Playlists > Angels, spiritual messages, faith and the afterlife

Angels, spiritual messages, faith and the afterlife

Soul uplifting and thought provoking movies to elevate and amplify perspectives

Creator: NGIO
Posted: 2 years ago

16 favorites


Movie: The Gerson Miracle ( 2004 )
In 1928, Dr. Max Gerson, a German-Jewish researcher, stumbled upon a therapy that claims to have cured tens of thousands of people worldwide since then, including patients's previously thought incurable by their doctors. For the first time, this film chronicles the epic "true story" of Gerson's miracle.
Movie: Camino Skies ( 2019 )
Exploring themes of spirituality, wellbeing and religion, this is the inspirational journey of six strangers from New Zealand and Australia walking the 800km Camino de Santiago to overcome the personal and physical trauma that life has dealt them. Through blisters, shin splints and heat, the Camino forces pilgrims to defy their age and physical ability, while also acting as a catalyst for change. Both heart-breaking and inspirational, 'Camino Skies' is an uplifting story about everyday people doing the extraordinary.
Movie: My Year of Living Mindfully ( 2020 )
Overwhelmed with insomnia and an incurable autoimmune disease, Shannon Harvey needed to make a change. But while the award-winning health journalist found plenty of recommendations on diet, sleep and exercise, when she looked for the equivalent of a 30-minute workout for her mental wellbeing, there was nothing. Worried for the future mental health of her kids who were growing up amidst epidemics of stress, anxiety, depression and addiction, Shannon enlisted a team of scientists to put meditation to the test. Could learning to quiet our busy minds be the simple solution the world so desperately needs? Throughout her year of living mindfully Shannon is poked, prodded, scanned and screened as she travels the world to interview 18 of the world's leading mindfulness scientists and pioneers. But after a 30,000 kilometre journey from the bright lights of Manhattan to the dusty refugee camps of the Middle East, what begins as a self-experiment, transforms into a life-changing experience. My Year of Living Mindfully is filled with compelling stories, groundbreaking science, and unexpected insights that go to the heart of what it means to be human in the twenty-first century.
Movie: Don't Look Up ( 2021 )
Two low-level astronomers must go on a giant media tour to warn humankind of an approaching comet that will destroy planet Earth.
Movie: Guadalupe: The Miracle and the Message ( 2015 )
The most important event in the evangelization of the New World occurred in December, 1531. Over the course of four days, the Virgin Mary, under the title of Our Lady of Guadalupe, appeared to an indigenous convert named Juan Diego. As a result of this encounter, and the image miraculously imprinted on Juan Diego's tilma (cloak), nine million Native Americans embraced the Catholic faith, and the Americas began its transformation into "the Catholic hemisphere." Our Lady of Guadalupe's message of love had replaced the institutionalized violence of the Aztec culture and built a bridge between two worlds. Guadalupe: The Miracle and the Message, narrated by the legendary Placido Domingo, traces the history of this transformative event from the 16th century to the present. Featuring interviews with leading theologians, historians and experts on the scientific inquiries into the miraculous image-this gripping film explores both the inexplicable mysteries behind the image, and the continued relevance of the Guadalupe apparition to the modern world.
Movie: Nine Days ( 2021 )
A reclusive man conducts a series of interviews with human souls for a chance to be born.
Movie: The Way of Miracles ( 2021 )
Journey into human healing that follows holistic practitioner Dr. Mark Mincolla and his miracle patients.
Movie: The Age of Adaline ( 2015 )
A young woman, born at the turn of the 20th century, is rendered ageless after an accident. After many solitary years, she meets a man who complicates the eternal life she has settled into.
Movie: CODA ( 2021 )
As a CODA (Child of Deaf Adults) Ruby is the only hearing person in her deaf family. When the family's fishing business is threatened, Ruby finds herself torn between pursuing her passion at Berklee College of Music and her fear of abandoning her parents.
Movie: Left Behind: The Movie ( 2001 )
The Biblical prophecy of Armegeddon begins when the Rapture instantly takes all believers in Christ from the Earth. A reporter left behind learns that the Anti-Christ will soon take power.
Movie: Left Behind II: Tribulation Force ( 2002 )
After the Rapture and the revealing of the identity of the Antichrist, a group of converts form the Tribulation Force, a secret society with the sole purpose of converting non-believers to Christianity.
Movie: Left Behind III: World at War ( 2005 )
The world falls into chaos as Nicolae Carpathia detonates nuclear devices across the globe and stages multiple devastating attacks against both the Tribulation Force and an international militia, led by U.S. President Gerald Fitzhugh.
Movie: The Human Experience ( 2008 )
The story of a band of brothers who travel the world in search of the answers to the burning questions: Who am I? Who is Man? Why do we search for meaning? Their journey brings them into the middle of the lives of the homeless on the streets of New York City, the orphans and disabled children of Peru, and the abandoned lepers in the forests of Ghana, Africa. What the young men discover changes them forever. Through one on one interviews and real life encounters, the brothers are awakened to the beauty of the human person and the resilience of the human spirit.
Movie: Among Us ( 2019 )
Based on the jaw-dropping contact accounts of individuals from around the world, AMONG US explores the phenomenon of non-human presence on Earth, from angels to extraterrestrials, and unveils the many ways they may be interacting, communicating and transferring subliminal information into our consciousness and potentially our DNA. The film ultimately shows that the interconnectedness of all species may be beneficial and most likely inevitable for the evolution of an intelligent universe.