Playlists > Favourite Animation

Favourite Animation

A growing list of classic animation.

Creator: cyberfox
Posted: 4 years ago

49 favorites


Movie: How to Be a Detective ( 1952 )
Goofy is hired to solve a mystery of a missing "Al." He searches the city for clues, but constantly runs into a city sheriff (who is portrayed by Pete) who tells him to let the police handle it. A car chase occurs and the drivers ram into a haystack. It turns out that Al is actually the city sheriff who is supposed to get married to the woman who hires Goofy to find him.
Movie: Father's Day Off ( 1953 )
George's wife is off for the day and he's doing the housework. Of course, everything goes wrong at once.
Movie: For Whom the Bulls Toil ( 1953 )
Goofy, driving through Mexico, deals with a stubborn bull on the road who eventually charges, and Goofy unwittingly subdues the bull. Mexicans who are watching the scene believe that Goofy is "the great Matador" and the minute Goofy arrives in Mexico City, they dress him like a matador and make him do battle with another bull. The reluctant Goofy tries to escape the enormous bull although after a while, once again, he triumphs over the bull by accident.
Movie: How to Dance ( 1953 )
Goofy learns the basics of ballroom dancing.
Movie: How to Sleep ( 1953 )
After a short of history of man's eternal quest for sleep (from the stone ages to modern times) as well as a demonstration of what puts man to sleep and how man sleeps (like the dog, the ostrich, etc.), we see Goofy's attempts to sleep despite insomnia. He tries opening a window, using an electric blanket, drinking hot milk, counting sheep. Nothing works. He consults a scientist who studies Goofy's sleeping habits and finally finds a cure for Goofy's insomnia...
Movie: 90 Day Wondering (Short 1956)
An ex-soldier, quickly growing disenchanted with civilian life, considers the benefits of re-enlistment.
Movie: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow ( 1949 )
In a small town, a brewing romantic rivalry with a local tough and a school-teacher culminates in a terrifying ride in the night.
TV Show: The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show ( 1983 )
The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show is an animated television series featuring characters and storylines from the Charles M. Schulz comic strip Peanuts. It aired Saturday mornings on the CBS network from 1983 to 1986. It re-aired on The Disney Channel, Cartoon Network on June 3, 2002 before Hamtaro premeried until May 30, 2005, Nickelodeon and Nicktoons Network (under the title You're on Nickelodeon, Charlie Brown) in the 1990s. In Canada, it aired on CBS Canada and re-aired on YTV in 2001-2007. It re-aired with the Charlie Brown specials on the UK channel Boomerang in 2002.
TV Show: This is America, Charlie Brown ( 1988 )
This is America, Charlie Brown sets the familiar "Peanuts" characters into scenes of American history: on the Mayflower, at the signing of the Constitution, at Kitty Hawk with the Wright Brothers, on the NASA space station, etc. This isn't the most entertaining "Peanuts" you'll ever watch, but it's not bad as a sneaky way to teach history to kids.
Movie: Goofy's Freeway Troubles ( 1965 )
After a brief review of the problems described in Freewayphobia #1 (1965), we see a new range of problems. These include: abrupt breakdowns due to poor maintenance; unsecured loads; running out of gas. We learn how to handle breakdowns properly. We also learn about situations that can affect the driver, like fatigue, alcohol, turnpike trance, and the weather.
TV Show: Star Blazers ( 1974 )
This series, created back in the 1970's is still a popular video and DVD release thirty years later! Now each of the 3 seasons can be bought in 3 sets. Each season featured a season long story along with great characterization and adventure, drama and humor! It is the primary series on which many later anime series are based, and sometimes copied. In fact the 2003 season of Star Trek Enterprise apparently adapted many of the best aspects of this series as both shows feature planet Earth in grave danger, and a single spaceship and its brave crew sent to another part of the cosmos to find a solution to the danger that threatens the very existance of humanity!
Movie: Grave of the Fireflies ( 1989 )
A young boy and his little sister struggle to survive in Japan during World War II.
