Queer As Folk (2000)
TheAbsintheFairey 2 points 4 years ago*.

Just finished all 83 episodes and literally have fallen in love with these characters. The British one was brilliant, I saw it in 1999 when it aired, but this far, far surpasses that. It’s gone into each person in a much deeper sense. Brian starts off as a thoroughly dislikable person and becomes someone who you can’t help but respect and love. Justin is just adorable from start to finish. Others who I was indifferent about at the start like Emmit, become very significant as the story unfolds and captured my heart. Michael and his mum are so funny and warm they melted my heart from the beginning. It’s beautiful to see love being expressed in so many different ways and from so many viewpoints. All in all this show is and edgey, gritty and an insiteful, hard look at prejudice and how it affects those experiencing it.
I’m going out on a limb to say, this is the best series I have ever seen. 11/10 *