Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Rasnac 10 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Discovery is not a bad show; but it is not Star Trek. Do you wanna know how I know? I just realized we are in the third season and I still dont know almost any of the bridge crews names. Any character other than Michael, Saru, Tilly and Stamets might as well be extras; they are a little more than window dressing. A ST show lives and dies by the uality of its crew. Viewers fall in love with the vastly different and well written characters, their overall dynamic, little moments between them, and the feeling of family. Just think of TNG, DS9, or even ST:Enterprise… Such a great difference from Discovery. Discovery on the other hand is the story of Michael Burnham, anyone else is just supporting characters that are as important to the story as their relative distance to Michael. Her universe hopping pseudo-mom, her foster brother, her Vulcan dad, her Klingon boyfriend, her funny roommate etc… They are not characters on themselves, they are just story elements to support Michaels journey. And that is why Discovery is not a Star Trek show.