Playlists > Favourite Animation

Favourite Animation

A growing list of classic animation.

Creator: cyberfox
Posted: 4 years ago

49 favorites


Movie: The Brave Little Bat (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
Sniffle's car breaks down in a storm. He find's shelter in a nearby windmill where he meets Batty.
Movie: Snow Time for Comedy (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
Two curious dogs chase a bone in a snowy wilderness setting.
Movie: We, the Animals - Squeak! (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
Porky hosts a radio program, where animals tell their stories. The guest star is Kansas City Kitty, the best mouser in the country. She tells the story of her life, including her marriage to Tom Collins, the birth of Little Patrick (not necessarily in that order), and the turning point of her life. The mice have plotted out a major operation like gangsters. They sneak out and kidnap Patrick and hold him hostage. The mice soon have the run of the place, raiding the fridge, and generally harassing Kitty, who is distraught. But Patrick escapes, and Kitty gets her revenge. For her story, Porky gives her a present: a wimpy little mouse that scares her.
Movie: The Henpecked Duck (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
Mrs. Duck sues Daffy for divorce in Judge Porky Pig's courtroom, charging her husband with losing their egg in an abortive magic trick.
Movie: Inki and the Lion (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
Preceded by thunderous crashing from the jungle, a little black bird with a syncopated hop emerges from the brush to mystify big-game hunter Inki as he attempts to track down his prey: a ferocious daddy lion.
Movie: The Wacky Worm (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
A singing worm is pursued by a crow, moving in an amazing variety of ways while escaping. It then hides in an apple, a toothpaste tube, a victrola, a toaster, and an alcohol bottle. This gets him soused enough to challenge the crow directly. He finally hides in another apple.
Movie: Porky's Prize Pony (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
When jockey Porky's thoroughbred gets drunk on linament, a goofy milk-wagon horse takes over for the big race.
Movie: A Coy Decoy ( 1941 )
Characters on book covers come to life, including Porky and Daffy. The "Wolf of Wall Street" chases Daffy through "The Hurricane," "The Storm" and across "The Bridge of San Luis Rey" before expiring in "For Whom the Bell Tolls."
Movie: Wise Quackers (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
Daffy, the "little black duck", falls from the sky onto Elmer Fudd's farm, and rather than be shot, he begs Elmer to accept him as a personal slave. After torturing Elmer with his type of kindness, slave Daffy puts a whip in Elmer's hands, then instantly dresses like Abraham Lincoln to scold Elmer for "whipping slaves".
Movie: Daffy Dilly (Short 1948) ( 1948 )
Tired of selling gag novelties on the street, Daffy tries for the million-dollar reward offered by J.P. Cubish for the first person to make him laugh. But he first has to get past the rich man's haughty butler, and in the process subjects the servant to a Bogart-like grilling.
Movie: Riff Raffy Daffy (Short 1948) ( 1948 )
Patrolman Porky Pig orders vagrant Daffy Duck out of a gopher hole in the City Park. So, Daffy takes up residence near a fireplace inside a closed-for-business department store. When Porky sees Daffy through one of the store's windows, he enters, intending to throw Daffy out. The resulting chase takes them through the store's many departments.
Movie: Odor of the Day (Short 1948) ( 1948 )
A homeless dog is looking for a place to sleep cause it's snowing outside but he can't find anyone who will let him in their house. He sneaks into Pepe LePew's house but when Pepe gets into bed he smells so bad the dog chases him outside.
Movie: The Pest That Came to Dinner (Short 1948) ( 1948 )
Porky Pig soon discovers that a termite is responsible for his belongings crumbling to dust. When he can't exterminate the termite himself, he goes to a shyster who offers him a series of unsuccessful methods to remove the termite.