Movie: Censored (Short 1944)
When Snafu gets his wish to have his personal mail uncensored by the military, he inadvertently reveals military secrets that lead to disaster.
Movie: Plane Crazy ( 1929 )
Inspired by Lindbergh's flight from New York to Paris, Mickey builds a plane to take Minnie for a trip involving some necking, though Minnie objects to the necking.
Movie: Steamboat Willie ( 1929 )
Mickey Mouse, piloting a steamboat, delights his passenger, Minnie, by making musical instruments out of the menagerie on deck.
Movie: Mickey's Follies ( 1929 )
Mickey puts on a show in his barnyard. A short dramatic scene by a chicken and rooster; an operatic ode by Patricia Pig, and then the main attraction: Mickey sings and plays his theme song, then dances to it.
Movie: Babes in the Woods ( 1932 )
Two Dutch children stumble on a clearing in the woods where gnomes are going about their business. The gnomes are friendly to the children. A witch comes and takes them away on her broom to her gingerbread house, where she turns nasty on them, turning the boy into a spider, her yowling cat to stone, and tries to turn the girl into a rat when a gnome's arrow stops her. While the gnomes are fighting the witch, Hansel and Gretl free the other children who have been imprisoned and transformed by the witch.
Movie: The Busy Beavers ( 1931 )
A group of beavers goes about their dam-building, musically. The rain comes, and washes the dam away.
Movie: Santa's Workshop ( 1932 )
Santa's little helpers must hurry to finish the toys before Christmas Day.
Movie: The Pied Piper (Short 1933) ( 1933 )
When the Pied Piper lures the rats from Hamelin Town but is not paid in gold by the mayor as promised, he lures all the children of the town to the magical Garden of Happiness in a mountain to punish the parents.
Movie: Gulliver Mickey ( 1934 )
Mickey is looking after the orphans. He tells them the story of Gulliver (with Mickey in that role) in Lilliput, though without the satire and bawdy bits. The story ends with Mickey fighting a giant spider, about twice his size.
Movie: Mickey's Man Friday ( 1935 )
Mickey is stranded on an island. He runs into some cannibals who are about to cook a fellow cannibal. Mickey scares them off and makes friends with the cannibal whom he calls Friday. Together, they build a fort to protect themselves from the cannibals when they come back, but end up fleeing for their lives on Mickey's raft.
Movie: Donald's Ostrich (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
Donald is the baggagemaster at a remote railway station. Part of the latest cargo shipment is Hortense the Ostrich, who is a bit too friendly with Donald, and who eats everything in sight, whether it's food or not (mostly not): a con
Movie: Lonesome Ghosts ( 1937 )
Mickey, Donald and Goofy run the "Ajax Ghost Exterminators" agency. They receive a call from lonely and bored ghosts to come to their house where they are scared silly by the hilarious haunts and taunts of these spirited pranksters.
Movie: Boat Builders (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
Mickey, Donald, and Goofy build a boat, but find it's harder than they had anticipated.
Movie: Donald's Nephews ( 1938 )
Donald's sister Dumbella sends her three sons Huey, Dewey, and Louie to visit their uncle Donald. They prove to be quite a handful for Donald, even with help from his book on child rearing.
Movie: The Fox Hunt ( 1938 )
Donald controls the hounds (or maybe they control him), and Goofy is riding on Horace Horsecollar, as the fox outwits both of them. Some other Disney characters are seen briefly in the hunting party at the end.
Movie: The Fox Hunt ( 1931 )
It's morning in the English countryside and time for the gentry to participate in their favorite sport: the fox hunt. The eccentric gentlemen come in all shapes and sizes, the fat ones putting the greatest strain on the horses. The craziest things happen to the monocled hunters. One even gets knocked off his horse when it jumps over a brick wall. He shoots straight up into the air and, thanks to a parachute hidden in his clothes, makes a gentle landing. But instead of the ground, he lands on a cow. Upset by her unwanted passenger, she takes off at top speed, finally dumping him in a mud puddle, where he lands on a pig and continues his wacky ride. Meanwhile, the poor fox finally gets trapped in a hollow log. Dogs to the left of him, dogs to the right! Luckily, the beleaguered creature gets help from a certain powerful, and pungent, friend.
