Them (2021) S2 E2
Lazeistheman2 -5 points 13 days ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

A horror story about a struggling, Homosexual ,African American, & male “actor” (or wanna be) with an obvious extreme identity disorder with mommy issues, turned to MDK because of his self loathing depressive, easily fixable issues. Just shows you the actual struggles of the black community in an an extreme metaphorical way. bravo. LOL!

ThinMan 2 points 13 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I don’t see the homosexual aspect for Edmund at all. It’s a very multi-faceted series that has a lot going on with each character. I think you need spoiler tags though. I mean that in the most respectful way. (⌒∇⌒)