The Pit and the Pendulum (1991)
YgraineDance 2 points 1 year ago.

The movie was filmed in an actual Italian castle, masquerading as Spain in 1492. Everyone looks believably grimy and the settings are dim at times, as would be expected in a dungeon or cell. The costumes look good as well, and the score is pretty atmospheric (from one of the Band brothers, who do those Puppet Master movies and were involved in this one as well).
There are several actors I like here, chiefly Lance Henriksen as Inquisition torturer Tomas de Torquemada, and he manages to steal every scene he’s in. Just the right amount of insanity, lust, and sadism all wrapped up in a nice religious bow. You do NOT want his blessing! An article I read on this film said he stayed in character at all times on set and scared the shyte out of cast and crew LOL.
Every now and then the dialogue slips (deliberately) into casual modern patter, which brings a smile. Not for small kids, of course - a little nudity and of course, Spanish Inquisition’s violence.

random000 1 points 24 days ago*.

The actress Rona De Ricci committed suicide July 2020 after she published her memoir in which she talked of suicide in her outstanding autobiography. Her IG account thehumanrevolution2020 last post was a suicide note. Her married name was Rona de Ricci Carafa, and her husband can be seen as the cause of the suicide for what he put her through. She can also be found in The Rage And Glory, and The Penitent.