Movie: Pluto's Dream House ( 1940 )
Mickey Mouse finds a magic lamp that builds Pluto a doghouse.
Movie: Tugboat Mickey ( 1940 )
Tugboat skipper Mickey Mouse and his inept crew, consisting of Donald Duck and Goofy, try to save a sinking ship.
Movie: Baggage Buster ( 1941 )
Goofy has to get a box belonging to a magician in time for the next train to pick the baggage. Clumsy Goofy drops the box and a lot of magician's props (a rabbit which multiplies, a bull, a woman sawed in half) appear.
Movie: Chef Donald ( 1941 )
Donald is listening to a radio cooking program while mixing up a batch of waffles. But he's distracted and uses rubber cement instead of baking powder.
Movie: How to Ride a Horse (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
That master of all activities, Goofy, shows us the basics of riding a horse, from selecting the proper clothes, to mounting, the basic gaits, jumping, and walking the horse back to the stable (until the horse hears the word "stable", that is).
Movie: The Little Whirlwind ( 1941 )
Mickey wants some of the cake Minnie has just baked, so he offers to clean up her yard. As he's working, a tiny tornado (smaller than him) with a mind of its own comes along and causes trouble. After Mickey finally chases the little twister off, it gets its big brother, which makes a grand mess of the yard. Most of the cartoon, except for the opening and closing, has no dialogue.
Movie: Aquarela do Brasil ( 1942 )
The title translates to "Watercolor of Brazil", and that's how it starts: with a paintbrush rendering the flora and fauna of Brazil (which oddly overlap) in water colors. A flower becomes Donald Duck, who is soon joined by the very cool parrot José Carioca, who introduces Donald to the city, the language, a local cafe, and - inadvertently - a drunken bee.
Movie: Bellboy Donald (Short 1942) ( 1942 )
Bellboy Donald's patience is seriously tested when Pegleg Pete and his son check in.
Movie: Mickey's Birthday Party ( 1942 )
The gang throws Mickey a surprise birthday party; his present is an electric organ, which Minnie plays while Mickey does a jazzy dance. Goofy bakes the cake, but keeps having trouble with it falling. The gang does a conga line to a Latin tune.
Movie: El Gaucho Goofy ( 1943 )
A cowboy from the United States is transported to the Pampas where he is instructed in the ways of his counterpart, the gaucho. First a change of outfits, then he meets his horse. There are misadventures with a lasso and a saddle. Traditional activities include the asado, or barbecue, using bolas to hunt ostrich, and singing and dancing traditional music around the campfire. After the narrator completes the instructive summary, our cowboy returns home to the Midwest.
Movie: Figaro and Cleo ( 1943 )
Figaro is a kitten; Cleo is a goldfish (both first seen in Pinocchio (1940).) Figaro gets underfoot, then unravels a ball of yarn while the maid is cleaning. Then the topper: he goes after Cleo. The maid ultimately gets Figaro to promise "peace in this household for the duration."
Movie: Pedro ( 1955 )
In a little airport near Santiago, Chile, live three airplanes, a papa plane, which carries mail over the Andes between Chile and Argentina, a mama plane, and a baby plane, Pedro. Pedro spends his days at flight school, hoping to grow up to be like his father. One day, his father has a cold in his cylinder head, so Pedro gets the call to cross the Andes, past the forbidding peak of Aconcagua, to pick up and bring back the mail from Mendoza. Pedro takes off, and the trip to Argentina goes well. Then, Pedro gets cocky, and the return trip goes badly. Will Aconcagua claim another victim? And what of the mail, does it get through?
