Playlists > film noir

film noir
Creator: randywang
Posted: 2 years ago

3 favorites


Movie: The People Against O'Hara ( 1951 )
Jim Curtayne, formerly a successful criminal defense attorney and currently a recovering alcoholic, has turned to civil law because of his problems with the bottle, daughter Ginny delays marrying in order to keep her dad on the straight and narrow, but when the son of neighborhood friends is accused of murder, he is lured into returning to criminal law. Complications arise as the initially overconfident Curtayne experiences lapses inn memory and judgment as well as an uncooperative client. He finds himself well over his head as he tries to reclaim his self-confidence and professional standing.
Movie: The Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond ( 1960 )
Neo-noir about a small-time New York City criminal whose ambition is to become a big-time crime boss during the Prohibition era.
Movie: The Big Operator ( 1960 )
Bill Gibson is Little Joe's nemesis and is one of the men who can testify that he saw the labor boss in an incriminating conversation with a known criminal - something that Little Joe denied under oath. Knowing that Cochran and one other witness can bring him down, the crooked labor boss starts on a campaign of terror.
Movie: Holiday in Spain ( 1960 )
Vacationing Englishman Oliver Larker stumbles upon a plot to kill a young American tourist in Spain.
Movie: Serious Charge ( 1959 )
Howard Phillips, a vicar who's new in the town of Bellington, wants to reach out to youth. The previous vicar's daughter, Hester Peters, who fears being a spinster, wants to be his wife. He tells her he's not interested. When he confronts a tough kid about something the youth has done, the lad sets out to frame the vicar. Hester, who's walked in on the confrontation, backs the youth's story. The town sides with her and the lad, turning against Phillips. He has a crisis of faith. What options does he have; can no one help him, his reputation, or his calling?
Movie: Hell's Heroes ( 1930 )
When three men rob a bank, a guard is killed and the three bandits escape into the desert where they lose their horses in a storm. Finding a woman who gives birth, they are made godfathers only to learn that the baby's father was the man they killed in the holdup. When the woman dies they head back, but they have little water and it is 40 miles.
Movie: Men Without Women ( 1930 )
Aboard the U.S. submarine S13 in the China seas, Chief Torpedoman Burke goes about his duties. In actuality, he is Quartermaine, the infamous former commander of the British ship Royal Scot, which was sunk by Germans with a Field Marshal aboard. Quartermaine had told his sweetheart that the Field Marshal would be aboard, not knowing that she was an informant for the enemy. When the S13 sinks, Burke takes charge when the commander, Ensign Price, is unable to command. Burke must keep his mates alive long enough on the bottom of the sea for rescuers to arrive.
Movie: The Springtime of Life ( 1913 )
Little Gerta, when her mother dies. is brought to her father, Carl Von Seydling, a government official, who deserted his wife and child a few years before. Councilor Van Seydling found the child's presence in his household to be cumbersome and for that reason turned her over to one Sarah Anderson, a nurse. Although Van Seydling did not know it, the Anderson woman was a notorious fagin. She promptly sold Gerta to a beggar, who taught her to beg and to steal. One of her begging trips brings Gerta to the attention of a young man named Alm Stoddard, He becomes interested in the pretty child and upon learning her story is horrified. The police are notified. They arrest her supposed father, but Sarah Anderson escapes. Little Gerta is adopted by Alm's mother and grows to be a beautiful young woman. Alm falls in love with her, but Gerta has lost her heart to the dashing Lieutenant Wiles. Through Alm's efforts the character of this man is shown to Gerta, and thus she is warned in time. Lieutenant Wiles challenges Alm to a duel and in the encounter Alm is wounded slightly. Gerta, frightened by the trouble she has caused, disappears, leaving a note begging the Stoddards to forgive her seeming ingratitude. Some years later a grand opera star, Mlle. Hauser, has taken the public by storm. Among her admirers is Alm Stoddard, although he is too fainthearted to write to her or tell her that he knows her to be little Gerta. She, from behind the footlights, has recognized him but, fearing he has not forgiven her, makes no sign of recognition. Another man, in constant attendance at the opera, is Councilor Van Seydling, who has long since believed his daughter dead. By a strange coincidence Sarah Anderson is employed as Gerta's maid. She has not reformed any and when she steals Mlle, Hauser's handbag she extracts a picture of a very little girl. Looking at the picture Sarah suddenly realizes that Mlle. Hauser is none other than little Gerta. That evening the audience is assembled when a fire breaks out. In the panic that follows Alm is the only one who remembers Gerta. At the risk of his life he brings the unconscious girl out of danger. At the corner drug store Sarah Anderson, mortally injured, is dying. She bares the story of her life and among the listeners is Councilor Von Seydling. The memory of his misdeeds strikes terror to his heart. Van Seydling hurries out and, finding his daughter in the arms of Alm, begs her to forgive him. The girl is mystified, but a little explaining clears the situation. Following custom, Alm asks her father for her hand. Von Seydling asks Gerta to decide and she, clinging to Alm, smiles her contentment.
