Playlists > Favourite Movies

Favourite Movies

A growing list of the movies i like.

Creator: cyberfox
Posted: 5 years ago

103 favorites


Movie: The Boyfriend School ( 1990 )
Cartoonist Gus has survived cancer treatment and now his romance novelist sister tries to find him a woman and guide him. Will they succeed?
Movie: 10th & Wolf ( 2007 )
A former street tough returns to his Philadelphia home after a stint in the military. Back on his home turf, he once again finds himself tangling with the mob boss who was instrumental in his going off to be a soldier.
Movie: Don Quixote ( 2000 )
Adapted from the work of Miguel de Cervantes, this is the story of a hidalgo, fanatic for chivalry novels, who loses his sanity and believing to be a knight named Don Quixote de La Mancha, decides to go on imaginary adventures along with his friend, the simple farmer Sancho Panza, who becomes his squire. On their journeys, they rescue dames in distress in honorable acts and fight giants among other perils, with Don longing to be with the love of his life, lady Dulcinea, and Sancho waiting to be rewarded with an island where he's about to become a governor.
Movie: Flowers in the Attic ( 1987 )
Children are hidden away under an attic by their conspiring mother and grandmother.
Movie: Batman and Robin ( 1949 )
Antisocial Prof. Hammil's Remote Control device, which enables the user to take over any motor vehicle within 50 miles, is stolen by The Wizard, black-hooded mastermind, and his gang. Batman and Robin (who drive about in a standard convertible) must prevent the Wizard from obtaining diamonds, needed as fuel for the device, and rescue magazine photographer Vicki Vale from periodic perils. Where is the Wizard's base, reached only by remote controlled submarine? Which of several suspicious characters hides beneath the Wizard's hood?
Movie: Devil Bat's Daughter ( 1946 )
Wishing to dispose of his wife, psychiatrist Doctor Elliott makes his patient Nina think that she suffers from a compulsion to kill. He drugs Nina, murders his wife and leaves evidence that points to Nina. The latter, pre-conditioned by Elliott, also thinks she is guilty.
Movie: Francis Goes to the Races ( 1951 )
Peter's been friends with Francis since Burma. Francis is a talking mule. He ends up being sent to the race tracks with Travers' race horses. Peter gets a ride there from Miss Travers. Francis tells Peter who's winning the horse race and he bets $10. FBI agents are suspicious as to how he knew. Miss Travers steps in and helps him. Peter gets a job with the Travers looking after the horses. With a big race coming up, Peter's problems with the FBI and a mob boss are not over.
Movie: Francis Covers the Big Town ( 1953 )
A man who has a talking mule gets a job on a newspaper, and both get mixed up in a murder trial.
Movie: Francis ( 1950 )
During World War II, a junior American Army officer, Lt. Peter Stirling, gets sent to the psychiatric ward whenever he insists that an Army mule named Francis speaks to him.
Movie: Francis Goes to West Point ( 1952 )
Francis the talking mule gets his owner in and out of trouble while he is taking basic training at West Point.
Movie: Francis in the Navy ( 1955 )
A story following Lieutenant Peter Stirling (Donald O'Connor) and his dream of being in the Navy.
Movie: High-Ballin' ( 1978 )
Two truck drivers fight off thugs who have been hired to drive them out of business.
Movie: The Man with Nine Lives ( 1940 )
A medical researcher visits the deserted home of a pioneer in cryogenic science who disappeared 10 years earlier and finds him frozen in ice but still alive.
Movie: Gidget Goes Hawaiian ( 1961 )
Francine (Gidget) is desperate: her parents want to force her to come with them on vacation to Hawaii - just during the two weeks when her beloved "Moondoggie" is home from College. When he suggests she go for it, she's even more in panic - doesn't he care to be with her? So she sets out for Hawaii in the worst mood. On the plane she meets the sociable Abby, who gives her the advice to forget about Jeff - and regrets it shortly after, when Francine follows the advice and steals her boyfriend Eddie, a famous dancer. But then Jeff discovers he's missing Francine...
Movie: Laser Mission ( 1989 )
Mercenary Gold is sent from the CIA to seize the laser expert Braun in Cuba, before the KGB catches him. A recently stolen giant diamond could be used together with Braun's knowledge to construct a laser cannon which could bring power over the whole world. Who will succeed: CIA or KGB - or none of them?
Movie: Malibu's Most Wanted ( 2003 )
A senator arranges for his son, a rich white kid who fancies himself black, to be kidnapped by a couple of black actors pretending to be murderers to try and shock him out of his plans to become a rapper.
