Love, Death & Robots (2019) S1 E6
Steppenwolf71 0 points 24 days ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This is AWESOME!!! 6/5✨ This short, is based on a Sci-Fi/Horror film from 1985, called “The Stuff.” It is utterly one of the MOST retarded flicks ever! I mean, “What do you call… a fear of Yogurt!???” Anyway, this one wouldn’t exist, if it weren’t for someone seeing this one, first.

P.S.-This… is one of the only others in the same category. Except for one short, called “Sushi (from another classic anthology series, called “The A,B,C’s of Death.”),” and the “Attack of The Killer Tomatoes” series.
Btw, a fear of food, is called “Cibophobia.
And, YES… there IS, apparently… a NAME for a fear of yogurt!? It’s “Giaourtiophobia.”
LOL! Now that, is a mouthful!