Movie: En rade ( 1929 )
"Stranded / Sea Fever" - About the relationship between a small bar waitress and Jean, the son of the laundress who dreams of other horizons.
Movie: The Steel Trap ( 1953 )
A Bank officer discovers a flaw in the U.S. extradition treaty with Brazil and decides to take advantage of it. On Friday, he steals a million dollars from the bank, knowing it won't be missed until the bank opens on the following Monday. He and his wife, who doesn't know what he has done, then take a flight to Brazil. After some difficulties, they get as far as New Orleans, where his wife discovers the reason for their flight and what he has done. She leaves him and returns home. He is now alone with his conscience, and doesn't know if he can get back and return the money to the bank's vault before the start of business on Monday.
Movie: Labyrinth des Grauens ( 1921 )
Edward Stephenson, the son of a great industrialist, is due to marry the daughter of another prominent business leader. But the boy prefers a modest employee of the latter, Maud Hartley, whose brother is an impossible rascal, murderer of a police officer. Maud is spurned by Edward who wrongly assumes she is unfaithful. Later, the girl is victim of a railway accident and then throws herself headlong into the easy life. Will the couple reunite again, for better or worse?
Movie: Rope of Sand ( 1949 )
Two years ago, hunting guide Mike Davis was with a client who trespassed on diamond company land and found a rich lode; Paul Vogel, sadistic commandant of company police, beat Mike nearly to death but failed to learn the location. Now Mike is back in Diamantstad, South African desert, and manager Martingale has a better idea: he hires delectable adventuress Suzanne to ferret out Mike's secret. But she soon finds she's playing with fire.
Movie: Three Came to Kill ( 1960 )
Three professional killers break into the house of an airport employee to shoot the plane on which an Asian Prime Minister is due to leave America.
Movie: The Pusher ( 1960 )
A detective investigating the murder of a heroin addict discovers that there is a connection between the junkie and his fiance, who is his boss' daughter.
Movie: Back Pay ( 1922 )
Hester Bevins is a simple country girl who yearns for adventure. Though she has a handsome young man, Jerry, who is devoted to her, she leaves her village and goes to New York in search of a grander life. There she becomes the lover of a wealthy and unscrupulous businessman. But when Jerry returns blinded and dying from the war, Hester must choose between her new life and the man whose loyalty to her has never failed.
Movie: Vendémiaire ( 1919 )
Movie serial "Vendemiaire" depicts a registering nationalist and regionalism concerns about the effects of the First World War.
Movie: Why Must I Die? ( 1960 )
Dottie Manson (Debra Paget) commits a murder for which club singer Lois King (Terry Moore) is arrested, tried, and condemned to die. The story line wanders through the trial and Miss King's final hours on Death Row. The true killer is finally ready to confess, but already Miss King (who has by now been strapped into the electric chair) is at risk. Will she be rescued in the nick of time?
Movie: The 3rd Voice ( 1960 )
The bitter secretary of a businessman plans to murder him and replace him with a hired look-alike accomplice in order to drain the company's bank accounts.
Movie: Vice Raid ( 1960 )
The bosses of the prostitution racket have one of their prostitutes go to New York City to entrap a police officer and get him thrown off the force. She does as she is told but then the gangsters make a mistake.