Movie: The Creeper ( 1948 )
Two scientists on an expedition to the West Indies discover a serum which changes humans into cats, or. at least, to catlike killers. One believes they should continue with their experiments and the other does not, which disagreement costs him his life. Several deaths occur before the first scientist is halted in his mad plans.
Movie: Hold That Hypnotist ( 1957 )
Sach and Duke set out to expose a stage hypnotist as a phony. In order to do so, Sach allows himself to be hypnotized and "regressed" to a past life--which he discovers was as a tax collector who gets a map of buried treasure from Blackbeard the Pirate. The hypnotist gets Sach to reveal the location of the map and the treasure, planning to lock up the boys and get the treasure for himself.
Movie: Museum Scream ( 2003 )
Rummerging around in the trash and starving for food, Sylvester overhears Granny talking to some school children in a museum about one of the last tweety birds remaining in existence. He just spotted his prey.
Movie: Nightmare at Noon ( 1988 )
Scientists poison the water supply of a small town, turning the residents into homicidal maniacs who kill each other and anybody who passes through.
Movie: Higher Learning ( 1995 )
People from all different walks of life, encounter racial tension, rape, responsibility, and the meaning of an education on a university campus.
Movie: Assault on Dome 4 ( 1997 )
The mad terrorist Alex Windham takes over a small scientific community on another planet and forces Dome 4's inhabitants to build him some bombs. Windham is unaware, however, that futuristic "peacekeeper" Chase Morran is on Dome 4 an
Movie: The Twonky ( 1953 )
Tweedy college professor discovers his new TV set is animate, apparently possessed by something from the future, and militantly intent on regulating his daily life.
Movie: Riders to the Stars ( 1954 )
Three men are assigned by the Office of Scientific Investigation to man rocket ships to outer space and attempt to capture a meteor.
Movie: Old Mother Riley's Circus ( 1941 )
Mother Riley takes over a circus on the point of closing down, and makes it a success.
Movie: The Rosary Murders ( 1987 )
A priest is put in a dilemma when the serial killer who has been murdering priests and nuns confesses to him.
Movie: They Call It Murder ( 1971 )
A small-town district attorney's saddled with several major investigations, including a gambler's murder and a possible insurance scam.
Movie: The Plastics Inventor ( 1944 )
Donald listens to a radio program that tells him how to make a fully-working airplane completely out of plastic.
Movie: The Pirates of Blood River ( 1962 )
A group of ruthless pirates attack a seventeenth century Huguenot settlement on the Isle of Devon in search of treasure and will stop at nothing to obtain it.
Movie: The Wrong Guys ( 1988 )
Five former cub scouts have a reunion and go camping on the mountain they never conquered. High jinks ensue due to their childhood enemies and a group of escaped convicts who mistake them for an FBI unit.
Movie: Son of the Navy ( 1940 )
Actually, the sailor wants nothing to do with the boy, who we eventually find out is an orphan who ran away from the orphanage, trying to find a new Mom and Dad. The sailor, not knowing anything about the boy, thinks he'll be more successful hitchhiking alone back to his ship. It's the boy who has the idea of pretending to be the sailor's kid...
Movie: The Vanishing Shadow ( 1934 )
A 12-episode serial in which a son avenges the death of his father at the hands of corrupt politicians. He develops a wide variety of complex devices in his crusade . . . ray guns, robots and a 'vanishing belt.'
Movie: Secret Agent X-9 ( 1937 )
A secret agent goes after the gang that stole the crown jewels of a European monarchy.
Movie: The Love Light ( 1921 )
Angela maintains a coastal lighthouse in Italy, where she awaits the return of her brothers from the war. She learns they are casualties and takes solace in the arms of an American sailor washed ashore
Movie: Country Gentlemen ( 1936 )
After being run out of town after town for trying to sell worthless stock, two con artists breeze into the small town of Chesterville, where they find themselves accused of kidnapping a young boy to whom they offered a ride.
Movie: Conquest of Space ( 1955 )
An American-led team of International astronauts leave their space station on the first mission to Mars, but the captain's religious beliefs may get in the way.
Movie: Day the World Ended ( 1958 )
In a post-Apocalyptic world after an atomic war seven disparate people find themselves in a protected valley in the home of a survivalist and his beautiful daughter.
Movie: Flight to Mars ( 1951 )
Five astronauts successfully fly to Mars where they encounter seemingly friendly and advanced inhabitants who harbor covert plans to use their ship to invade Earth.
