
Films by (and about) some of the best documentary film makers of our time…
In no particular order, or exclusive to: The Maysles Brothers, Frederick Wiseman, John Pilger, Noam Chomsky, Adam Curtis, Ken Burns, Laura Poitras, Liz Garbus, Werner Herzog, Alex Gibney, Nick Broomfield, Louis Theroux, Errol Morris…

🛠 Still under construction…

Norman Finkelstein @ YT

Noam Chomsky @ YT

John Pilger @ YT

Creator: Merrigan Able
Posted: 3 years ago

18 favorites


TV Show: Pandora's Box ( 1992 )
Pandora's Box was a six part 1992 BBC documentary television series written and produced by Adam Curtis, which examines the consequences of political and technocratic rationalism. Curtis' later The Century of the Self had a similar theme. The title sequence made extensive use of clips from the short film Design for Dreaming, as well as other similar archive footage.
Movie: The Great British Housing Disaster ( 1984 )
Documentary about the system built housing of the 1960's.
TV Show: The Mayfair Set ( 1999 )
The Mayfair Set is a series of programmes produced by Adam Curtis for the BBC. The program looked at how buccaneer capitalists of hot money were allowed to shape the climate of the Thatcher years, focusing on the rise of Colonel David Stirling, Jim Slater, James Goldsmith, and Tiny Rowland, all members of The Clermont club in the 1960s. It received the BAFTA Award for Best Factual Series or Strand in 2000.
Movie: It Felt Like a Kiss ( 2009 )
The story of America's rise to power starting in 1959, it uses nothing but archive footage and Amercia pop music. Showing the consequences on the rest of the world and in peoples mind.
Movie: Bitter Lake ( 2015 )
An experimental documentary that explores Saudi Arabia's relationship with the U.S. and the role this has played in the war in Afghanistan.
TV Show: Can't Get You Out of My Head ( 2021 )
We are living through strange days.Across Britain, Europe and America societies have become split and polarised not just in politics but across the whole culture. There is anger at the inequality and the ever growing corruption - and a widespread distrust of the elites.And into this has come the pandemic that has brutally dramatised those divisions.But despite the chaos there is a paralysis - a sense that no one knows how to escape from this.This new series of films by Adam Curtis tell the story of how we got to this place. And why both those in power - and we - find it so difficult to move on.The films trace different forces across the world that have led to now, not just in the West, but in China and Russia as well.It covers a wide range - including the strange roots of modern conspiracy theories, the history of China, opium and opiods, the history of Artificial Intelligence, melancholy over the loss of empire and, love and power. And whether modern culture, despite its radicalism, is really part of the new system of power.And the films are told in a different way - they are an emotional history of what went on inside the heads of all kinds of people.Because in the age of the individual - what you felt and what you wanted and what you dreamed of were going to become the driving force across the world.What was forgotten in that age was that much of what we feel is also formed by the society around us. Above all by the power structures.And now those structures are decaying - everywhere - their weakness and uncertainty makes us feel empty and frightened of the future.That is what is paralysing us - and blocking us from imagining different kinds of societies and a better futureCan't Get You Out of My Head is an epic history that shows how and why that happened. How we made this particular world. And that it was not inevitable.
TV Show: The Trap: What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom ( 2007 )
Adam Curtis explores the origins of our contemporary idea of freedom.
TV Show: The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear ( 2004 )
A series of three documentaries about the use of fear for political gain.
TV Show: The Living Dead ( 1995 )
British filmmaker Adam Curtis examines the different ways that history and memory (both national and individual) have been used and manipulated by politicians and others.
TV Show: The Century of the Self ( 2002 )
A documentary about the rise of psychoanalysis as a powerful means of persuasion for both governments and corporations.
TV Show: All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace ( 2011 )
A series of films about how humans have been colonised by the machines we have built. Although we don't realise it, the way we see everything in the world today is through the eyes of the computers.
Movie: HyperNormalisation ( 2016 )
Adam Curtis explains how, at a time of confusing and inexplicable world events, politicians and the people they represent have retreated in to a damaging over-simplified version of what is happening.
Movie: Howard Zinn: A People's History of the United States ( 2016 )
With the tremendous success of his book, A People's History of the United States, Howard Zinn radically changed the way Americans see themselves. His friend Noam Chomsky says that Zinn litteraly transformed a generation's conscience. Zinn talks about those who have no voice in the official History : Slaves, Indians, deserters, textile workers, union men. On two occasi...Read all
Movie: Howard Zinn: You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train ( 2004 )
The life and times of Howard Zinn: the historian, activist, and author of several classics including "A Peoples History of the United States". Archival footage, and commentary by friend, colleagues and Zinn himself.
