Billy & Molly: An Otter Love Story (2024)
grasshopper rex 0 points 21 days ago.

Nietzsche has to be taken with a grain of salt. He also said, “Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man.”

random000 2 points 21 days ago*.

He certainly had his share of conflicting polarities. The ideas of hope are not original to him where suffering is concerned as that originates in Buddhism in a form that Fred simplified, but was later clarified by Hermeticsm where it is to elaborate that “perceive not difference among you, for thereby is the door to suffering”. Politically, this has also been turned a bit more to say that “false hope” is the greatest weapon of terrorism to use against a populace.

When we see films like that this however, the images of the subject are enough to remind us that suffering does not discriminate against whom it afflicts, and though hope can be wielded as a weapon against those who suffer, it can also nourish those whose suffering seems hopeless - yet is very cruel to dangle out of reach, as if it is within reach, in front of the suffering.