Movie: 4D Man ( 1959 )
A scientist discovers a formula enabling him to pass through solid surfaces, but he also rapidly ages, which forces him to kill humans in order to reverse the aging process by absorbing his victims' energies.
Movie: From Hell It Came ( 1957 )
A wrongfully accused South Seas prince is executed, and returns as a walking tree stump.
Movie: Daikaijû kûchûsen: Gamera tai Gyaosu ( 1967 )
Volcanic activity unleashes a bloodthirsty monster called Gyaos that Gamera must confront.
Movie: The Boss ( 1973 )
A hitman finds himself embroiled in the middle of a Mafia war between the Sicilians and the Calabrians.
Movie: Kidnapped ( 1938 )
In 1747, young David Balfour's life is threatened by his greedy uncle Ebenezer who wishes to become heir to the considerable Balfour estate.
Movie: The Adventures of Baron Munchausen ( 1943 )
This lavish, impudent, adult fairy tale takes the viewer from 18th-century Braunschweig to St. Petersburg, Constantinople, Venice, and then to the moon using ingenious special effects, stunning location shooting.
Movie: Incident on a Dark Street ( 1973 )
A small-time hood is murdered just as he is about to blow the whistle on an organized crime ring.
Movie: Tom Sawyer, Detective ( 1938 )
Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn help an Arkansas preacher falsely accused of murder.
Movie: Velvet Smooth ( 1976 )
The female head of a detective agency is hired by a crime lord to figure out who's taking his action.
Movie: 13 Frightened Girls ( 1963 )
While attending a school for diplomats' daughters, the teen-aged daughter of the American ambassador uses her access to various embassies to engage in espionage.
Movie: Strike Commando ( 1987 )
In the Vietnam war, an American soldier survives a botched mission, with help from a group of locals who perceive him as a hero. He's sent back for a reconnaissance mission, only to find his helpers massacred by a brutal Russian soldier.
Movie: Vengeance Is Mine ( 1949 )
Believing himself to be dying, a man hires an assassin to kill him so he can frame an enemy for the death.
Movie: A Man's Affair ( 1949 )
A pair of young coal miners meet two girls whilst on holiday in Ramsgate, Kent and despite family troubles, other admirers and a strict landlady they fall in love.
Movie: 99 Women ( 1969 )
New inmate Marie arrives at an island prison in the women's sector and receives the number 99. The inmates are controlled by the sadistic lesbian warden Thelma Diaz and Governor Santos and submitted to torture, rape and lesbianism. When the Minister of Justice replaces Diaz by Leonie Caroll, Marie believes that her life will improve and her case will be reopened. However, Marie is disappointed with the new warden and decides to escape with two other inmates. But their runaway scheme fails and the three women are chased not only by the guards, but also by male prisoners that have not seen women for many years.
Movie: The Big Doll House ( 1972 )
Beautiful women prisoners are abused in a Philippine prison, until 5 of them plot an escape by taking the evil female warden hostage with the reluctant help of 2 male fruit vendors.
Movie: The Big Bird Cage ( 1972 )
Grier and Haig are thieving mercenaries who engineer a prison break from the outside.
Movie: Women in Cages ( 1973 )
American women prisoners in a foreign country. Sex and action.
Movie: Caged Heat ( 1975 )
In a women's prison, a group of inmates band together to combat the repressive and abusive policies of the warden.
Movie: Nightmare in Badham County ( 1976 )
Two UCLA coeds have engine trouble in a small Southern town. When they spurn the local sheriff's advances he arranges for them to be taken to the women's prison on trivial charges (the judge is a cousin), where they must endure atrocities at the hands of the administrators of the prison and the prison guards.
Movie: Hellhole Women ( 1981 )
In Spain, a newlywed couple parks their car in a deserted land to make love and they trespass a private property. They are taken to a women's prison and the husband is released while his wife is arrested and forced to hard labor. Soon she learns that the women in the prison are submitted to sexual abuse to satisfy the sadistic and lesbian warden and the impotent governor and his bisexual wife. Meanwhile her husband returns to the prison with a friend expecting to rescue his wife while Kanita and Tara are sold to a brothel.
Movie: Born Innocent ( 1974 )
Young girl runs away from her abusive family only to end up in a juvenile detention center for girls where she's raped and brutalized by her sadistic peers. Only one honest social worker shows interest in helping her.
