Star Trek: Picard (2020) S1 E4
Canuckian -1 points 4 years ago.

I think its a little early to be claiming this as the “Best Star Trek series EVER” though i applaud your enthusiasm lol. Only 4 episodes in, the series is still establishing itself, setting a tone for the type of series it wants to be…Unlike other Star Trek characters/Captains, Picard was at heart a Diplomat and Romantic though he could throw it down when necessary, fighting was ALWAYS his last resort. Those who remember TNG will know this about him. With this in mind, i understand why this hasn’t come across as a combat heavy first 4 episodes…Remember also, the Romulans who seem to be the main antagonists here are secretive assassin like characters so again, the way this series has played out thus far, it completely reflects the main characters in it. I am really enjoying the pace set thus far and watching Picard keep catching himself giving orders on the little ship and the apologetic looks he gives the “Captain” made me laugh. Looking forward to seeing what this new addition to the team can do..was pretty bad-ass at the end there though we barely got to see anything it was over so fast lol. One of my all-time fave ST characters finally makes an appearance that has been teased thus far..really looking forward to next weeks episode!