Foundation (2021) S1 E10
TheTruth 7 points 2 years ago.

Great season finale ! I just heard this got renewed for a second too. I hope this series gets a good wrap up, idk how many seasons they plan on doing but a solid 4-5would be amazing. šŸ”„

dread 7 points 2 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I think I may have hunted down the producers and studio execs and murdered them if this was cancelled. Its epic as hell. The time travel without actually bending the laws of physics plots are great. Salvo leaving to find her Mother and next thing we know its 138 years later and her mother is saving her was unexpected. Did you predict that Salvo was Gaal Dornickā€™s daughter from the beginning? I know I did. Did you figure Harry was related to the object with the null field on Terminus? They have really done a good job on this show. I especially love the CGI on the first or second episode when they first show the ship generating what looked like a gravitational anomaly when Gaal was travelling to Trantor.