Movie: Liberty Bound ( 2004 )
Liberty Bound takes an entertaining, tongue-in-cheek look at America's on-going struggle to keep a comfortable balance between democracy, capitalism and fascism. This is a film about courage, fear, ignorance, knowledge, propaganda, rhetoric and the amazing events that have shaped our history.
Movie: Lake of Fire ( 2006 )
A graphic documentary on both sides of the abortion debate.
Movie: Occupy: The Movie ( 2013 )
On September 17 2011, a worldwide social movement was born in New York City. This film documents who they are and what they protest.
Movie: Requiem for the American Dream ( 2016 )
Renowned academic and author Noam Chomsky elucidates 10 principles of concentration of wealth and power that have led to unprecedented inequality and the hollowing out of the American middle class.
Movie: I Am ( 2010 )
Director Tom Shadyac speaks with intellectual and spiritual leaders about what's wrong with our world and how we can improve both it and the way we live in it.
Movie: Noam Chomsky: Rebel Without a Pause ( 2004 )
Linguist, intellectual and activist, Noam Chomsky discusses and reflects on the state of world events including the War in Iraq, September 11th, the War on Terror, Media Manipulation and Control, Social Activism, Fear, and American Foreign Policy in both large forums and in small interactive discussions with other intellectuals, activists, fans, students and critics. Interwoven, is Dr. Carol Chomsky, Noam's wife and manager who reflects on what drives Noam and what life is like with him. Other candid reflections about Noam Chomsky and his thoughts, work and influece are offerred by others throughout the film.
Movie: American Radical: The Trials of Norman Finkelstein ( 2010 )
About the life and work of controversial American Jewish academic Norman Finkelstein.
Movie: The Occupation of the American Mind ( 2016 )
Israel's ongoing military occupation of Palestinian territory and repeated invasions of the Gaza strip have triggered a fierce backlash against Israeli policies virtually everywhere in the world - except the United States. The Occupation of the American Mind takes an eye-opening look at this critical exception, zeroing in on pro-Israel public relations efforts within the U.S. Narrated by Roger Waters and featuring leading observers of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and U.S. media culture, the film explores how the Israeli government, the U.S. government, and the pro-Israel lobby have joined forces, often with very different motives, to shape American media coverage of the conflict in Israel's favor. From the U.S.-based public relations campaigns that emerged in the 1980s to today, the film provides a sweeping analysis of Israel's decades-long battle for the hearts, minds, and tax dollars of the American people in the face of widening international condemnation of its increasingly right-wing policies. Featuring Amira Hass, M.J. Rosenberg, Stephen M. Walt, Noam Chomsky, Rula Jebreal, Henry Siegman, Rashid Khalidi, Rami Khouri, Yousef Munayyer, Norman Finkelstein, Max Blumenthal, Phyllis Bennis, Norman Solomon, Mark Crispin Miller, Peter Hart and Sut Jhally.
Movie: Notes to Eternity ( 2016 )
notes to eternity is a meditation on the Israel-Palestine conflict centering on the lives and ideas of four renowned critics of Israel: Noam Chomsky, Sara Roy, Norman Finkelstein and Robert Fisk. All four have strong personal connections to the issue that traverse and transcend historical and cultural lines. Filmed over a number of years in the Middle East, the United States and the United Kingdom, the film becomes an exploration of the very act of representing injustice suffered by another, and a testament to the realities of dispossession that reverberate through all narratives of colonization and forced displacement.
Movie: With God on our Side ( 2010 )
With God On Our Side takes a hard look at the theology and politics of Christian Zionism, which teaches that because the Jews are God's chosen people, Israeli government policies should not be questioned, even when these policies are unjust.
Movie: The Divide ( 2016 )
Seven unconnected people striving for a better life across the US and UK discover the odds may be stacked against them. Filmmaker Katharine Round provokes intimate moments to build a mosaic of lives in the grip of fear and insecurity - driven by an ever widening gap between richest and poorest.
Movie: Imperial Grand Strategy ( 2006 )
Chomsky is back giving two 1-hour lectures at Merrimack College and University of Manchester.