Movie: The Shell Shocked Egg (Short 1948) ( 1948 )
A mother turtle, naming her four eggs Tom, Dick, Harry, and Clem, buries the eggs while she obtains a sunlamp to heat her offspring into hatching, and Clem hatches prematurely and only partially while his mother is away. Unable to see in his search for a warm body to fully hatch him from his eggshell, Clem wanders into a barnyard and briefly cozies with a cow, which "...Read all
Movie: Bone Sweet Bone (Short 1948) ( 1948 )
An archaeologist at a museum scolds his small, silent dog, Shep, for supposedly removing a bone belonging to a dinosaur skeleton and orders Shep to bring the bone back, but Shep finds that the place where he buried his most recent bone has been dug up and a bulldog is walking away with the bone in his mouth. Shep chases the bulldog with intent of retrieving the bone, ...Read all
Movie: The Rattled Rooster (Short 1948) ( 1948 )
A rooster is unable to get worms; the other chickens either get there first or trick him out of the worms. But there's one worm nobody else competes for, because it's a trickster. It uses the garden hose, a balloon, toothpaste, and a high-voltage line to fool the chicken. It gets the chicken stuck in a pipe, then launches it with a hotfoot. The rooster doesn't believe...Read all
Movie: Hop, Look and Listen (Short 1948) ( 1948 )
A baby kangaroo hops out of his zoo cage and roams into the surrounding city. The kangaroo stops at Sylvester Cat's home while Sylvester is hunting for mice with a fishing rod. When Sylvester "reels in" the kangaroo, he thinks he has caught a giant mouse and makes a humiliatingly unsuccessful attempt to catch him.
Movie: Nothing But the Tooth (Short 1948) ( 1948 )
Porky Pig travels by horse-pulled, covered wagon to California to join in the 1848 Gold Rush and is ambushed by a diminutive, large-nosed, nasal-voiced, ever-so-polite Mohican with glasses, who wants to scalp the west-bound pig. Porky manages to elude the little Indian by ducking at appropriate times, donning a metal helmet, speedily horse-riding and canoeing. The Indian becomes caught in a salmon net and canned in a factory. Porky arrives in California, to find the only gold that he can extract from a mine is the golden tooth belonging to the Indian.
Movie: What's Brewin', Bruin? (Short 1948) ( 1948 )
Papa Bear decides it's time for the three bears to hibernate in order to have a good winter's nap. Unfortunately, everything works against him.
Movie: A Hick a Slick and a Chick (Short 1948) ( 1948 )
In this cartoon love triangle, a mouse named Daisy Lou has two suitors. One, Elmo, is a modest, scrawny, country mouse with yokel speech and mannerisms, while the other, Blackie, is a smug, suave, muscular sophisticate. When Blackie appears to have won Daisy Lou's affections with a mink stole, Elmo promises to obtain an ermine coat for her. He returns with a fur coat, which he presents to a grateful and adoring Daisy Lou. The fur is from a cat named Herman, whom Elmo thought was ermine and led on a chase around a table, which knocked Herman unconscious so that Elmo could remove a coat-shaped patch of fur.
Movie: A Horse Fly Fleas (Short 1947) ( 1947 )
A flea befriends a horsefly, who has hooves like those of a horse, and rides the horsefly into the hair of a dog. The flea chops down strands of the dog's hair to use as "logs" with which to build a cabin, unaware that the dog's coat is the sacred territory of a tribe of Indian fleas, who declare war on the interlopers. The Indians capture and are about to burn the flea and the horsefly when the dog jolts in pain from the fire. The flea and the horsefly free themselves and flee the Indians through the hairs on the dog's carcass.
Movie: Two Gophers from Texas (Short 1948) ( 1948 )
A theatrical dog decides to answer the call of the wild and hunt for his food. He targets two polite twin gophers as his first conquest and tries to kill them with a falling-rock trap hooked to a radish patch, then plots to attract them into range of his clutches by dressing himself like a baby, then by playing music. The gophers foil all of these schemes and trap the...Read all
Movie: What Makes Daffy Duck (Short 1948) ( 1948 )
It's duck season, so Daffy plays hunter Elmer and a hungry fox off against each other.
Movie: Catch as Cats Can (Short 1947) ( 1947 )
An emaciated canary, singing like Frank Sinatra, is getting on the nerves of a pipe-puffing parrot, who speaks like Bing Crosby. The parrot spots Sylvester, foraging through the trash. Telling the cat he needs more vitamins (which the canary has been swallowing in bulk), he lures the cat inside to snare the canary. The straightforward approach fails (the canary bops him in the nose). He carves a female canary from soap, lures Frankie there; the birds slide down a greased counter, into the sink, and down the drain, but only the soap bird goes through the pipe and down Sylvester's throat. A trail of birdseed into the garage seems to work, but Frankie jacks Sylvester's mouth open. Sylvester laces the vitamins with buckshot; like all cartoon magnets, his attracts everything metal in sight except his prey. The canary turns Sylvester's vacuum cleaner against him, with a crash in the fireplace giving Sylvester a hot-stomach; as he buries his head in the sink, the bird adds Foamo-Seltzer to the water; the cat rockets off, crashing into a wall. The cat finally realizes the portly parrot is a better meal; we see him sitting on the parrot's perch, imitating his mannerisms. (Sylvester speaks here with a less pronounced lisp than his final voice.)
