days ago.

Sadly not anymore it’s not.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993) S4 E15
Rodreko 2 points 10 days ago.

WTF? That was so unethical. What gave them the right to do that to his brother? How could a doctor possibly justify removing all agency from his brother to make up his own mind how to live his life or to end it?

Atlas (2024)
mkmikas 1 points 10 days ago*.

if the ai wanted to shepherd humanity after reducing population wouldnt it just be more logical to help humanity organise better rather than kill them…. also jlo walks funny and has these super awkward poses (im no actor but id imagine walking naturally on camera is strangely difficult).. dunno how they made the cut.. also blue steel.. a bit of a weird military propaganda movie tbh though it is nice to see a positive relationship with ai at the end, even if it doesnt challenge our humanity as such (in a good way i mean)(like its like our pet aspect of ourselves rather than a real symbiosis or autonomous sentience) .. my guess is that we will see more positive relationships being represented harbouring in a new world.. it really is an amplification of ourselves though.. plus something other

Star Trek: New Voyages (2004) S1 E9
random000 1 points 10 days ago.

This is the last one of these we’ve seen. It has Andrew Probert, who helped design The Enterprise. Gil Gerard, Buck Rogers himself also appears. Erin Gray also from Buck Rogers appeared in Star Trek Continues about the same time. The story is by TOS producer John Meredith Lucas & Patty Wright who worked on several fan projects. Star Trek Continues capt Kirk Vic Mignogna directs & appears as a lobster head Klingon villian, as does his normally bright clown orange-haired Continues co-star, stand-up comic Michelle Specht - as a foul tempered brunette lobster head Klingon.

It’s a big production with a cast of hundreds at Ft. Ticonderoga, so it’s ambitious. Although cbs shut the show down & there were only 2 more after this one, cbs was suitably impressed by all of this that they rent The Enterprise sets from this fan-show for their official tours, so at least there’s a measure of poetic satisfaction in that.

Any Day Now (1998)
CableNoWay 1 points 10 days ago.

This was such a good show

Star Trek: New Voyages (2004) S1 E8
random000 1 points 10 days ago.

Written & directed by Star Trek The Motion Picture producer Jon Povill with TNG writer Jaron Summers.

Star Trek Continues (2013) S1 E6
tabularascal 2 points 10 days ago.

I first learned of all these projects at once. Maybe a year ago, or two? (By no coincidence, it was around the time all the links were removed from this site for a while.)

I was so excited! And then so crushed to see them all just die in the middle.

Shakespeare had the right idea, he just wasn’t specific enough: Start with all the IP lawyers, and if there are still problems, work out from there.

random000 1 points 10 days ago*.

Also discovered most of them simultaneously, but then they were shuttered and ooof- Wind taken out of the sails. We enjoyed them for what they were. James Doohan’s son Chris did his dad’s role as Scott on this. Grant Imahara from Mythbusters was Sulu, the Roddenberrys and others worked on this - so wow - no surprise it photographs the way the originals did since those people told them & showed them how to do it.

Detectorists (2014)
Joey89 3 points 10 days ago.

What a gem!

Star Trek Continues (2013) S1 E6
random000 2 points 10 days ago*.

This is the one with Farscape’s Gigi Edgley & Gene Roddenberry jr. This is at the peak of grass roots fandom. The success of these projects has much to do with former Trek personnel working closely in writing, acting, photography, lighting, costumes, modeling & any other aspect of development.

Unfortunately, when cbs took over from Paramount in 2016, that killed all fan made projects at that time. Since Paramount aimed to go off canon, they wanted anything connected to the original Trek gone & their legal department made sure that all fan made projects had no one connected to Star Trek working on them, nor would their length exceed a maximum of about 5 minutes, nor would anyone release more than 29 minutes of material in a year. They have no desire for any demonstrations of respectful tributes to Roddenberry’s original material to be shown. In fact, they want it to be impossible- Ergo, all former personnel are legally forbidden from ever working on fan material ever again.

tabularascal 2 points 10 days ago.

I first learned of all these projects at once. Maybe a year ago, or two? (By no coincidence, it was around the time all the links were removed from this site for a while.)

I was so excited! And then so crushed to see them all just die in the middle.

Shakespeare had the right idea, he just wasn’t specific enough: Start with all the IP lawyers, and if there are still problems, work out from there.

Atlas (2024)
etim 2 points 10 days ago.

That was pretty good but I do have to agree with that hater and I’d rather they’d had someone besides J-Lo to be in most every scene.

Detectorists (2014)
Lulusbay 3 points 11 days ago.

Agree! When I found this I just loved every minute of it - and I told so many people to watch… of course, none of them did. Their loss. Might be time for a re-watch. Thanks for the reminder.

snazzydetritus 2 points 10 days ago*.

Don’t forget about the feature length special from 2022 that capped it off!

Firebrand (2024)
Merrigan Able 1 points 10 days ago.

This is promising…Cast looks good.

Star Trek: Discovery (2017) S5 E9
DownrightDebonaire -2 points 11 days ago.

Eh that’s a pretty big generalized leap. There’s a lot more to 3 Body Problem than what was focused on in the black hole anomalies in tonight’s episode. To say it ripped it off — it’s not like they folded a sheet of paper and stuck a pencil through it to describe folding space or time is all I’m saying.

tabularascal 1 points 10 days ago.

The bit where Tilly saves the day by realizing the gravity is higher than expected due to a convergence is very specific. I’m not saying it is a ripoff, just that you can look at it that way. There’s no question it’s quoting Cixin’s story. To suggest otherwise would be like if a detective show had a scene where a man was killed by a hound while wearing someone else’s clothes, and claiming it wasn’t influenced by Doyle.

Civil War (2024)
Marchal 1 points 10 days ago*.

Terrible Movie. It was all about journalist.

Star Trek Continues (2013) S1 E6
random000 2 points 10 days ago*.

This is the one with Farscape’s Gigi Edgley & Gene Roddenberry jr. This is at the peak of grass roots fandom. The success of these projects has much to do with former Trek personnel working closely in writing, acting, photography, lighting, costumes, modeling & any other aspect of development.

Unfortunately, when cbs took over from Paramount in 2016, that killed all fan made projects at that time. Since Paramount aimed to go off canon, they wanted anything connected to the original Trek gone & their legal department made sure that all fan made projects had no one connected to Star Trek working on them, nor would their length exceed a maximum of about 5 minutes, nor would anyone release more than 29 minutes of material in a year. They have no desire for any demonstrations of respectful tributes to Roddenberry’s original material to be shown. In fact, they want it to be impossible- Ergo, all former personnel are legally forbidden from ever working on fan material ever again.

Diminuendo (2019)
random000 2 points 10 days ago.

Richard Hatch & Lea Cairns from BSG & Travelers, Farscape’s Gigi Edgley & Star Trek’s Walter Koenig. Not a blockbuster, but it’s Richard’s last project before he died.

Travelers (2016) S2 E5
random000 1 points 10 days ago.

Great series. McCormack, Leah Cairns, Mackenzie Porter, Nesta, everyone delivers.

Atlas (2024)
Mandalorian 2 points 10 days ago.

This was a fun watch.

Pandemonium (2024)
kahlo 1 points 10 days ago.

amazing film!