The Boys (2019) S2 E7
Canuckian 1 points 3 years ago*.

I absolutely cannot WAIT for next episode!! Is the next episode the season finale or do we have ten episodes this season? Either way, this show never fails to dissapoint..also, LOVE seeing so many familiar places as this is filmed downtown Toronto where I work most days. Been seeing a LOT of movie trucks moving around the downtown core lately, so maybe they are filming season 3 already? My actual workplace yard is located right across the street from NEtflix’s Toronto studios, and i see a lot of stuff going on there all the time so could be something else, but every time i see a line of studio trucks lining a street, i always look for a flag on a cape and maybe catch a glimpse of Homelander lol..anyways, Best show of the year, easily imo…can’t WAIT for more!! LOVE Stormfronts backstory! Didn’t see THAT coming at all!