Movie: Mexican Joyride (Short 1947) ( 1947 )
Daffy Duck drives to Mexico for a vacation, and after a harrowing experience with the local cuisine that literally sets his mouth afire, Daffy goes to a bullfight ring to observe the spectacle. When Daffy jeers at the bull, the horned beast removes the clothes from the human matador and puts them on Daffy as a challenge to the duck to fight the bull in the ring. Daffy foils the bull with a proposed wager on a hat trick, betting the bull to guess which of three sombreros Daffy is hiding under. Daffy sees to it that the bull guesses wrong and supplies a machine gun for the impoverished bull to commit suicide. The bull realizes that he is being fooled and, firing the machine gun, chases Daffy out of the bullfight ring. Daffy scrambles to his car to leave Mexico, thinking he has escaped the belligerent bull. But the bull is riding in the back seat of Daffy's vehicle.
Movie: Doggone Cats (Short 1947) ( 1947 )
Wellington the dog is given a package to deliver to Uncle Louie, with strict instructions not to let go of it. Sylvester and another cat that Wellington has been tormenting see this as their chance to get even. Besides repeatedly filching the package, at one point they drop a duplicate off a bridge. Wellington still manages to retrieve the package a few times, but never for long.
Movie: The Foxy Duckling (Short 1947) ( 1947 )
An insomniac fox residing in a forest needs duck down for his pillow in order to be comfortable enough in his bed to fall asleep, and to this purpose he pursues a wily yellow duck. The fox uses a decoy and duck call, and is blasted by hunters' rifles. He builds a series of wooden extensions from a tree branch in an effort to reach the airborne duck, but the duck drops a feather onto the fox's head, and the extensions beneath the fox collapse, with the fox plunging mortally to ground. His spirit, while ascending to Heaven, encounters and chases the duck.
Movie: Inki at the Circus (Short 1947) ( 1947 )
Sitting dejected in a circus cage, billed as an African "wildman," Inki becomes the target of two dogs, both of them after the bone in his topknot. But luckily for Inki, the mysterious minah bird, syncopated hop and all, has also been captured and sent to the same circus.
Movie: House Hunting Mice (Short 1948) ( 1948 )
In search of cheese, mice Hubie and Bertie wander into a demonstration "house of tomorrow" and battle with its automated convenience features, eventually driving the obsessive house-cleaning robot to resign his post.
Movie: Little Orphan Airedale (Short 1947) ( 1947 )
In his never-ending quest for the good life, pushy mongrel Charlie attempts to ingratiate himself with his unwilling "master," Porky Pig.
Movie: Along Came Daffy (Short 1947) ( 1947 )
Yosemite Sam and his brother are starving in their desolate snow-bound cabin. When Daffy shows up as a salesman he finds himself as their target for dinner.
Movie: Scent-imental Over You (Short 1947) ( 1947 )
Jealous of all the high-class dogs in their fine coats, a little Mexican hairless pooch borrows one, not realizing it's a skunk's pelt. Once she has it on, she finds everyone fleeing from her, except for the amorous Pepe Le Pew.
Movie: Hobo Bobo (Short 1947) ( 1947 )
Little Bobo the Elephant decides to leave a jungle, where he is assigned to the thankless task of moving logs with his trunk, for a glamorous life in a circus in America. On the advice of a minah bird, Bobo paints himself pink to gain access to a ship bound for the U.S., because nobody on the ship will admit to seeing a pink elephant much less act to remove the presumed hallucination. After Bobo arrives in America, a steet-cleaner washes his pink color away, and people are now willing to acknowledge seeing the little elephant. Bobo is arrested by the police and chained for trial by judge, and the judge sentences him to life - in a circus, where he is bat "boy" for the big top baseball team, and laments that he's carrying logs (i.e. bats) yet again!
