Secrets of Playboy (2022)
TheAbsintheFairey 6 points 2 years ago*.

That lady who was part of “The Clean-up Crew”, who “Felt terrible” OMG she is trying her damndest to minimise her involvement and play down her role in it all. Sorry love, doesn’t wash with me. You knew exactly what you were doing and you did it for money, nothing more nothing less. I don’t believe she cared a jot about the girls on a deeper level any more than Hef did.
Ok so let’s talk about Hef. I had a fight once with a girl, who is a strong feminist, about Hef and his ‘using girls’. Basically I thought it hypocritical of her as a feminist to say that women can choose what they do with their bodies, as long as it’s doing what she considers ok. I’m playing Devil’s advocate here but if you look at the world as we know it, capitalist society where we depend on money and the making of it, is it so strange that young girls would choose this lifestyle? If a girl has looks and feels certain doors are closed to her as a woman, I don’t think it’s that odd that they chose this over some of the even less appealing alternatives.
This kind of stuff goes on in every strip club, escort agency and red light district around the globe. Sex is a very lucrative commodity in this world and that will never change. It’s not called the oldest profession for nothing. It will continue to exist in ALL it’s forms as long as humans exist.