Movie: Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media ( 1992 )
This film showcases Noam Chomsky, one of America's leading linguists and political dissidents. It also illustrates his message of how government and big media businesses cooperate to produce an effective propaganda machine in order to manipulate the opinions of their populations. The key examples featured for this analysis are the simultaneous events of the massive coverage of the communist atrocities of Khmer Rouge regime of Cambodia and the suppression of news of the US supported Indonesian invasion and subjugation of East Timor.
Movie: Discordia ( 2004 )
In the fall of 2002, it was announced that Benjamin Netanyahu would deliver a speech at Concordia University in Montreal, and reaction from the student body was swift and sudden.
Movie: Power and Terror: Noam Chomsky in Our Times ( 2002 )
Whether Noam Chomsky, the MIT linguist and political philosopher, is the most important intellectual alive, as the New York Times once famously called him, is open for debate. But without a doubt, Chomsky, now 73, is one of the most straight-talking and committed dissidents of our time. A steadfast critic of United States foreign policy for decades, in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, his profile took a quantum leap as he provided much-needed analysis and historical perspective to concerned citizens throughout the world. In the months that followed, he gave dozens of talks on four continents, conducted scores of interviews, and wrote a book 9-11 that was published in 22 countries and became a surprise bestseller in many of them, including Japan. Chomsky's voice may be unpopular, but his incisive arguments, based on decades of research and analysis, are heard and considered in this chronicle comprised of interview footage, and various talks he's given. Chomsky places the terrorist attacks in the context of American foreign intervention throughout the postwar decades--in Vietnam, Central America, the Middle East, and elsewhere. Beginning with the fundamental principle that the exercise of violence against civilian populations is terror, regardless of whether the perpetrator is a well-organized band of Muslim extremists, or the most powerful state in the world. Chomsky, in stark and uncompromising terms, challenges the United States to apply to its own actions the moral standards it demands of others.
TV Show: Not for Ourselves Alone ( 1999 )
Two women. One allegiance. Together they fought for women everywhere, and their strong willpower and sheer determination still ripples through contemporary society.Recount the trials, tribulations and triumphs of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony as they strive to give birth to the women's movement. Not until their deaths was their shared vision of women's suffrage realized.
Movie: Do You Remember Vietnam ( 1978 )
John Pilger, after reporting the end of the Vietnam War in 1975, returns in 1978 to take a look at the Vietnam of three years later and along with David Munro made this documentary.
Movie: The Truth Game ( 1983 )
John Pilger's penetrating film which show the world-wide propaganda surrounding the nuclear arms race. When the two American atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, ...
Movie: The Last Day ( 1983 )
Dramatized documentary about the end of the Vietnam War.
Movie: Death of a Nation: The Timor Conspiracy ( 1994 )
Documentary of the events that occurred in the East Timor genocide during 1990-91.
Movie: Apartheid Did Not Die ( 1998 )
Movie: Welcome to Australia ( 1999 )
How native Aborigines were and still are excluded in many ways from Australian society.
Movie: The New Rulers of the World ( 2001 )
The myths of globalisation have been incorporated into much of our everyday language. "Thinking globally" and "the global economy" are part of a jargon that assumes we are all part of one big global village, where national borders and national identities no longer matter. But what is globalisation? And where is this global village? In 2001, John Pilger made 'The New Rulers of the World', a film exploring the impact of globalisation. It took Indonesia as the prime example, a country that the World Bank described as a 'model pupil' until its 'globalised' economy collapsed in 1998. Globalisation has not only made the world smaller. It has also made it interdependent. An investment decision made in London can spell unemployment for thousands in Indonesia, while a business decision taken in Tokyo can create thousands of new jobs for workers in north-east England. This might seem a very natural development if you live in a country like Britain, with its long international history as a trading nation and imperial power. Bringing the world closer together may throw up new opportunities for cultural and economic interaction, but it also exposes us to the negative aspects of life on a shrinking planet, whether it be the threat of global warming, the international traffic in women for sexual exploitation or the spread of AIDS throughout Africa and Asia.
Movie: Palestine Is Still the Issue ( 2003 )
In a series of extraordinary interviews with both Palestinians and Israelis, John Pilger weaves together the issue of Palestine. He speaks to the families of suicide bombers and their victims; he sees the humiliation of Palestinians imposed on them at myriad checkpoints and with a permit system not dissimilar to apartheid South Africa's infamous pass laws. He goes into the refugee camps and meets children who, he says, "no longer dream like other children, or if they do, it is about death."