Movie: I Spit on Your Grave ( 1978 )
An aspiring writer is repeatedly gang-raped, humiliated, and left for dead by four men whom she systematically hunts down to seek revenge.
Movie: Jackson County Jail ( 1977 )
This is a powerful drama about a young woman who stumbles into a nightmare land of hijacking and humiliation while driving cross-country from California to New York.
Movie: Schoolgirls in Chains ( 1973 )
Two deranged brothers, who are under the domineering influence of their crazed mother, kidnap young girls and keep them captive in chains in their basement, where they subject them to depraved "games" that often end in torture and murder.
Movie: Women's Prison Massacre ( 1983 )
Four escaped male convicts seize control of a women's prison and proceed to terrorize the inmates, one of whom is reporter Emanuelle, incarcerated on trumped-up charges.
Movie: Caged Fury ( 1990 )
Discontent leads to a daring escape plan in a women's prison where the inmates are all lingerie clad models and the lesbian warden demands unusual favours for early parole.
Movie: Chain Gang Women ( 1972 )
A murderer escapes from a chain gang, forces his co-inmate to go along, and aggressively rapes the latter's girlfriend. The desperate duo next invades the home of an older farmer and his teenage wife.
Movie: Women Behind Bars ( 1975 )
A small-time hood brings the attention of the law with an insurance scam and diamond theft, but things become even more interesting when his moll murders him and is slammed behind bars where she faces all manner of electric shock treatments to various parts of her anatomy.
Movie: SS Camp 5: Women's Hell ( 1977 )
During the last days of WW2, several female prisoners arrive at Camp 5 to work as sex slaves for officers and guinea pigs for horrific experiments by Nazi doctors who are trying to find a cure for burns. But these women are not going to die without a fight... Can they stay alive until the closing Red army comes to their rescue?
Movie: The Hanging Woman ( 1974 )
Paul Naschy plays a supporting role as a deranged gravedigger in this zombie movie, set in a small village in the Balkans in the 19th century, where a stranger's arrival to claim an inheritance is met with apocalyptic visions and other evil omens. The town unearths a crypt full of horrors, including a devil-worshipping coven and throngs of the living dead.
Movie: Cinderella 2000 ( 1977 )
In the year 2047, sex is forbidden and Big Brother uses robots to keep on eye on everyone. One young girl tries to outwit the government so she can be with the man she loves.
Movie: A Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosaur Hell ( 1990 )
In a post-Armageddon world, a young woman finds herself in a fight for survival against mutant cavemen, dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals.
Movie: City on Fire ( 1979 )
A pyromaniac, ex-employee of a city oil refinery creates an explosion at the facility which starts a chain-reaction of fires that engulf the entire city.
Movie: Sergeant Dead Head ( 1965 )
An astronaut goes into space with a chimpanzee. When they return to Earth after their orbit, it is discovered that the chimp has the brains of the astronaut, and the astronaut has the brains of the chimp. Complications ensue.
Movie: Gamera vs. Zigra ( 1971 )
Space aliens arrive on Earth with their giant shark and intend to take over the planet but they must first destroy Gamera.
Movie: A Friend to Die For ( 1994 )
When popular and beautiful cheerleader Stacey is stabbed to death, who could have done it? It could have been asocial Goth girl Monica, it could've been angst-ridden Jill - or maybe it was the plain girl nobody suspected.
Movie: In the Year 2889 ( 1967 )
In a post nuclear Earth, survivors are stuck in a valley and have to protect themselves from mutant human beings, and each other in some cases.
Movie: Hillbillys in a Haunted House ( 1967 )
A trio of country singers becomes stranded at a haunted mansion and gets mixed up with spies.
Movie: Creature of Destruction ( 1967 )
A hypnotist is able to predict murders by a terrifying sea monster. In reality, he causes the murders through his lovely assistant, who is the reincarnation of the monster.
Movie: Night Fright ( 1967 )
A government space experiment into the effects of cosmic rays on animal life goes horribly wrong, creating a mutant monster that terrorizes a rural community.
Movie: In Like Flint ( 1967 )
Super-spy Flint takes on a cabal of women plotting to rule the world.
Movie: Let's Kill Uncle ( 1967 )
A 12-year-old orphan who has just inherited a fortune is trapped on an island with his uncle, a former British intelligence commander who intends to kill him. A young girl is the boy's only ally against the sarcastic uncle, who uses hypnotism, a pool of sharks, fire, and poisonous mushrooms as weapons.
