Batwoman (2019)
finigan1 -3 points 4 years ago.

the 40’s and 50’s is batgirl (barabra gorden) not batwoman(kate kane),it was a war effort thing to bring more women into the war effort, they were called the bombshells, which was wonderwomen,supergirl,batgirl,catwoman,carrol ferris. And who gives a shit about this sjw crap,it was a good pilot. Seems to me the sjw’s are the ones that are bitching about the fact that there are many lgbt people in the world and don’t think it is socially acceptable for them to be accurately portrayed in media, no agenda’s or force feeding petty people, just an accurate representation of the world and all the people in it. Only 1 of 10 comments here have anything to do with whether the show is good, only high and mighty ignorant haters who think the world revolves around them and what they think is their imagined slights.Don’t like, don’t watch,please keep your ignorant and hateful comments to yourselves.