Movie: Dragnet 1966 ( 1969 )
Det.Sgt. Joe Friday is called back from his vacation to work with his partner, Off. Bill Gannon, on a missing persons case. Two amateur female models and a young war widow have vanished, having been last seen with one J. Johnson. In the course of tracking down Johnson and the young ladies, the detectives wind up with two different descriptions of the suspect, one of which closely resembles a dead body found in a vacant lot. But the dead man, later identified as Charles LeBorg of France, proves not to be J. Johnson, when a third young model disappears.
Movie: Cry of the Hunted ( 1953 )
A fugitive is pursued by a lawman who is obsessed with his capture.
Movie: The Circus Queen Murder ( 1933 )
Suave, lip-reading DA Thatcher Colt plans to get away from the big city for a while. So he and his secretary, Miss Kelly hop on a train for an Upstate NY town called Gilead. They expect a calm oasis, but when a small time circus rolls into town they soon find themselves caught up in a sordid tale of marital infidelity, murder, cruelty to animals, and cannibalism.
Movie: The King Murder ( 1932 )
A beautiful blonde makes a career out of seducing and then blackmailing wealthy married men. She is found murdered after demanding a $5000 payoff from her latest victim, and the detective investigating the case finds out that she was involved in a lot more than just blackmail.
Movie: Transgression ( 1931 )
When an English husband goes off to India for a year-long business trip, he also sends his wife to live in Paris to alleviate her loneliness and boredom. While she is there, she becomes quite the courtesan, and meets a Spanish Don who falls in love with her. When her husband returns to meet her in Paris, she finds that the year has changed them both. She is charmed by the Spaniard and duped by him and his conniving valet to come to Spain, just to see him for a few days. While there, she falls in "love" with him, and writes a letter to her husband stating that she is going to leave him for the Spanish gentleman. A few minutes after the letter leaves, an old man comes to the estate, mad with anger and loss, shoots the charmer because he had fathered a child by his 16-year-old daughter and both died in childbirth. With this new-found knowledge, our lady frantically returns to her husband who truly loved her all along, hoping to stop the letter and save her marriage. Will she be able to intercept the dreaded letter before it gets to him?
Movie: Sherlock Holmes ( 1932 )
Moriarty is sentenced to death, and Sherlock Holmes prepares to retire to the country and marry his girl (sic). But Moriarty has sworn that Holmes, Lt-Col Gore-King of Scotland Yard, and his trial judge shall all be hanged too. When Moriarty escapes and proceeds to put his threat into operation, Holmes has to postpone his retirement.
Movie: Backfire ( 1950 )
Bob Corey, recovering from a series of operations in a Veterans' hospital, learns that his friend, Steve Connelly, with whom he intended to buy a ranch, has disappeared under circumstance that indicate he may have been involved in a murder. Accompanied by his nurse, Julie Benson, with whom he has fallen in love, Bob follows a series of clues and incidents, including three more murders, that leads to a gambler, masquerading as an undertaker to avoid taxes on his illegal income, has a whole lot to do with his friend's predicament.
Movie: The Tattooed Stranger ( 1950 )
Early one morning in a New York City park, a passerby walking his dog discovers who ends up being a Jane Doe shot dead in the front passenger seat of a parked car. Homicide Chief Captain Lundquist assigns longtime Homicide Detective, hard-boiled and grizzled Lieutenant Corrigan in charge of the investigation. He also assigns as co-lead younger college educated Detective Frank Tobin, newly transferred into Homicide from the Police Laboratory. While Tobin, who is used to having his head above a microscope in conducting his work, realizes that he has to gain the skills of field work on the job, rough around the edges Corrigan is not looking forward to working with who he considers an egghead. They have to discover not only the victim's identity, but who killed her, why she was killed and the killer's whereabouts, Tobin determining early in the investigation that the killer is indeed a man and a tall one at that. One of the other major leads is the tattoo on the victim's wrist. In the process of their investigation, Corrigan and Tobin will either complement each other in their different working styles, or drive each other crazy in those differences. In following another lead, Tobin meets botanist Dr. Mary Maher, association with who he may want to extend beyond this case in his attraction to her.