Movie: The Gay Anties (Short 1947) ( 1947 )
The 1890s; a picnic in the park. A man is pitching woo to his girl, while behind them a steady stream of ants is methodically devouring and carting off their food. Some other interludes include four ants eating Russian rye bread, then breaking for a Russian dance; a torch singer that sends everyone scurrying for some kind of ear plugs; a chef ant that coordinates the ...Read all
Movie: Roughly Squeaking (Short 1946) ( 1946 )
Cheese-chasing mice Hubie and Bertie convince a dumb cat that he's actually a lion, and that the mean bulldog in the back yard is really a moose. Eventually they convince the dog he's a gazelle, then a pelican.
Movie: Mouse Menace (Short 1946) ( 1946 )
Porky has a particularly menacing mouse in his house; after his traps, and an increasingly nasty set of cats all fail, Porky builds a robot cat. This cat proves to be a much bigger challenge for the mouse, who ultimately builds a robot mouse packed with explosives.
Movie: One Meat Brawl (Short 1947) ( 1947 )
It's groundhog day, Grover Groundhog's big day - but it's also hunting season for Porky, and he's hunting groundhogs.
Movie: The Goofy Gophers (Short 1947) ( 1947 )
Two polite twin gophers raid a vegetable patch guarded by a rather smug dog, whose various unsuccessful schemes to nullify the crafty and modest gophers involve a female gopher disguise, a hand grenade, and a carrot stuffed with TNT.
Movie: Of Thee I Sting (Short 1946) ( 1946 )
A (male?!) mosquito army prepares for the attack. We see basic training, which includes an obstacle course (slapping hands, fly swatters), target practice on stuffed dummy human forms, and training for taking off and landing on "flattops" (sardine cans). The trainees get, literally, their wings. A scout arrives with photos and the attack is planned. The first wave sne...Read all
Movie: Fair and Worm-er (Short 1946) ( 1946 )
One long chase: worm chases apple, bird chases worm, cat chases bird, dog chases cat, dogcatcher chases dog, dogcatcher's wife chases dogcatcher, mouse chases dogcatcher's wife. With occasional interruptions by a skunk.
Movie: The Eager Beaver (Short 1946) ( 1946 )
Anxious to get to work with the big guys damming the river before the flood hits, a little beaver keeps getting in the way of their work. Finally, the foreman sends him off to chop down that big tree "way over there." Meanwhile, the flood rushes closer and closer.
Movie: Hush My Mouse (Short 1946) ( 1946 )
At Tuffy's Tavern, tough guy Edward G. Robincat comes in for today's special, Mouse Knuckles. Tavern keeper Art sends his moronic flunky Filligan to catch the over-talkative little Sniffles Mouse.
Movie: Daffy Doodles (Short 1946) ( 1946 )
In a large eastern American city, a fiend is loose, painting mustaches onto the faces shown on billboards and posters. This fiend is a wacky Daffy Duck whose compulsion to paint mustaches has no bounds. He is chased by police officer Porky Pig on the city walkways, in a subway station, and atop a building with a large billboard. Daffy manages to paint a mustache on anyone he encounters. He takes special delight in doing so to Porky, as many times as he can. Porky finally catches Daffy, and the mischievous mallard is brought to court, where he is acquitted by a jury of mustached Jerry Colonnas!
Movie: Quentin Quail ( 1946 )
Take-off on Fanny Brice's "Baby Snooks" radio program. An exasperated Mr. Quail tries to catch a worm for his whining daughter, Baby Toots, and gets the worst from a tough crow who has designs on the worm himself.
Movie: Nasty Quacks (Short 1945) ( 1945 )
A doting father gives a cute little duckling to his little daughter. That duckling grows up to become Daffy Duck, who soon develops quite a night life, which he loudly explains at breakfast, in the process of eating everything in sight. When the exasperated father's attempts at violently removing Daffy fail, he tries one final measure to drive Daffy away...
Movie: Peck Up Your Troubles (Short 1945) ( 1945 )
Sylvester is determined to get a woodpecker that just moved in, high in a tree. He climbs, but the bird greases the tree; he starts to cut it down, but a mean dog stops him (this becomes a running gag). Several other attempts follow; at one point, he puts his paw into the bird's home, and the bird puts a tomato there; Sylvester squishes it, and the bird dresses as an angel to torment him, but Sylvester sees through the disguise. Finally, Sylvester tries to blow up the tree; the dog again intervenes. Sylvester gets the dynamite off the tree and puts out the fuses, but the bird has lit them again, and now Sylvester really becomes an angel.