Movie: Breaking the Silence: Truth and Lies in the War on Terror ( 2003 )
A critical documentary about the war on terror since 9-11.
Movie: Stealing a Nation ( 2004 )
This tells a story literally 'hidden from history'. In the 1960s and 70s, British governments, conspiring with American officials, tricked into leaving, then expelled the entire population of the Chagos islands in the Indian Ocean. The aim was to give the principal island of this Crown Colony, Diego Garcia, to the Americans who wanted it as a major military base. Indeed, from Diego Garcia US planes have since bombed Afghanistan and Iraq. The story is told by islanders who were dumped in the slums of Mauritius and in the words of the British officials who left a 'paper trail' of what the International Criminal Court now describes as 'a crime against humanity' .
Movie: The War on Democracy ( 2007 )
Venezuela, Guatemala, Cuba, Chile, Salvador, Bolivia: people's struggle for democracy versus US imperialism in Latin America since the 1950s, backing coups and supporting dictatorships.
Movie: The War You Don't See ( 2010 )
Thought-provoking documentary on war propaganda: how governments manipulate the facts and how most media let them get away with it.
Movie: Utopia ( 2013 )
Exploring offenses practiced by popular media, big business, police forces and Governments helping the Australian 225 year campaign of genocide continue against Aboriginal Australians.
Movie: Unrepentant: Kevin Annett and Canada's Genocide ( 2006 )
A never before told history as seen through the eyes of this former minister (Kevin Annett) who blew the whistle on his own church, after he learned of thousands of murders in its Indian Residential Schools.
Movie: The Coming War on China ( 2016 )
The Coming War on China is John Pilger's 60th film for ITV. Pilger reveals what the news doesn't - that the United States and the world's second economic power, China (both nuclear armed) are on the road to war. Pilger's film is a warning and an inspiring story of resistance.
Movie: The Dirty War on the National Health Service ( 2019 )
Veteran filmmaker John Pilger takes us through a history of threats to Britain's National Health Service ,from its 1948 founding by Labor through a privatizing push by Margaret Thatcher's bureaucrats, to challenges by new Conservatives.
Movie: The Panama Papers ( 2018 )
A documentary feature film about the biggest global corruption scandal in history, and the hundreds of journalists who risked their lives to break the story.
Movie: My Country, My Country ( 2006 )
Documentary by Oscar winner Laura Poitras about the war in Iraq.
Movie: The Oath ( 2010 )
Tells the story of two men whose fateful encounter in 1996 set them on a course of events that led them to Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden, 9/11, Guantanamo, and the U.S. Supreme Court.
Movie: Downloaded ( 2013 )
A documentary that explores the downloading revolution; the kids that created it, the bands and the businesses that were affected by it, and its impact on the world at large.
Movie: Deep Web ( 2015 )
A feature documentary that explores the rise of a new Internet; decentralized, encrypted, dangerous and beyond the law; with particular focus on the FBI capture of the Tor hidden service Silk Road, and the judicial aftermath.
Movie: Trust Machine: The Story of Blockchain ( 2018 )
TRUST MACHINE is the first blockchain-funded, blockchain-distributed, and blockchain-focused documentary, from entertainment tech company SingularDTV and Futurism Studios. The feature documentary explores the evolution of cryptocurrency, blockchain and decentralization, including the technology's role in addressing important real-world problems, such as world hunger and income inequality.
Movie: Showbiz Kids ( 2020 )
A documentary about the highs and lows of children in show business, featuring interviews and examinations of the lives and careers of the most famous former child actors in the world.
Movie: The Farm: Angola, USA ( 1998 )
Documentary depicting day to day life in Angola Prison mostly from an inmate's perspective. Interviews are with several inmates including one with a life sentence who is about to die.
Movie: The Execution of Wanda Jean ( 2002 )
The Execution of Wanda Jean chronicles the life-and-death battle of Wanda Jean Allen, the first black woman to be put to death in the United States in the modern era.
Movie: The Nazi Officer's Wife ( 2003 )
Edith Han was an outspoken young woman studying law in Vienna when the Gestapo forced Edith and her mother into a Jewish ghetto. Edith was taken away to a labor camp, and when she returned home months later, she found her mother had been deported. Knowing she would become a hunted woman, Edith went underground, scavenging for food and searching each night for a safe place to sleep. Her boyfriend, Pepi, proved too terrified to help her, but a Christian friend was not. Using the woman's identity papers, Edith fled to Munich. There she met Werner Vetter, a Nazi Party member who fell in love with her. Despite her protests and even her eventual confession that she was Jewish, he married her and kept her identity a secret.