Movie: Unmasked ( 1950 )
Roger Lewis, publisher of a vicious scandal sheet, is in the habit of tricking wealthy, gullible women into investing in his ventures. His latest conquest is a shapely ex-showgirl, Doris King, the wife of Harry Jackson, once a top-flight producer. Jackson has lost all his money, but Doris still has her jewels, and she wants to divorce her husband and marry Lewis, who has no intentions of marrying her once he gets his hands on her (money) jewels. Jackson, concerned about Doris' happiness and wanting to prevent her from ruining her life, takes the jewels. Then he becomes involved in a fight with Lewis, who takes his revenge by killing Doris and pinning suspicion on Jackson. Jackson goes into hiding and falls prey to a small-time crook, "Biggie" Wolfe, who is secretly in the pay of Lewis. Wolfe wants to sell the jewelry and keep the proceeds for himself, telling Jackson the money will serve to get him the services of a good lawyer, but Lewis wants Jackson found with the jewels on him, and he orders "Biggie" to return them. MEABWHILE, Jackson's daughter, Linda, instigates a police search for her father and Detective Lt. Jim Webster and his assistant Newcombe bring so much pressure on Jackson that he commits suicide. This lets "Biggie" off the hook reference returning the jewels and he looks up gangster Johnny Rocco, who does business at the place of an old Long Island sea-dog, "Pop" Swenson, and Rocco offers to buy the jewels IF "Biggie" will arrange a border-crossing for his brother Mort, who is set to break out of the state penitentiary. Lewis wrings this information out of "Biggie" and takes it to District Attorney George Richards, who warns the prison officials and Mort is killed in the attempted jail break. Rocco learns the source of the leak, is somewhat miffed at "Big-Mouth Biggie", takes him for a ride, comes back alone and hatches a plot to get Lewis.
Movie: The Patchwork Girl of Oz ( 1914 )
Ojo and Unc Nunkie are out of food, so they decide to journey to the Emerald City where they will never starve.
Movie: Violent Midnight ( 1963 )
Because his family has a history of mental illness, Elliot Freeman, a war hero turned portrait painter, is suspected of sadistically murdering two beautiful young women. Freeman knew both of the victims--Dolores Martello, an artist's model, and Alice St. Clair, a student at a nearby college--and he sets out to find the killer. At different times during his unofficial investigation, Freeman comes to suspect four men: Professor Melbourne, a peeping tom; Charles Perone, a motorcycle hoodlum; Adrian Benedict, a sophisticated lawyer; and a deaf-mute chauffeur. Freeman finally learns that his own sister, Lynn, jealous of the attentions that he paid to other women, committed the murders.
Movie: The Last Ride ( 1944 )
A police lieutenant sets out to break up a ring of tire bootleggers--criminals who sell defective tires to customers who can't get new ones because of the rubber shortage brought about by the war. His task is complicated by the fact that his brother is mixed up in the racket and that they are both in love with the same girl.
Movie: Beat the Devil ( 1953 )
On their way to Africa are a group of rogues who hope to get rich there, and a seemingly innocent British couple. They meet and things happen...
Movie: Giant from the Unknown ( 1960 )
A very large, degenerate, Spanish conqueror is freed from suspended animation by lightning and goes on a killing spree in a small town.
Movie: Don't Talk to Strange Men ( 1962 )
An innocent girl is "groomed" over the telephone and nearly becomes the victim of the attacker, only to put her younger sister's life in grave danger.
Movie: House of Women ( 1962 )
Sentenced to 5 years in prison, Erica Hayden is most worried about her unborn child's future. At this prison, they allow the women to keep their children until age 3 but at that point they must be given to a friend or relative outside the prison or surrendered to State authorities who will arrange an adoption. She tries desperately to find someone and the prison doctor even tries to help her out. One person who isn't keen on the arrangement is the new prison warden, Frank Cole, who thinks prison is no place for young children. Her only hope is that she will get parole after three years but when it's refused and her child is taken away without even giving her the chance to say goodbye, the women stage a riot.