Movie: Tale of Two Mice (Short 1945) ( 1945 )
Babitt and Catstello return; their goal: steal the cheese the cat is guarding. Schemes include sneaking past a sleeping cat (Catstello chickens out), a miniature airplane, and a platform on a rope-and-pulley system,
Movie: Behind the Meat-Ball (Short 1945) ( 1945 )
A dog, starved for meat, goes to different lengths to get a steak back from a little dog that keeps out-smarting him.
Movie: Ain't that Ducky (Short 1945) ( 1945 )
Daffy Duck and a duck hunter meet a distraught little duckling carrying a briefcase. Whenever they try to find out what's in the briefcase, the duckling becomes very nasty. What's the little duckling trying to hide?
Movie: Life with Feathers (Short 1945) ( 1945 )
A love bird's wife has left him. He wants to end it all and tries to force Sylvester to eat him. Sylvester thinks there's something fishy about the situation and refuses to eat the bird.
Movie: Goldilocks and the Jivin' Bears (Short 1944) ( 1944 )
An all-black cast, featuring the Three Bears as a jazz combo, combines the stories of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" and "Little Red Riding Hood."
Movie: Lost and Foundling (Short 1944) ( 1944 )
Sniffles hatches an egg that's rolled into his home, and raises the chick, naming him "Orville." Then he finds out the bird is really a mouse-eating hawk. Unfortunately, Orville finds out also.
Movie: Tick Tock Tuckered (Short 1944) ( 1944 )
Porky and Daffy are roommates who have a problem getting to work on time. When their boss gives them an ultimatum, they decide to go to bed early and be on time for work. But things never seem to work as planned.
Movie: Angel Puss (Short 1944) ( 1944 )
A little black boy is hired to kill a cat, but the feline escapes and proceeds to play tricks on the kid, pretending he's a ghost come back to haunt his "killer."
Movie: Slightly Daffy (Short 1944) ( 1944 )
General Daffy, in a Napoleon hat, commands a fort. Porky sleeps too soundly, so Daffy needs to roust him, but when the Indians attack, he's the only one awake to see them. There follows a series of fight gags, including some recycled from Johnny Smith and Poker-Huntas (1938) and The Hardship of Miles Standish (1940). A cross-eyed Indian keeps shooting his own horse, until the horse takes action. A soldier counts "one little, two little..." with the Indian taking the last line. A short Indian uses a tall bow-legged one to shoot his arrows. Finally, Porky calls for more bullets; Daffy trips while carrying them and swallows them, turning himself into a machine gun. Porky uses Daffy to rout the Indians, who run into a hillside, spelling out "Yanks beat Indians 11-3."
Movie: From Hand to Mouse (Short 1944) ( 1944 )
A dimwitted lion catches a fast-talking mouse to eat, but ends up being outsmarted in the process.
Movie: Brother Brat (Short 1944) ( 1944 )
A "Rosie the Riveter" type is in need of a baby-sitter for her awful child. The only person available is a clueless Porky Pig. His only instructions are to use a book of child psychology. After fruitless attempts to control the brat, his mother returns to show Porky how to use the book - as a paddle on his little behind.
Movie: Meatless Flyday (Short 1944) ( 1944 )
A spider tries a number of tricks to catch a fly. A sugar cube on a string fails when the fly cuts the string. The fly does a trapeze act to taunt the spider, but the spider acts as the fly's catcher; the fly gives him a hotfoot. Buckshot dipped in candy coating fails when the spider's magnet also attracts a cupboard full of dangerous cutlery. The spider spots the fly disguised as the bride atop a wedding cake, and disguises himself as the groom. They chase through an electrical conduit, lighting a neon sign, until an air-raid warden shouts "Put out that light!" They return through the conduit, and the spider catches the fly. He's about to carve up the fly when the fly points to the calendar, declaring September 27 to be "meatless Tuesday."
Movie: Tom Turk and Daffy (Short 1944) ( 1944 )
It's Thanksgiving, and Tom Turk is trying to avoid become the main attraction on Porky Pig's dinner table. Fellow bird Daffy Duck is willing to help him, until he realizes that he'll miss out on a delicious meal. Hilarity ensues as each tries to get the other caught by Porky.
