Big Brother (2001) S13 E12
TheAbsintheFairey 0 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Personally I think it was Katie’s own fault she was evicted. I mean how stupid can she be to trust Dan when his track record should have warned her? Rookie mistake!
Anyway, it never pays to feel ‘safe, in fact it is generally a good indication that you’re going home. She got way too cocky and had it coming.
I dunno how long it will be till the house turns against Dan but it will happen. Just hope it’s soon. :P

UGuess 1 points 3 years ago.

I agree with that part too but if she would’ve kept her word like she was planning to in the beginning and not went with Jesse’s plan to go back on their word then this would’ve prob never happened. I do believe they’ve would’ve kept their word at least for that one week. Jess went in their lying. Katie was going to do that at first until Jesse popped that idea into he head and she listened. Think Katie was too trusting even with her own alliance. Of course Dan knows the house will turn on him but I don’t think he’s really hoping to win. He’ll be shocked if he does.