Big Brother Canada (2013) S9 E23
UGuess 1 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

See Vic said exactly what I said last week..Aww Man. I need to see the scenes that were cut, but only for this and next since they only showed the ending part of the latest sunsetters meeting. I’m shocked the latest vote didn’t go the other way!!! IMO I think that was stupid move, unless I’m not seeing something. I can only see Keifer benefitting only because him and the evicted are similiar w/ similiar situations. Def a good epis but it felt rushed (a lot going on)…now this got me pondering who I want to win Mon

TheAbsintheFairey 1 points 3 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I mean it’s effing crazy! I don’t get why Brandon is there with the 3, was 4, of them!!!??? @.@ At all!
I want Jed back and see what happens with his so-called ‘alliance’ then. They all betrayed him!
PS. Jed also needs to win HoH!! I think he can do it ♥