Big Brother (2001) S13 E20
TheAbsintheFairey 2 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Yeah she’s definitely thinking ..oh jeez i’m in deep sh*t now …and she is! bwuahahaha. Yeah SJ is a really strong player. She knows how to use her emotions to get her way and cos she does it in a non bratty way (unlike Ary who is always a spoiled brat about everything) it works for her ..Until today. She literally has 9 lives. But talk about blindside ?? LOLOL I am in 2 minds about Marley tho. I like him

UGuess 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I’m with you on that I never disliked Marley. The only thing that irked me from the beginning with him or otheers was that he didn’t seem to play his own game. I think that war with Dan and Katie got mainly all of them consumed with except those like Sid, Tilly. But really what beef does Marley had with anyone. And for that reason he is a huge threat-why lie. But at some point, they all are (except Charlotte-have seen nothing out of yet) since only one person can receive the grand prize.

Now if they were to switch it and say from here on out the public will decide who goes home and not the house…I wonder who’d be evicted.