Movie: Jack-Wabbit and the Beanstalk (Short 1943) ( 1943 )
Bugs fights the legendary giant. In the historical context of World War II much fun is made of the giant's claimed superiority over the more clever and fun-loving rabbit.
Movie: Greetings Bait (Short 1943) ( 1943 )
A worm reminiscent of Jerry Colonna is lowered into the water and uses various guises to lure fish. He also tangles with a crab.
Movie: Tin Pan Alley Cats (Short 1943) ( 1943 )
A fat cat (a caritcture of Fats Waller) is walking down the street scatting, when he comes upon a club called "The Kit-Kat Club". On the way in, he walks by a place called "Uncle Tomcat Mission", where a gospel singer warns him not to enter the club, and to beware of "wine, women, and song". The cat replies "Well, wats de motta wit dat?", and walks in the club. After playing some piano, he is blasted out of this world with a wild trumpet solo. He lands in a world similar to that in "Porky in Wackyland"(1938).
Movie: Hiss and Make Up (Short 1943) ( 1943 )
An old woman has a cat, a dog, and a canary. The cat and dog fight even worse than normally; fed up, she tells them both off, then threatens to throw them both out if there's any more trouble. The two then spend the rest of the picture framing each other and summoning their master: first, the dog unleashes a whole box of mechanical mice, which the cat manages to sit on (they carry him right into the basement); the cat stamps dirty dog footprints all over the room, but because the dog plays air raid warden ("put out that light!"), their owner doesn't see them. The dog glues canary feathers to the cat, but the canary pops out of hiding; the cat uses shaving cream to make the dog look rabid. Finally, the canary, fed up, frames both of them; they attack its cage just as their owner arrives, and both are thrown out but, as it turns out, the smiling cat has taken the bird with him.
Movie: Fin n' Catty (Short 1943) ( 1943 )
"As everyone knows," the narrator begins, "goldfish must have water... and cats hate water." And so it goes.
Movie: The Unbearable Bear (Short 1943) ( 1943 )
Sniffles the mouse's non-stop talking foils both the burglar and a tipsy Officer Bear, who's trying to sneak past his rolling pin-toting, sleepwalking wife.
Movie: Tokio Jokio (Short 1943) ( 1943 )
A "captured" Japanese newsreel. Civilian defense shows an aircraft spotter painting spots on aircraft and a fire prevention HQ that already burned down. Kitchen Hints shows the construction of a sandwich from bread and meat ration cards. Poisonalities in the News shows Yamamoto walking on stilts and boasting of plans for the White House, contrasted with the room reserved for him: an electric chair. A submarine, launched 3 weeks ahead of schedule, is still being built. A plane's new landing gear is a little man on a tricycle. A minesweeper uses a giant broom.
Movie: Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs (Short 1943) ( 1943 )
Spoof of 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)' with an all-black cartoon cast. Many WWII references, including rationing (the evil Queen is a hoarder of sugar and rubber tires) and Jeep vehicles (the Sebben Dwarfs come to the rescue in three of them). Also spoofs the extreme close-up of Kane's lips uttering "Rosebud" in 'Citizen Kane (1941)'.
Movie: Flop Goes the Weasel (Short 1943) ( 1943 )
While Mammy is gone to catch a worm for her about-to-hatch egg, a weasel steals the egg for his breakfast. When the egg hatches, the blabbermouth chick initially mistakes the weasel for his Mammy.
Movie: Dr. Jerkyl's Hide (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
Two cockney canines chase Sylvester Cat into the lab of Dr. Jerkyl, where the cat drinks Hyde formula and changes into a wildcat that claws bulldog Alfie into little pieces and reverts back to Sylvester just in time for the other, smaller dog to come in and see Alfie cowering in fear.
Movie: Bell Hoppy (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
To pass his initiation into "The Loyal Order of Alley Cats", Sylvester must put a bell around the neck of Hippety Hopper, the baby kangaroo constantly mistaken for a giant mouse.
Movie: Design for Leaving (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
Daffy Duck is a salesman for a futuristic appliance company, who, against Elmer Fudd's will, modernizes Fudd's house with many screwball gadgets, none of which work in Fudd's favor.
Movie: The Cats Bah (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
Penelope, an American tourist cat who's gotten a white stripe of paint down her back, is pursued through the Casbah by the amorous skunk Pepe Le Pew, who woos her with his rendition of "As Time Goes By."