Movie: Donald Duck and the Gorilla ( 1944 )
Ajax the killer gorilla had escaped from the zoo, As a prank, Donald and three nephews scared each other, But suddenly, the real Ajax appeared, So how can they subdue him?
Movie: First Aiders (Short 1944) ( 1944 )
Minnie's learning first aid; she asks Pluto and Figaro for help. Pluto keeps throwing Figaro into buckets and otherwise getting him into trouble. Then, when Minnie has Pluto all trussed up in splints, Figaro taunts him.
Movie: How to Play Football ( 1944 )
It's Taxidermy Tech vs. Anthropology A&M for this introduction to college football (first piece of special equipment needed: a campus covered in ivy). Among the names borrowed for players: Clyde Geronimi, Don DaGradi, 'John Sibley', Claude Smith.
Movie: How to Play Golf ( 1944 )
Goofy shows us, in his inimitable way, the fundamentals of golf, guided as usual by the somewhat sarcastic narrator.
Movie: Cured Duck ( 1945 )
Donald visits Daisy. When he can't open a window, he flies into a rage and practically destroys her house. She won't see him again until he takes care of that temper. He orders a mail-order insult machine, which promises that if Donald can endure 10 minutes of abuse without losing his temper, he'll be cured. It proceeds to deliver physical and verbal abuse, and Donald is cured. He goes back and Daisy tests him on the balky window.
Movie: The Eyes Have It ( 1945 )
Donald receives a mail order hypnosis kit complete with hypnotic goggles and decides to test it on Pluto. Using the goggles, he convinces Pluto he is a mouse, a turtle, and a chicken. Each "transformation" Pluto undergoes Donald finds extremely funny so he keeps at it until he notices chicken Pluto getting into a fight with a rooster. Donald helps Pluto win the fight by making him think he's a lion but, unfortunately, the goggles break and Donald is chased about by Pluto until he regains his senses after a fall.
Movie: No Sail ( 1945 )
Donald and Goofy rent a sailboat. This boat is a bit unusual: to rent it, you put a nickel in a slot, and the mast and sail pop up. Unfortunately, after a while, they pop back down. When Donald runs out of nickels, they are marooned. Goofy waves his shirt at a passing cruise ship, but they (and he) mistake this for a friendly greeting. A flying fish lands in the boat; while the boys fight over it, a gull grabs it. They try to bash the gull, which lands atop their heads, with predictable results. Finally, as the sharks circle, they try fishing, with Donald as the unwitting bait. He eventually lands back in the boat, where his bill lands in the coin slot and gives them a way home.
Movie: Tiger Trouble ( 1945 )
Big game hunter Goofy is riding his trusty elephant in search of a tiger. Unfortunately, while they are stopped for lunch, the tiger finds them, and soon enough, Goofy is separated from his rifle. The tiger toys with the goof for a while, then peels off the sole of one shoe and heads for the foot. Meanwhile, Goofy's been preparing a hotfoot for his tormentor, which gets him a small head start on the chase that follows. After a fair bit of chasing, Goofy's elephant comes to the rescue.
Movie: Chip an' Dale ( 1947 )
Donald needs a log for his fire. Unfortunately, the one he picks is occupied by a couple of chipmunks and their stash of acorns. When he cuts it down, Chip and Dale fall out, but their acorns stay behind, so they work at putting out Donald's fire and retrieving their stash. Donald, of course, takes this as calmly and cheerfully as you would expect.
Movie: Pluto's Blue Note ( 1947 )
Pluto wants to sing along with the birds, bee and cricket, but he is tone deaf.
Movie: Straight Shooters ( 1947 )
Donald runs a shooting gallery. His nephews come by and he offers them a free shot, but when the first one hits all the targets, the notoriously cheap Donald switches a cheap prize for the correct one. He then gives the other two boys gimmicked guns; the last one is empty, but the targets break anyway because one boy is hitting them from behind. Donald chases them off; they use the mystic's booth next door to get revenge.
