The Sixth (2024)
yellow_rose1 5 points 27 days ago.

Even though it was inevitable. I am in utter disbelief that this could happen in a first world country. I’ve watched many riots go down during my near 6 decades of life but I never thought it could happen IN the white house. It was embarrassing and humiliating to watch and I’m not even from the states. For all the U.S citizens, I hate that you all had to endure that.

grasshopper rex 5 points 26 days ago.

As you can see from the rating here and on IMDb, far too many learned nothing from this embarrassing chapter in American history. They still believe in the big lie. They think liberals are hellbent on destroying the country that they too have to live in. That any number of fearmongering lies told them are true, despite facts or statistics given that disprove those manipulating lies. Hell, just a bit of common sense would tell them that much of the ludicrous bs they are fed is just laughable. How anyone could watch this raw footage and not be affected and concerned for our future is disturbing, but most of the actual participants still stand by their actions.