Movie: I Gopher You (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
Two polite twin gophers are indignant at the swiping of all their vegetables by "vandals" in trucks. They follow the trucks to a food processing plant and become caught in the machinery when they try to retrieve their property.
Movie: Feline Frame-Up (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
Cute kitten Pussyfoot is the victim of smug Claude Cat's jealous abuse, which enrages the little cat's protector, Marc Anthony the bulldog. Claude convinces their master that Marc Anthony is the aggressor, getting the dog kicked out of the house and leaving Pussyfoot at Claude's mercy.
Movie: Captain Hareblower (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
Bugs will not bend to the threats of Pirate (Yosemite) Sam.
Movie: Robot Rabbit (Short 1953) ( 1953 )
Bugs Bunny faces off against Farmer Fudd's robot.
Movie: Cats A-Weigh! (Short 1953) ( 1953 )
Sylvester Cat accepts a position as mouse-catcher on a ship, and his son, Junior, accompanies him. They encounter baby kangaroo Hippety Hopper being shipped from Australia and, as usual, mistake Hippety for a giant mouse.
Movie: Of Rice and Hen (Short 1953) ( 1953 )
Miss Prissy, the slow-witted hen, sets out to land a husband - Foghorn Leghorn, and Barnyard Dog is willing to help her by dressing as a rooster to "rival" Foghorn Leghorn's non-existent affections and make him jealous so that he'll marry Prissy without thinking. Foghorn Leghorn falls for the scheme - hook, line, and sinker.
Movie: Easy Peckin's (Short 1953) ( 1953 )
A fox makes various efforts to sneak into a poultry farm but keeps getting foiled by a particularly strong rooster.
Movie: Wild Over You (Short 1953) ( 1953 )
A wildcat escapes from the zoo, disguises herself as a skunk to fool her pursuers, but that only attracts love-struck Pepe, who finds he enjoys the extra spice that fangs and claws add to lovemaking.
Movie: Plop Goes the Weasel (Short 1953) ( 1953 )
Foggy and Barnyard Dawg can't stand each other, and they use the weasel in their fights. The weasel is easily talked into doing things for either side and ends up in the middle of every fight.
Movie: Muscle Tussle (Short 1953) ( 1953 )
Daffy Duck takes his girl to a beach, where a muscle-bound duck attracts the attentions of Daffy's fickle chick. She leaves Daffy and walks off with the hunky duck. A salesman sells Daffy a bogus strength-building tonic, and Daffy takes some, thinking it has made him into a virile power-house! He challenges the muscular duck to a series of contests involving bar-bendi...Read all
Movie: Fool Coverage (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
Daffy Duck is determined to sell Porky Pig an insurance policy by any means necessary.
Movie: Terrier-Stricken (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
Frisky Puppy's sudden barking and playful antics send Claude Cat on wild rides through their house, down the chimney, in and out of faucets, out the door, and eventually diving into an empty swimming pool.
Movie: The EGGcited Rooster (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
Foghorn has egg-sitting duty while his wife plays cards. Henery Hawk, dressed as an Indian ("Me last of mo-hawk-ens!") comes by as Foggy is looking for someone to relieve him. Foggy gets Henery to egg-sit for a little while, but the little hawk gets impatient. Foghorn sends him off with a "hen grenade" which explodes under the dog (leaving him covered with a fried egg...Read all
Movie: Mouse-Warming (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
A teen-aged boy mouse falls in love with the girl mouse who lives in the hole across the room. But Claude Cat literally comes between them, and also tries to stir up a feud between their two families.
Movie: Hoppy-Go-Lucky (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
Sylvester Cat and his dopey, brawny feline friend, Benny, hunt mice in a warehouse because Benny wants one as a pet. Hippety Hopper, the baby kangaroo, is in the warehouse, and the two cats, of course, think he's a giant mouse. Benny wants him and obliges Sylvester to try and catch the fleet-of-foot Hippety.
Movie: Thumb Fun (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
Porky Pig picks up Daffy as a hitchhiker, but Daffy's antics eventually lead to Porky getting in trouble with the police.
