Playlists > WAR Movies

WAR Movies

War Movies and Documentaries. Mostly on WWII.

Creator: Mattrizzo
Posted: 3 years ago

4 favorites


Movie: The Hasty Heart ( 1949 )
In the final days of WW2, in a M.A.S.H. unit in Burma, a severely wounded corporal watches in dismay as fellow soldiers pack-up to return home but a caring nurse and five remaining soldiers bring him solace.
Movie: The Eve of St. Mark ( 1944 )
Hometown boy Quizz West (William Eythe) is one of fewer than 19,000 draftees in 1940. After being familiarized with his fiancée Janet and him, we find Quizz at a gun position fighting off the Japanese along the Philippine shoreline. The situation becomes hopeless for Quizz and his fellow gunners and it's either flee or hold their positions and provide cover for escapees. To make his decision, Quizz communes with his mother and Janet through the medium of dreams.
Movie: The Bells Go Down ( 1943 )
Comedian Tommy Trinder plays it straight in this tribute to the wartime AFS (Auxiliary Fire Service). The dedicated band who kept the fires of London under control during the blitz and fire bombings of WWII.
Movie: The War Below ( 2021 )
During World War I, a group of British miners are recruited to tunnel underneath no man's land and set bombs from below the German front in hopes of breaking the deadly stalemate of the Battle of Messines.
Movie: The Russians Are Coming the Russians Are Coming ( 1966 )
In the Cold War, when the captain of a Russian submarine comes too close to the Gloucester Island in Massachusetts to give a look at America, the submarine gets stranded. A nine-man team commanded by Lieutenant Rozanov goes onshore to search a motor boat to release the submarine and arrives at the summer house of the New Yorker writer Walt Whittaker that is spending the weekend with his family in Gloucester. When he realizes that they are Russians, he believes that it is an invasion. Soon the information leaks, leading hysteria and paranoia along the inhabitants of the small village.
Movie: Somewhere I'll Find You ( 1942 )
Two brother, rival correspondents, find themselves fighting their conservative editor over stories and each other of over the affections of a pretty blonde journalist.
Movie: Remember the Day ( 1941 )
Elderly schoolteacher Nora Trinell, waiting to meet presidential nominee Dewey Roberts, recalls him as her student back in 1916 and his relation to Dan Hopkins, the man she married and lost.
Movie: Paris After Dark ( 1943 )
Members of the French underground resistance, live their "normal" lives during the day, and fight the occupying Nazis in the war-torn Paris after dark. Some will end their lives fighting, and some will find purpose in life once again.
Movie: The Silver Fleet ( 1943 )
Jaap van Leyden (Sir Ralph Richardson) is in charge of a shipyard in newly occupied Holland. At first he collaborates with the Germans because it is the easiest course to follow. Later, a child's rhyme reminds him of his patriotic duty, but how best to resist the Nazis without endangering his wife and fellow workers?
Movie: The Fall of Berlin ( 1945 )
Over 40 Army cameramen from 1st Belorussian and 1st Ukrainian Fronts' contributed footage of this remarkable documentary of the fall of Berlin, including captured German footage.
Movie: Happy Land ( 1943 )
In a typical American Midwestern city, Hartfield, Iowa, Lew Marsh (Don Ameche) is the owner of a drugstore. Everyone knows Lew and knew his grandfather, old "Gramp" Marsh (Harry Carey), who had passed on. One evening, Lew and his wife, Agnes (Frances Dee), reminisce lovingly about their son, "Rusty" (Richard Crane), when a telegram arrives from the Navy Department informing them that "Rusty" had been killed in action. Lew becomes bitter, avoids people, refuses to go near the family drugstore. "Gramp" appears before Lew and takes him in hand and together, they revisit the past: Lew's childhood; "Gramp" as a Civil War veteran; Lew's courtship of Agnes; the birth of "Rusty"; Lew as a WWI soldier; Rusty's boyhood days and into his attempt to decide between Lenore Prentiss and Gretchen Barry, and how Lenore becomes his girl just before he joins the Navy. This excursion into the past takes away Lew's bitterness and he now sees what America means.