Movie: Our Man Flint ( 1966 )
When scientists use eco-terrorism to impose their will on the world by affecting extremes in the weather, Intelligence Chief Cramden calls in top agent Derek Flint.
Movie: Ironside ( 1967 )
Citizens of San Francisco are stunned by the news that Robert Ironside, the city's hard-nosed, tough-talking chief of detectives, has been shot and left for dead while vacationing at his friend the Police Commissioner's rural retreat. Ironside survives the murder attempt, but the bullet has damaged nerves in his spine, leaving him a paraplegic. Unable to gain reinstatement as chief of detectives, Ironside gets permission to continue investigating criminal cases as a citizen volunteer. With the assistance of two former protegees, Det. Sgt. Ed Brown and Officer Eve Whitfield, and a newly-hired aide/driver, Mark Sanger, Ironside sets out to solve his first case as a civilian by finding the people responsible for the attempt on his life.
Movie: She Freak ( 1967 )
Claire Brennen stars as a waitress who leaves the greasy-diner business for the excitement of the carnival. She quickly discovers that she despises freaks and human oddities.
Movie: Caprice ( 1967 )
An industrial designer causes chaos when she sells a secret cosmetics formula to a rival company.
Movie: Monkeys, Go Home! ( 1967 )
A young American inherits an olive farm in France and decides to use four chimpanzees to harvest the fruit when he finds the price of the local labor to be too costly.
Movie: Up the Down Staircase ( 1967 )
The experiences of a young female English teacher in an inner-city New York high school.
Movie: The St. Valentine's Day Massacre ( 1967 )
Al Capone's Valentine Day surprise for the rival Bugs Moran gang in 1929 Chicago.
Movie: The Born Losers ( 1967 )
Billy Jack battles outlaw motorcycle gang in a small California beach town.
Movie: Theatre of Death ( 1967 )
The Theatre of Death in Paris specializes in horror presentations. A police surgeon finds himself becoming involved in the place through his attraction to one of the performers. When bloodless bodies start showing up all over town, he realizes there could be links with the theatre.
Movie: A Taste of Blood ( 1967 )
A businessman turns into a vampire after drinking brandy laced with vampire blood and sets out on an odyssey of killing the descendent's of Dracula's executioners.
Movie: The Hippie Temptation ( 1967 )
Explores the way-out world of the Hippies and the Haight-Ashbury psychedelic 1960s LSD scene. Footage of LSDs users experiencing bummer trips. The Diggers, the Oracle and cool street and Golden Gate Park scenes with hippies tripping out. The Grateful Dead are interviewed and are shown performing "Dancin' in the Streets" on a flatbed truck in Golden Gate Park.
Movie: Devil's Angels ( 1967 )
An exiled band of Hell's Angels strike a bargain with the Sheriff of a local town, let them stay and the town is safe. But a local girl strays into their lair and sparks off a full scale Angel war.
Movie: The Cape Town Affair ( 1967 )
South African secret agents attempt to save confidential microfilm before it falls into the hands of Communists.
Movie: In the Heat of the Night ( 1967 )
An African-American police detective is asked to investigate a murder in a racially hostile southern town.
Movie: Hells Angels on Wheels ( 1967 )
At first, gas station attendant Poet is happy when the Hell's Angels gang finally accepts him. But he's shocked when he learns just how brutal they are.
Movie: The Frozen Dead ( 1967 )
A crazed scientist (Dana Andrews) keeps the heads of Nazi war criminals alive until he can find appropriate bodies on which to attach them so he can revive the Third Reich.
Movie: Doctor Dolittle ( 1967 )
Dr. John Dolittle lives in a small English village where he specializes in caring for and verbally communicating with animals. When Dr. Dolittle is unjustly sent to an insane asylum for freeing a lovesick seal from captivity, his animals and two closest human friends, Matthew Mugg and Tommy Stubbins, liberate him. Afterward, they join Emma Fairfax and set out by boat to find a famed and elusive creature: the Great Pink Sea Snail.
Movie: The President's Analyst ( 1967 )
When the overworked and stressed-out White House presidential shrink runs away, the CEA and the FBR scramble to retrieve him before he could be abducted by various competing foreign intelligence services.
Movie: Magical Mystery Tour ( 1967 )
Magical Mystery Tour is a TV movie starring John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. The Beatles charter a special bus for a surreal mystery tour.
Movie: Let It Be ( 2024 )
The filmed account of The Beatles' attempt to recapture their old group spirit by making a back-to-basics album, which instead drove them further apart.