Rob Char's comments

Batwoman (2019)
finigan1 -3 points 4 years ago.

the 40’s and 50’s is batgirl (barabra gorden) not batwoman(kate kane),it was a war effort thing to bring more women into the war effort, they were called the bombshells, which was wonderwomen,supergirl,batgirl,catwoman,carrol ferris. And who gives a shit about this sjw crap,it was a good pilot. Seems to me the sjw’s are the ones that are bitching about the fact that there are many lgbt people in the world and don’t think it is socially acceptable for them to be accurately portrayed in media, no agenda’s or force feeding petty people, just an accurate representation of the world and all the people in it. Only 1 of 10 comments here have anything to do with whether the show is good, only high and mighty ignorant haters who think the world revolves around them and what they think is their imagined slights.Don’t like, don’t watch,please keep your ignorant and hateful comments to yourselves.

Rob Char 2 points 4 years ago.

batgirl, and batwoman are 2 completely different characters

Armageddon (1998)
Rob Char 0 points 4 years ago.

This is one of my most favourite action movies of all time. Everything about this movie is just perfect, great cast, great story and for it’s time amazing graphics, which this movie personally holds up as one of the best 90s action movie of all time. I cannot give it a 10/10 as much as I want to because nothing should have a perfect score, even with the perfect movies there is always room for improvement so I give it a 9/10.

Quantum of Solace (2008)
Ditzygypsy -1 points 4 years ago.

I have insomnia. I love James Bond. Connery, especially. But I have tried four times to make it to the end of this movie, and I have fallen asleep every time. I don’t dislike Daniel Craig. He’s just not Fleming’s Bond. If you read any of the books, Timothy Dalton is actually the closest to the book character. So I just realized that I haven’t watched a Bond movie in over a decade now. I like the gadgets, the action, the weird bad guy characters, and even the beautiful women. This is just too in-your-head for me. Can anyone out there tell me if I can try any of the other Craig Bond movies without having seen this one to the end? Thank you!

Rob Char 0 points 4 years ago.

this on in particular is not that good of a James Bond movie, and in my opinion probably the worst one yet. The acting is very good but it doesn’t make up for the sloppy action fest, and not much of a story factor to it and when there was, it wasn’t that good. I have not seen Spectre yet, so couldn’t tell you about that one, but if you want a James Bond movie that was great with Daniel Craig try Skyfall. Skyfall is considered as the best Bond movie of all time, Casino Royale was a good one too, try that one.