Movie: Guns of Darkness ( 1962 )
An English couple and a deposed ruler head for the border during a South American revolution.
Movie: King Kong vs. Godzilla ( 1962 )
Original Japanese version. Tako, advertising director of Pacific Pharmaceuticals, is frustrated by the low viewership of their sponsored documentary show. Realizing that he needs a more sensationalist approach, Tako orders two of his men, Sakurai and Furue, on an expedition to Faro Island to investigate a legendary monster called King Kong and exploit it for advertising. Just as the expedition is underway, Godzilla emerges from an iceberg and sets his sights towards Japan. A media frenzy is generated that steals the publicity away from Tako's own monster. As Kong is captured and hauled back to Japan, people begin to wonder which monster is stronger and capable of beating the other. Tako realizes the marketability of King Kong facing off against Godzilla as the two monsters are pitted against each other in the biggest wrestling match of all time.
Movie: The Scarface Mob ( 1962 )
Story of how a group of incorruptible federal lawmen helped put 1920s' Chicago gangster Al Capone in prison.
Movie: Night of the Eagle ( 1962 )
A woman who may be a witch defends her husband from forces attempting to harm him.
Movie: Gorath ( 1964 )
In 1980, a giant planetoid named Gorath is discovered to be on a collision course with Earth. Even though it is smaller than Earth, its mass is huge enough to crush the Earth and destroy it. A mission sent to observe Gorath is destroyed after all the orbiting ships are drawn into the planetoid. A later mission is sent to observe and the crew barely leaves before suffering the same fate. However Astronaut Tatsuo Kanai is left in a catatonic state due to his near death experience. The Earth's scientists then come up with a desperate plan to build giant rockets at the South Pole to move Earth out of Gorath's path before it is too late.
Movie: Valley of the Dragons ( 1962 )
In 1881, in Algeria, Michael Denning and Hector Servadac are fighting a duel when a comet brushing Earth takes the two men to the Moon where they discover a prehistoric civilization.
Movie: El Cid ( 1961 )
The fabled Spanish hero Rodrigo Diaz (a.k.a. El Cid) overcomes a family vendetta and court intrigue to defend Christian Spain against the Moors.
Movie: Hercules in the Haunted World ( 1961 )
Hercules must journey into Hades itself to retrieve the magic stone that will free his love from the powers of darkness.
Movie: Piccadilly Third Stop ( 1961 )
In London, a wealthy playboy, an American adventurer, a small-time thief and a retired safe-cracker team-up to rob a foreign embassy's safe by digging a tunnel from the London Underground into the embassy's cellar.
Movie: Journey to the Lost City ( 1960 )
An architect travels to the remote city of Eschnapur to oversee some work being done at the bequest of the local Maharajah. Along the way the architect meets and falls in love with a beautiful temple-dancer. The Maharajah also loves this dancer and plans to marry her despite fierce opposition from factions within his own court. The dancer responds to the architect's advances and they flee from Eschnapur but are captured by the Maharajah's soldiers. To save the architect's life, the dancer agrees to marry the Maharajah. This sparks a revolt which is eventually put down. The sadder but wiser Maharajah then allows the architect and the dancer to leave his domain.
Movie: The Dark at the Top of the Stairs ( 1960 )
In Oklahoma in the 1920s, Rubin Flood (Robert Preston) loses his job as a travelling salesman when the company goes bankrupt. This adds to his worries at home. His wife Cora (Dorothy McGuire) is frigid because of trying to make ends meet. His teenage daughter Reenie (Shirley Knight) is afraid of going out on dates, but eventually makes friends with a troubled Jewish boy Sammy Golden (Lee Kinsolving), and his son is a mama's boy. He finally storms out of the house when Cora falsely accuses him of having an affair with Mavis Pruitt (Dame Angela Lansbury).
Movie: The Siege of Sidney Street ( 1960 )
As armed police surround a house in the East End of London, a young lady under medical supervision nearby thinks back to the events that lead her and a group of Russian refugee political anarchists to this situation.