Movie: The Big Wash ( 1948 )
Goofy is a circus attendant who is friends with Dolores the elephant. Today is his day to bathe Dolores but Dolores is not intent on being bathed and tries desparately to avoid Goofy even disguising herself as a clown at one point (which actually fools Goofy for a moment). Even when Goofy captures her, he still has difficulties with the bath job particularly when Dolores begins to start sneezing.
Movie: Soup's On ( 1948 )
Donald's nephews come to lunch filthy from playing outside. Donald sends them to wash up; when he finds they've done a half-hearted job, he sends them to bed without supper. They scheme to get food; Donald catches them, but falls off a cliff while chasing them. He's OK, but temporarily out cold. The boys build a fake corpse and dress Donald up as an angel, and he buys it for a while.
Movie: Pueblo Pluto ( 1947 )
Mickey goes into a souvenir shop out west and leaves Pluto with a buffalo bone to chew on. A small dog comes to take it away and runs into a ring of cactus with it; Pluto is too big to enter the same way, so he comes in from above and finds himself stuck inside until the small dog helps.
Movie: Pluto's Heart Throb (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
Pluto falls for Dinah the dachshund; so does Butch. She strings both along, until Pluto very sweetly gives her a bone. But Butch won't let her go, and keeps horning in, much to her annoyance.
Movie: Ugly Duckling ( 1939 )
A newborn cygnet searches for a family that will accept him.
Movie: Ugly Duckling ( 1957 )
Every family has its beauties.
Movie: Cold Storage ( 1951 )
An egret, frozen by the winter weather, moves into Pluto's doghouse. Pluto, cold and tired, takes a while to realize his doghouse is moving around without him. Even when he does realize, though, he has a hard time dislodging the interloper.
Movie: Home Made Home ( 1951 )
Goofy's building a house, and struggling with the blueprints, the window glass, the paint, and finally the house-warming guests.
Movie: The Little House (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
The story of a little house, experiencing isolation progress through the ages, finding happiness in the quiet, simple countryside.
Movie: Pluto's Christmas Tree ( 1952 )
The tree that Mickey and Pluto chop down to bring home for Christmas is the tree that Chip 'n Dale live in.
Movie: Football Now and Then ( 1953 )
An old-timer tells his grandson that old-time football players could take a modern team, so we see a game with just that match-up: Bygone U. vs. Present State. More specifically, the Bygone U. team of 11 vs. Present State's dozens of special squads and support personnel. Even the stadium, fans, and press are modern vs. old-time. The game is close, and fiercely fought.
Movie: Melody ( 1953 )
An owl teaches his class full of birds about melody. It's all around in nature. Only birds and man can sing; man "sings" even when he speaks. We see a quick survey of the stages of life, as captured by songs: the alphabet song for primary school, Here Comes the Bride, The Old Gray Mare, etc. Some inspirations for song are outlined in song: love, sailing, trains, the West, motherhood, etc., but "we never sing about brains." Finally, an example of how a simple melody can be expanded into a symphony: an elaborate version of the simple tune that opened the lesson.
Movie: The Lone Chipmunks (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
In this Lone-Ranger spoof,a cleaned-up version of Pegleg Pete robs a western bank and makes his getaway, and decides to hide his loot in a tree inhabited by two chipmunks, the chattering-and-clattering Chip 'n' Dale. They resent the intrusion but really begin to give Pete a hard time when they discover a reward if posted for his capture. The cavalry arrives but Chip '...Read all
Movie: Paul Bunyan ( 1958 )
The life, career, and challenges of the legendary giant lumberjack.
Movie: Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too (Short 1974) ( 1974 )
Rabbit is tired of Tigger always bouncing him, so he gets Pooh and Piglet together to come up with an idea to get the bounce out of Tigger. Rabbit suggests they take him into the middle of nowhere and leave him overnight. The idea backfires and Rabbit, Piglet and Pooh find themselves lost, but Pooh's tummy guides them home. Then, Tigger and Roo go out for a bounce and get caught in a tree, which Tigger is too afraid to get out of, and Rabbit makes Tigger promise that if they help get Tigger down, that Tigger can never bounce again. So Tigger is rescued and feels sad that he can no longer bounce, but everyone, including Rabbit, agrees they liked the old bouncy Tigger better.