Movie: Girlhood ( 2003 )
Documentary chronicling America's justice system. Follows two female inmates - victims of horrific violence and tragedy - who are serving time in a Maryland juvenile detention center.
Movie: Addiction ( 2007 )
A documentary made up of nine separate segments on the topic of drug addiction. Segments include: "Saturday Night in a Dallas ER," by Jon Alpert; "A Mother's Desperation," by Susan Froemke and Albert Maysles; "The Science of Relapse," by Eugene Jarecki and Susan Froemke; "The Adolescent Addict," by Kate Davis and David Heilbroner; "Brain Imaging," by Liz Garbus and Rory Kennedy; "Opiate Addiction: A New Medication," by D.A. Pennebaker and Chris Hegedus; "Topiramate: A Clinical Trial for Alcoholism," by Alan and Susan Raymond; "Steamfitters Local Union 638," by Barbara Kopple; and "Insurance Woes," by Susan Froemke.
Movie: Coma ( 2007 )
Al'Khan, Roxanne, Sean, and Tom have each emerged from their Traumatic Brain Injury comas, but just how conscious are they, and will they get better?
Movie: Shouting Fire: Stories from the Edge of Free Speech ( 2009 )
First Amendment attorney Martin Garbus talks about the history and current state of free speech in America.
Movie: Bobby Fischer Against the World ( 2011 )
'Bobby Fischer Against the World' is a documentary feature exploring the tragic and bizarre life of the late chess master Bobby Fischer. The drama of Bobby Fischer's career was undeniable, from his troubled childhood, to his rock star status as World Champion and Cold War icon, to his life as a fugitive on the run. This film explores one of the most infamous and mysterious characters of the 20th century.
Movie: There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane ( 2011 )
This documentary explores the depth behind the case of a woman whose vehicle collision killed numerous people, including herself. Was she really the reckless drunk, or the perfect suburban mother?
Movie: Love, Marilyn ( 2013 )
Of all the stars in Hollywood's history, no one had a more potent mix of glamor and tragedy than Marilyn Monroe. Through performed readings of her personal papers, this film explores the life and personal thoughts of this seminal movie star and how she achieved her dream with determination and audacity. Furthermore, through additional readings and interviews of her colleagues and acquaintances, we also follow her emotional self-destruction under the sexist pressures of Hollywood until her premature death in 1962.
Movie: A Good Job: Stories of the FDNY ( 2014 )
Acclaimed actor and FDNY veteran Steve Buscemi looks at what it's like to work as a New York City firefighter. Utilizing exclusive behind-the-scenes footage and firsthand accounts from past and present firefighters, this special explores life in one of the world's most demanding fire departments while illuminating the lives of the often "strong and silent" heroes who risk their lives to protect residents and serve the city.
Movie: What Happened, Miss Simone? ( 2015 )
A documentary about the life and legend Nina Simone, an American singer, pianist, and civil rights activist labeled the "High Priestess of Soul."
Movie: Nothing Left Unsaid: Gloria Vanderbilt & Anderson Cooper ( 2016 )
Gloria Vanderbilt and her son Anderson Cooper discuss their notable family's history.
Movie: A Dangerous Son ( 2018 )
Documentary following three families each coping with a child affected by serious emotional or mental illness. The families explore treatment opportunities and grapple with the struggle of living with their child's condition.
Movie: American Hollow ( 1999 )
This film tells the tale of a close-knit Appalachian family that has changed little in the last 100 years.
Movie: Hobo ( 1992 )
Part-time hobos and full time philosophers, who narrates their way through the incredible scenery of the Northwest and gives us his views on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Movie: A Boy's Life ( 2003 )
Follows a Mississippi family's attempts to deal with an increasingly violent and erratic child.
Movie: Indian Point: Imagining the Unimaginable ( 2004 )
A documentary about the Indian Point power plant and it's virtual lack of security following the tragic events of September 11, 2001.