Movie: Cry Wolf ( 1947 )
Sandra Demarest arrives at the Caldwell estate, and announces to Mark Caldwell that she was secretly married to his nephew James, who recently died. Mark does not believe her, but allows her to remain at the manor while a search is made for a missing will that would prove her claim. Sandra befriends James' sister, Julie, who tells of strange noises and agonized screams from the laboratory wing of the estate. Between verbal duels with Mark, Sandra secretly investigates the lab and learns that ominous things really are happening.
Movie: Man on the Spying Trapeze ( 1966 )
An American spy travels to Beirut where he's attacked by agents seeking a valuable microfilm.
Movie: Akai hankachi ( 1964 )
A hot-shot detective in Yokohama kills a witness during a drug investigation. He flees to the countryside and evades his past for several years, only to return to find the woman he loved married to his former partner. He searches for answers to his troubled past, knowing that his inevitable doomed fate is more or less sealed.
Movie: Gang vs Gang ( 1963 )
Mizuhara did his time in jail for Boss Komori. Now that he is out, the old gang wants to say welcome back with a bullet.
Movie: Jûsan-nin no shikaku ( 1963 )
A sadistic Daimyo (feudal lord) rapes a woman and murders both her and her husband, but even when one of his own vassals commits suicide to bring attention to the crime, the matter is quickly hushed up. Not only will there be no punishment, but because the Daimyo is the Shogun's younger brother, he will soon be appointed to a high political position from which he could wreak even more havoc. Convinced that the fate of the Shogunate hangs in the balance, a plot is hatched to assassinate the Daimyo. The two most brilliant strategic minds of their generation find themselves pitted against each other; one is tasked to defend a man he despises, and has a small army at his disposal. The other is given a suicide mission, and has 12 brave men. They are the 13 Assassins.
Movie: The Yagyu Chronicles 8: The One-Eyed Ninja ( 1963 )
The famed ninja Yagyu Jubei fights to suppress a coup d'etat plotted against Tokugawa Shogunate.
Movie: Zoku Otoko no monshô ( 1963 )
After killing a man in self-defense, Ryuji goes searching for peace. But when he finds that his elderly mother, Kiyo, is being harassed by a rival family, Ryuji has no choice but to choose the fate of the sword. Also known as Fight Of the Gamblers
Movie: The Traitors ( 1963 )
Espionage story telling how British and American security agents outwit ruthless and cunning traitors trying to steal secret project plans.
Movie: FBI Code 98 ( 1963 )
Three executives of an electronics firm discover a bomb aboard their airliner in this taut crime thriller--and the FBI's investigation puts everyone under a magnifying glass of suspicion.
Movie: Daughter of Darkness ( 1948 )
Emily, a pretty young Irish girl, gets a job on an English farm owned by the Tallent family. The local men take to her but the women don't, objecting to her flirtatious nature with their men and one woman, Bess Stanforth, is especially disturbed by her. When Dan, a man from Emily's past, shows up and accuses her of having tried to kill him Beth's suspicions are further aroused, and they're confirmed when Dan is found murdered in a local barn. Beth sets out to find out exactly who Emily is and to prove that she murdered Dan.
Movie: Signpost to Murder ( 1964 )
An escapee from an asylum takes refuge in a woman's house; but she has dark secrets of her own.
Movie: Dogora ( 1964 )
An amorphous cellular life-form descends from the atmosphere to consume carbon in the form of diamonds.
Movie: Danger Tomorrow ( 1964 )
A doctor and his wife move into an old house in an English village where he is to start a new job- over the next few days his wife begins to experience strange visions which makes her frightened that her life is in danger.
Movie: White Slaves of Chinatown ( 1964 )
Olga uses pot parties and comic-book violence to turn Gigi Darlene and other female captives before putting them to work as drug-addicted hookers.