Movie: Sock a Doodle Do (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
A prize-fighting banty rooster, so slap-happy that he goes into a punching spree whenever he hears a bell, falls out of a truck and onto the farm where Foghorn Leghorn is in the midst of his usual sparring match with the barnyard dog. Foghorn and the dog use the fighter-rooster's manic punching against each other by ringing a bell once the rooster is within striking d...Read all
Movie: Little Beau Pepé (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
After driving the Foreign Legionnaires from their fort with his aroma, lovesick skunk Pepe falls for the camp mascot, a cat who's accidentally gotten a white stripe painted down her back.
Movie: Cracked Quack (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
Daffy Duck takes shelter from a blizzard by sneaking into a cozy home owned by Porky Pig. Daffy tries to secretly mooch off of Porky for an entire winter, but Porky's dog realizes that Daffy isn't the stuffed ornament he pretends to be and keeps trying to alert Porky to Daffy's ruse.
Movie: Who's Kitten Who? (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
A baby kangaroo, Hippety Hopper, breaks free from a crate at the Zoo Office and hops into the house of Sylvester Cat and his son, Junior. They mistake Hippety for a giant mouse, and Sylvester is pummelled again and again by the playful kangaroo, causing Junior to put a paper bag over his head in shame for his father.
Movie: The Prize Pest (Short 1951) ( 1951 )
For no apparent reason, Porky Pig is awarded the grand prize of the "What's the Name of Your Name" game show. Unfortunately, the prize is Daffy Duck, whose tactless and rude visit gets him tossed out Porky's house by the irate pig. Insulted, Daffy decides to get back at Porky by pretending to have dissociative identity disorder, becoming a hideous monster whenever he's treated unpleasantly. When Porky eventually finds out he's been had, he decides to give the duck a taste of his own medicine.
Movie: Two's a Crowd (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
Claude Cat is perfectly content with his life until his owner brings home a new puppy for his wife. Now, any time Frisky Puppy barks, it sends a nervous Claude jumping to the ceiling.
Movie: A Hound for Trouble (Short 1951) ( 1951 )
Kicked off the boat in Italy, Charlie forces himself upon a pizzeria owner. Donning his best Italian accent and garb, Charlie sets to work as a waiter, astonishing and horrifying the customers with his barefoot grape-stomping and musical rendition of "Atsa Matta for You?"
Movie: Corn Plastered (Short 1951) ( 1951 )
A beany-capped, wise-cracking crow invades a corn field owned by an elderly farmer. The farmer unsuccessfully attempts to kill the crow by using a gun, an axe, and a cannon.
Movie: Dog Collared (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
On Be Kind to Animals Week, Porky Pig decides to practice the principle and affectionately pets a large, slobbering dog. The dog takes an instant liking to Porky and follows the pig everywhere.
Movie: Caveman Inki (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
Back in prehistoric times, a thundering earthquake splits a mountain wide open, and out hops the minah bird, to alternately bedevil, mystify and rescue Inki as he hunts dinosaurs. Meanwhile, a pelt-bedecked caveman persists in his attempts to make a pot of stew, which keeps getting overturned each time Inki, dinosaur, sabre-toother tiger and minah bird zip past.
Movie: Stooge for a Mouse (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
A hungry mouse decides to make one of its two obstacles to obtaining a block of cheese, by framing Sylvester the Cat. It starts stirring up trouble, after hearing Sylvester call the bulldog, Mike. Later on, the mouse uses a telephone and let the earpiece, by Mike's ear. It says Sylvester only wants Mike, as "its pillow". After hearing this, Mike, the Bulldog, wakes u and thinks it was only a dream. The mouse calls Mike again, this time, the mouse says other dogs are laughing at him, because he likes Sylvester, the Cat. After successfully turning two friendly buddies into enemies & both are knocked out cold, then, the mouse walks to the table, the block of cheese is on. As it is approximately half way to the table, the magnet the mouse used to hit Mike, the bulldog with (as an iron boxing glove) on a paw of Sylvester. Then, unexpectedly, the magnet pulls a chandelier off the ceiling & the chandelier hits the mouse so hard, that it fell down, undoubtedly knocked out along with Sylvester, the Cat and Mike, the Bulldog. Then a "HOME SWEET HOME" sign, falls off a wall, as all three are knocked out and appear lifeless, as this animation short cartoon concludes.
Movie: A Fractured Leghorn (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
Foghorn Leghorn and a cat fight over a worm. The cat wants the worm as bait for a fish, while Foghorn just wants the worm for a quick snack.