Movie: Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day ( 1968 )
Winnie the Pooh and his friends experience high winds, heavy rains, and a flood in Hundred Acre Wood.
Movie: Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree ( 1966 )
Christopher Robin's bear attempts to raid a beehive in a tall tree.
Movie: The Reluctant Dragon ( 1941 )
Humorist Robert Benchley learns about the animation process at Walt Disney Studios while trying to find the great man himself to pitch him the idea of making a cartoon about a shy dragon.
Movie: The Reluctant Dragon ( 1941 )
Based upon Kenneth Grahame's book of the same name, this cartoon tells the story of a boy and his two friends: a dragon and a knight.
Movie: The Sorcerer's Apprentice ( 1980 )
Sorcerer's Apprentice - Alfred Hitchcock
Movie: Freewayphobia #1 ( 1965 )
Goofy demonstrates how not to drive on the freeway: first, the overly timid driver, then the overly aggressive driver, and finally the inattentive driver, shaving or eating. Some of the advice is a bit dated: following distances are still in car lengths instead of time, and of course cell phones aren't mentioned directly.
Movie: The Wrong Trousers (Short 1993) ( 1993 )
Gromit butts heads with a mysterious penguin lodger, who hatches a sinister scheme involving the ex-NASA Techno Trousers that have been modified by Wallace for walkies.
TV Show: The Simpsons ( 1989 )
The Simpsons is the longest running scripted show in US television history. It captures the adventures of Homer, Marge, Maggie, Bart and Lisa who are living in a fictional town called Springfield.
TV Show: Family Guy ( 1999 )
Family Guy follows Peter Griffin the endearingly ignorant dad, and his hilariously offbeat family of middle-class New Englanders in Quahog, RI. Lois is Peter's wife, a stay-at-home mom with no patience for her family's antics. Then there are their kids: 18-year-old Meg is an outcast at school and the Griffin family punching bag; 13-year-old Chris is a socially awkward teen who doesn't have a clue about the opposite sex; and one-year-old Stewie is a diabolically clever baby whose burgeoning sexuality is very much a work in progress. Rounding out the Griffin household is Brian the family dog and a ladies' man who is one step away from AA.
TV Show: Futurama ( 1999 )
Futurama follows pizza guy Philip J. Fry, who reawakens in 31st century New New York after a cryonics lab accident. Now part of the Planet Express delivery crew, Fry travels to the farthest reaches of the universe with his robot buddy Bender and cyclopsian love interest Leela, discovering freaky mutants, intergalactic conspiracies and other strange stuff.
TV Show: South Park ( 1997 )
South Park is an adult comedy animation show centred around 4 children in the small town of south park. Its humour is often dark involving satirical elements and mocking current real-life events.
TV Show: American Dad! ( 2005 )
In American Dad!, Stan Smith leads the all-American family in this animated sitcom filled with wild and crazy extremes. Everyday life is taken to the limit as Stan applies the same drastic measures used in his job at the CIA to his home life. Driven by machismo and the American dream, he often is blind to how horribly he fails at his attempts. This father might not know best, but he never stops trying.
TV Show: Robot Chicken ( 2005 )
Robot Chicken uses stop-motion animation to bring pop-culture parodies to life in a modern take on the variety/sketch show format.
TV Show: F is for Family ( 2015 )
F is for Family follows the Murphy family in the 1970s - a time when you could smack your kid, smoke inside and bring a gun to the airport, when kids roamed wild, beer flowed freely and nothing came between a man and his TV.
TV Show: Trailer Park Boys: The Animated Series ( 2019 )
Nova Scotia's favorite miscreants have always been super sketchy. Now, carrying on from the Season 12 finale, the boys have become complete cartoons.