Movie: Frieda ( 1947 )
A Royal Air Force pilot who was shot down during World War II returns home to his English village with his new bride. The trouble is that she is the German lady who helped him escape. Then her brother arrives.
Movie: Dangerously They Live ( 1941 )
After a traffic accident solely involving a taxi in New York City, the Jane Doe taxi passenger is brought into the hospital, she who is physically all right but who is suffering from retrograde amnesia from the accident. She is assigned under the care of Dr. Michael Lewis, an intern at the hospital, as he is doing research on such amnesia cases. It isn't until...
Movie: None Shall Escape ( 1944 )
The career of a Nazi officer shown as flashbacks from his trial as a war criminal.
Movie: Remember Pearl Harbor ( 2016 )
The focus of this film is on the military and civilian survivors of Pearl Harbor, all of whom had totally different experiences onDecember 7, 1941.
Movie: Operator 13 ( 1934 )
Union spy Gail Loveless impersonates a black maid in the early days of the Civil War, but complications arise when she falls in love with a Confederate officer.
Movie: The Adventures of Tartu ( 1943 )
1940. Captain Terence Stevenson with the British Army is part of the bomb disposal unit in London, his primary job to defuse them. Despite having no experience as a spy, he is asked by his superiors, because of his academic background as a chemical engineer and being fluent in Romanian and German, to lead a spy mission deep in Nazi occupied territory. The Nazis have near perfected a formula for a new poisonous gas to use in chemical warfare, his mission to infiltrate the gas plant near Pilsen in Czechoslovakia where it is being mass produced, steal the formula to bring back to Britain, and blow up the plant before the Nazis are able to distribute the gas for their war effort.
Movie: Hanover Street ( 1979 )
Margaret is a nurse in England during WW2, and married to a secret agent. Things get complicated when she falls for David, an American pilot.
Movie: The Man Who Captured Eichmann ( 1996 )
The story of the 1960 hostile extraction of the Nazi war criminal, Adolf Eichmann, by the Mossad to Israeli justice.
TV Show: Presidents at War ( 2019 )
Presidents at War tells the story of World War II through the experiences of eight remarkable men. Men who, like sixteen million other Americans, bravely serve their country during its darkest hour, and then go on to further service as the nation's Commanders-in-Chief. Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. This is the story of how their war experiences change them, how they emerge from conflict as leaders and how the crucible of war shapes the decisions they make when they reach the White House.
Movie: Fireball Forward ( 1972 )
A hard-nose general takes over a division with a bad combat record.
Movie: Golden Earrings ( 1947 )
On the eve of WW2, a British spy goes to Germany to obtain a secret poison-gas formula from a scientist but things go awry and he is saved by a beautiful nomadic gypsy woman.
Movie: Come See the Paradise ( 1990 )
The passionate romance between an Irish-American man and a Japanese-American woman is threatened when the Pearl Harbor attacks happen and the woman is forced into a prison camp because of her ethnicity.
Movie: The House on Garibaldi Street ( 1979 )
After World War II, many important figures in Hitler's command escaped Germany and Occupied Europe and were rumored to be living in South America. Adolf Eichmann,wanted in connection with millions of deaths, is suspected to be living incognito in Argentina. Mossad, Israel's secret intelligence organization is determined to bring Eichmann (if it is him indeed) to justice.
Movie: Doolittle's Raiders: A Final Toast ( 2015 )
A detailed look at the Doolittle Raid, and the final official public reunion of the surviving Raiders.
Movie: Panama Patrol ( 1939 )
