Captain Marvel (2019)
Canuckian 3 points 5 years ago.

I found this a bit underwhelming, but still a fun watch. Captain Marvel is one of the few heroes i don’t know much about, i just know that she is supposed to be one of the most powerful heroes but that is about all i knew lol. Nice lead up to Endgame though, now we know where the “beeper” came from that Fury had at the end of the last Avengers movie. Looking forward to Endgame though, looks awesome. Will be the end of an era though. Can’t believe it has only been what, 11 yrs since Iron Man came out? Feels like it has been a lot longer lol. I wonder though, what would Fury have done if Danvers was one of the unlucky ones who Thanos made disappear…i mean, it obviously doesn’t mean anything regarding how powerful you are, you are either one of the lucky ones, or unlucky ones. I will give this another watch when good copy comes out, but this copy wasn’t too bad…dark in places but not enough to really make you miss anything. Gets a bit blurry here and there too, but only for a minute or so.