TV Show: The Adventures of Tintin ( 1992 )
This animated series tells of the adventures of boy reporter Tintin, his dog, Snowy, and their friend Captain Haddock. From the stories by Herge.
TV Show: Underdog ( 1964 )
Underdog also ran with Tennessee Tuxedo, Commander McBragg, the Sing-A-Long Family, Klondike Kat, Go Go Gophers, King Leonardo and His Subjects, and other cartoons. A typical 30-minute show included two Underdog episodes bracketing either two or three other cartoons.
Movie: The BFG ( 1987 )
A young orphan girl, Sophie, gets taken away to a faraway land populated by Giants and Dreams.
TV Show: Blackstar ( 1981 )
Astronaut John Blackstar's shuttle passes through a black hole and crashes on the planet Sagar. He is rescued by the gentle Trobbits who live under the tyranny of the evil Overlord who possesses the Power Sword. John Blackstar then possesses the Star Sword. When the two weapons are combined, they form the Power Star, the most powerful weapon imaginable. Blackstar aids the Trobbits' resistance with his dragon Warlock, Klone the Shape-Shifter, Storm the Amazon, and Mara the Sorceress in the battle against Overlord.
TV Show: Snorks ( 1984 )
Snorks is an animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera which ran 1984 to 1989. The Snorks are a race of small, colorful beings that live happily in the undersea world of Snorkland. They have snorkels on their heads, which are used to propel them swiftly through the water.
TV Show: Galtar and the Golden Lance ( 1985 )
The series is about the mythical adventures of three companions: Galtar, Princess Goleeta, and her younger mind controlling brother, Zorn. Galtar, with the help of his Golden Lance, is fighting with Tormack, the tyrannical usurper of the kingdom of Bandisar who is conquering their entire world. Tormack is responsible for the death of both Galtar's parents and assassinating the rest of Goleeta and Zorn's family. Tormack, among others like him, covets the power of Galtar's supernatural weapon, the Golden Lance, in order to combine it with the stolen ancient and indestructible Sacred Shield, which rightfully belongs to Goleeta and Zorn. For whoever holds both cannot be brought down in any form of combat. Also aiding Galtar and his friends is the powerful red dragon known as Ravens Claw. Further hindrances (plus comic relief) to this trio comes from inept father and son mercenaries Rak & Tuk.
TV Show: The Legend of Zelda ( 1989 )
Based on the popular Nintendo game of the same name. Link and Princess Zelda protect the mystical artifact, the Triforce of Wisdom, from falling into the hands of the evil sorcerer Ganon.
TV Show: Earthworm Jim ( 1995 )
The TV show Earthworm Jim is based on a video game by the same name. As in the video game, our main character is Earthworm Jim, an annelid with a power suit. His best friend is Peter Puppy, a scared doggy, but when Peter gets mad... Let's say you do not wanna be in the vicinity. His love interest is the beautiful (whether she really is or not depends on whether you're a pro or anti) Princess Whats-Her-Name. The villians are the evil Psycrow (an evil, well, crow.), Evil The Cat (a cat who lives in Heck), Bob & #4 (a goldfish and his very big friend), Queen Pulsating, Bloated, Festering, Sweaty, Pus-Filled, Malformed, Slug-For-A-Butt and others. Our hero must do battle with these creatures, and while he does, he's a master of hilarious quotes.
TV Show: God, The Devil and Bob ( 2000 )
God is disappointed in the world today. So many people are doing wrong, not using good judgment, and God is getting sick of it. God is just thinking of giving it all up. That is, unless he can find one person that can prove the world is worth saving, then he won't destroy it. God decides to let the Devil choose who that person should be. The Devil picks Bob Alman, an autoworker who has a bit of an attitude, and is also pretty lazy. Out of fear, Bob agrees to help make the world a better place. Without any hints or suggestions from God, Bob is all on his own to prove that humanity deserves to be saved.