Movie: Tamahine ( 1964 )
Teenager Tamahine grew up in the South Pacific the only legitimate child - she with many illegitimate siblings, which is typical of the only culture she knows as marriage is considered forever - of her British father Julian, with her Polynesian mother passing away when she was a child. After Julian passes away, Tamahine, as was her father's wishes, travels to Britain to learn of that side of her family and their proper British customs. She is to be the ward of Julian's widowed cousin, Charles Poole, the headmaster of Hallow, a proper upper class boys' school, he who has two offspring living with him: his twenty-something unhappy and soon to be divorced daughter, Diana, who is secretly, or not so secretly, dating the school's indecisive art teacher, Tim Clove; and his eighteen year old son, Richard Poole, a student at the school. Tamahine is blissfully unaware that her frank talk, especially about what she calls "loving", and her various states of undress are causing an uproar at the school. That "loving" is typical for a girl her age back home, and thus she being the wanted object of affection of many of the opposite sex at Hallow is what she wants, Richard and Tim among those who admit their attraction to her. However, a romance with blood relations as close as Richard she considered taboo. Regardless of what is considered her scandalous behavior, Tamahine may open up some of the joyless repression of many of those at Hallow.
Movie: Life in Danger ( 1964 )
The inhabitants of a small village, led by a war veteran, try to catch a vagrant, who they suspect to be an escaped mental patient.
Movie: Cruel Gun Story ( 1964 )
Businessmen arrange the early release from prison of Togawa, serving time for taking revenge on the truck driver whose carelessness confined Togawa's sister, Rei, to a wheelchair. They want Togawa to hijack an armored truck loaded with 120 million yen; their leverage is to promise him money for surgery for Rei. Togawa consents and plans the heist with three others. The plan is solid, but it doesn't go smoothly. Togawa must improvise, there are traitors somewhere, and double-crosses mount. Can Togawa escape with enough money to help his sister and ensure a passage out of Japan? Loyalty matters.
Movie: Underworld Informers ( 1963 )
When the detective in charge of investigating a series of bank robberies, starts to get too close to the culprits, they set up a blackmail scheme to warn him off. But when the crooks begin to fall out with each other, the police learn the truth.
Movie: The Fearmakers ( 1958 )
Alan Eaton is a Korean War veteran and ex-POW who returns to the USA after his release from captivity. Back in Washington, DC he tries to re-adjust to civilian life by returning to work. He co-owns a public relations-opinion research firm together with his business partner Clark Baker. However, he is shocked to learn that Clark Baker died in a hit-and-run accident the previous year. Also, Clark Baker, who had power-of-attorney during Alan's absence, had sold the firm to one of the employees, Jim McGinnis. Alan explains to Jim McGinnis that Clark Baker only had power of attorney to run the business, not to sell it without Alan's consent. McGinnis implies that Alan was duly informed ahead of time via letters sent to him while he was a POW in Korea. Feigning compassion, McGinnis offers Alan a job because their clients respect and trust the Eaton name. Alan Eaton asks for time to consider the offer. He then visits his old friend, Senator Walder, who voices his suspicions regarding the illegal manipulation of polls by the new owner of the firm, Jim McGinnis. The Senator encourages Alan Eaton to accept the job with McGinnis' firm and investigate any irregularity. In the course of his investigation, Alan, with the help of sympathetic young secretary, Lorraine Dennis, uncovers the whole illegal affair. He discovers that Jim McGinnis falsifies the statistics and poll data in order to make or break various candidates to public office. In his efforts, McGinnis, who makes big bucks out of this, is aided by a network of subversives. However, Alan and Lorraine know that uncovering facts is one thing and proving them is another thing. They must gather evidence and go to the authorities, even if this means risking their lives.
Movie: Goldenrod ( 1977 )
Jesse Gifford, a champion rodeo rider, receives crippling injuries in the ring, resulting in the ending of his career. After his wife Shirley deserts him, he's left with the responsibility of raising two young sons with no job and no prospects.
Movie: Hell's Angels '69 ( 1970 )
Two brothers have a plan on how to rob the Ceasar's Palace in Las Vegas. They join a motorcycle gang and while the others are drinking and partying outside of town, they change their clothes and head off to rob the casino. Of course, the police do not look for two well dressed criminals among the Hell's Angels.
Movie: Mad Love ( 1935 )
In Paris, a demented surgeon's obsession with a British actress leads him to secretly replace her concert pianist husband's mangled hands with those of a guillotined murderer with a gift for knife-throwing.
Movie: Terrified ( 1963 )
A masked lunatic kills off people in a haunted house.