Movie: Without a Net: The Digital Divide in America ( 2017 )
At a time when American students from economically deprived schools are often ill-prepared for the global, digital economy, Without a Net: The Digital Divide in America, explores how technology can provide opportunities for learning and can help level the playing field. Further still, if such greater parity in education can be achieved, what are the critical factors in determining that success? The one-hour film focuses on digital inequities in public school classrooms, examining the challenges of providing connectivity, technology, and computer learning in public schools (Grades 6-12), as well as the transformative potential of fully equipping all students for the digital world. The narrative is built, in part, around profiles of schools, educators and students that face extraordinary challenges with connectivity, access, hardware, and teacher training, but are nevertheless achieving remarkable success. These stories illustrate the complexity of the problems faced by the nation's poorest school districts, and the need for multi-faceted solutions to close the technology gap; combining reliable internet at school and at home with up-to-date, relevant devices, as well as innovative teacher training, custom-designed, educational apps and visionary leadership.
Movie: The Devil We Know ( 2019 )
A group of citizens in West Virginia challenges a powerful corporation to be more environmentally responsible.
Movie: Last Call at the Oasis ( 2012 )
A documentary on the world's water crisis.
Movie: Rebuilding Paradise ( 2020 )
The community of Paradise, California, a town in the Sierra Nevada foothills, attempts to rebuild after devastating wildfires in 2018.
Movie: Portrait Werner Herzog ( 1986 )
A self portrait documentary by Werner Herzog.
Movie: The Flying Doctors of East Africa ( 1970 )
Film about the doctors that fly all over central Africa to bring medical help to the people living in the bush.
Movie: Fata Morgana ( 1972 )
Footage shot in and around the Sahara Desert, accompanied only by a spoken creation myth and the songs of Leonard Cohen.
Movie: The Great Ecstasy of Woodcarver Steiner ( 1974 )
A study of the psychology of a champion ski-jumper, whose full-time occupation is carpentry.
Movie: How Much Wood Would a Woodchuck Chuck... ( 1976 )
Herzog examines the world championships for cattle auctioneers, his fascination with a language created by an economic system, and compares it to the lifestyle of the Amish, who live nearby.
Movie: Handicapped Future (TV Short 1971) ( 1981 )
Illuminating look at the way physically disabled people were dealt with in West Germany in the late 60's / early 70's.
Movie: Glaube und Währung - Dr. Gene Scott, Fernsehprediger ( 1981 )
The documentary follows Gene Scott, famous televangelist involved with constant fights against FCC, who tried to shut down his TV show during the 1970's and 1980's, and even argues with his viewers, complaining about their lack of support by not sending enough money to keep going with the show. Werner Herzog presents the man, his thoughts and also includes some of his uncharacteristic programs.
Movie: Huie's Sermon ( 1981 )
The reverend Huie L. Rogers delivers an intense and impassioned sermon at his church in Brooklyn.
Movie: The Dark Glow of the Mountains ( 1985 )
Werner Herzog follows mountaineers Hans Kammerlander and Reinhold Messner during their expedition into climbing the Gasherbrum mountains, which has some of the most difficult peaks to be conquered, and they'll do it without the use of oxygen tanks. Herzog also takes some time to hear about their past experiences with other mountains, their personal tragedies and the reasons why they are so involved with such activity.
Movie: Ballad of the Little Soldier ( 1985 )
The film focuses on a group of Miskito Indians in Nicaragua who used children soldiers in their resistance against the Sandinistas.
Movie: Land of Silence and Darkness ( 2002 )
Through examining Fini Straubinger, an old woman who has been deaf and blind since adolescence, and her work on behalf of other deaf and blind people, this film shows how the deaf and blind struggle to understand and accept a world from which they are almost wholly isolated.
Movie: Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe (Short 1980)
A short documentary in which directors Werner Herzog and Errol Morris make a bet which results in Herzog being forced to eat his own shoe.
Movie: Giovanna d'Arco ( 1989 )
Movie: Herdsmen of the Sun ( 1989 )
Herzog's documentary of the Wodaabe people of the Sahara/Sahel region. Particular attention is given to the tribe's spectacular courtship rituals and 'beauty pageants', where eligible young men strive to outshine each other and attract mates by means of lavish makeup, posturing and facial movements.
Movie: Echoes From a Somber Empire ( 1990 )
Documentary examining Bokassa's rule in the Central African Republic using the testimony of witnesses and visits to key sites.
Movie: Gesualdo: Death for Five Voices ( 1995 )
Works, legend and murders of Carlo Gesualdo, a notorious Italian composer and murderer from the 16th century.
Movie: The Transformation of the World Into Music ( 1996 )
This film was prepared as a introduction to a series of opera broadcasts on German television. It depicts the behind-the-scenes maneuverings in preparation for the annual opera festival in Bayreuth.