Tracker (2024)
DownrightDebonaire 0 points 3 months ago.

This show is taking a turn that in that past has proven to be negative. They are second guessing their production & marketing plan and broadcasting the shows out of order. I remember they started doing that way back with 80s/90s shows like Quantum Leap, Star Trek and others. They are panicking that the show won’t be immediately successful and they are cherry picking what they think are the most sensational episodes to bring in the audience loyalty faster, instead of building to it. That is fine when it comes to the new person - new story - new state-each episode formula. It essentially doesn’t matter for shows like that, but makes the back story of the main character out of order and confusing.

I hope after all the social media complaints they continue with the shows broadcasting in the intended order so we get the main character’s back story correctly.

kunipferd 1 points 3 months ago.

how do you know the episodes are in the wrong order?
its just six episodes not much to change there.