TV Show: 2 Stupid Dogs ( 1993 )
2 Stupid Dogs follows the lives of two dogs, the overly excited Little Dog (the dachshund) and easy-paced Big Dog (the sheepdog). These crazy canines don't know how to fit in the world, and they definitely don't have any know-how. They often find themselves in commonplace situations (going to the drive-in, walking through the mall, working on the farm), some not so common situations (stuck on a space shuttle, a contestant on a game show, getting mistaken for the prime minister), and even in some familiar situations (Little Red Riding Hood, Noah's Ark, and Hansel and Gretel). But no matter the situation, their stupidity usually leads them to calamitous results.
TV Show: The Tick ( 1994 )
Attention evil-doers! The Tick is here, and he's wearing the blue tights of justice! Together with his trusty moth-costumed sidekick Arthur, The Tick keeps the streets of The City safe from a rogue's gallery of hilariously malevolent villains. So grab a snack, put your feet up, and get ready to laugh and cheer as everyone's favorite brawny hero swats evil on the snout with the rolled-up newspaper of goodness!
TV Show: Muppet Babies ( 1984 )
Muppet Babies was a very successful cartoon series in its own right. This show basically featured Jim Henson's famous Muppets as babies. Each episode, each of the Muppet Babies had adventures that their imaginations take them on. Often however, their imaginations would sometimes get the better of them, all for comic effect. The featured Muppets were Baby Kermit, Piggy, Fozzie, Gonzo, Rowlf, Animal, Scooter, and a new character, Skeeter, Scooter's look-alike sister. Occasionally they had visits from Baby Bunsen and Beaker, and even Statler and Waldorf came to visit, and later we see a recurring appearance by a "baby" version of Bean Bunny from Tale of the Bunny Picnic. The moral glue that held these Muppets together was Nanny (voiced by Barbara Billingsley of Leave it to Beaver fame), a character whose body was only shown from the waist down and we all remember the green striped socks...
TV Show: David, el Gnomo ( 1985 )
The fantastic adventures of David and his wife Lisa traveling around the world to save the animals and defeating the trolls.
TV Show: Super Friends ( 1980 )
Powerful super heroes Batman, Robin, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Wonder Twins Zan and Jayna and their rascally blue space monkey Gleek battle evil, protect humanity and save the world from unthinkable dangers.
TV Show: Super Friends ( 1973 )
1973's Super Friends' premise was for Superman to team up with other DC Comics superheroes (Aquaman, Batman and Robin, and Wonder Woman (Diana Prince) with her magic lasso, telepathy and invisible jet) along with eager young hero trainees Wendy, Marvin, and Wonder Dog for adventures. Their base of operation was called the Hall of Justice, where they responded to Trouble Alerts and information supplied by Col. Wilcox. Wendy demonstrated the brains, while Wonder Dog was similar to Hanna Barbera's Scooby Doo, and Marvin was enthusiastic but needed to learn the moral of each episode. The adventures were one hour long, and included occasional cameos by other heroes like Plastic Man and Flash (Barry Allen). Hanna Barbera artist Alex Toth did the character designs. This series was cancelled in 1975 after two seasons."Their mission: To fight Injustice. To right that which is wrong. And to serve all mankind!"
TV Show: The World's Greatest Super Friends ( 1979 )
dupe of
TV Show: Goober and the Ghost-Chasers ( 1973 )
This show is about about 3 teenagers and a dog who can become invisible. They have there own detective agency where they can get calls in to solve mysteries.
TV Show: Dungeons & Dragons ( 1983 )
Animated series based on the extremely popular TSR role-playing game.
TV Show: Mr. Benn ( 1971 )
Mr. Benn is a character created by David McKee who appears in several children's books, and an animated television series of the same name originally transmitted by the BBC in 1971 and 1972. McKee wrote and animated (with Ian Lawless) thirteen Mr. Benn episodes for the BBC in the early 1970s. These episodes were repeated many times over the years, and many people retain fond memories of him. The episodes were narrated by Ray Brooks. The music is credited as composed by Don Warren, which was a pseudonym for Duncan Lamont.