The head of the cipher bureau, Phillip Waring, is about to marry his secretary, Helen Lane, when he is informed that the state department has discovered a message that must be decoded. With the information given, Waring and his assistant, Lieutenant Murdock, investigate, but their every move seems to be known to their alien adversaries. Helen discovers that Arlie Johnson, interpreter for the bureau, is the real leader of the spy ring, but before she can relay the information she falls into the hands of Johnson and his spy-ring henchmen.
TV Show: The Buildings That Fought Hitler ( 2021 )
Rob Bell presents an eight-part series on the defences that Britain put in place in 1940 to defend the country against the very real threat of a Nazi invasion. Over 6,000 structures were built, repurposed or requisitioned. This series looks at just some of the buildings that were designed to fight Hitler.
Movie: The Last Escape ( 1970 )
During the final days of WW2, an Allied commando team races toward a German rocket base to abduct a Nazi scientist before the fast advancing Soviet troops could reach him.
Movie: Back Door to Hell ( 1964 )
During World War II, a three man commando team places its trust in the hands of a band of Filipino resistants, as they try to knock out a Japanese communication center.
Movie: They Who Dare ( 1954 )
During World War II, British commandos are sent to destroy a Luftwaffe airfield on a Greek island.
Movie: Confessions of a Nazi Spy ( 1939 )
FBI agent Ed Renard investigates the pre-War espionage activities of the German-American Bund.
Movie: The Bamboo Prison ( 1955 )
Corporal Brady (Brian Keith) an American soldier captured during the Korean War, is taken to a POW camp. There he meets Sergeant Rand (Robert Francis) a prisoner who is cooperating with the North Koreans. Brady is disgusted by these actions, but he soon discovers that Rand is actually an intelligence officer playing along to access important secrets. Rand also becomes close to Tanya Clanton (Dianne Foster), the wife of an American traitor, in order to exact information.
Movie: The Scarlet and the Black ( 1983 )
Vatican efforts, led by Monsignor Hugh O'Flaherty, to save Allied P.O.W.s and downed Allied airmen as the Nazis invade Rome.
Movie: The Sky's the Limit ( 1943 )
Flying Tiger Fred Atwell sneaks away from his famous squadron's personal appearance tour and goes incognito for several days of leave. He quickly falls for photographer Joan Manion, pursuing her in the guise of a carefree drifter.
Movie: Pin Up Girl ( 1944 )
Glamorous Lorry Jones, the toast of a Missouri military canteen, has become "engaged" to almost every serviceman she's signed her pin-up photo for. Now she's leaving home to go into government service (not, as she fantasizes, to join the USO). On a side trip to New York, her vivid imagination leads her to True Love with naval hero Tommy Dooley; but increasingly involved Musical Comedy Complications follow.
Movie: Angel of the Skies ( 2013 )
War is declared and Britain must take action against Nazi Germany if Europe is going to be saved from its ruthless clutches. Determined to beat the enemy Flt. Office Earl Kirk, a young South African pilot, volunteers his services to the Royal Air Force, sacrificing his family, his future and himself in the fight against evil.
Movie: Triumph of the Will ( 1935 )
The infamous propaganda film of the 1934 Nazi Party rally in Nuremberg, Germany.
TV Show: Life After WWI: In Colour ( 2019 )
Historical documentary featuring colourised archive footage charting the First World War's aftermath in Europe and beyond once celebrations marking the end of hostilities had ceased.
Movie: The Incredible Mr. Limpet ( 1964 )
Meek and mild mannered bookkeeper Henry Limpet has few passions in life. It's mid-1941 and he would love to join the Navy but has been rated 4F. His friend George Stickle is in the Navy and lays it on pretty thick. If Henry could have one thing it would be to become a fish. While on a visit to Coney Island, Henry falls into the water and miraculously gets his wish. No...Read all
TV Show: World War II: When Lions Roared ( 1994 )
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin lead the Allied powers to victory in the second World War.
Movie: Yellowneck ( 1955 )
5 Confederate soldiers desert, make their way through the Everglades and try to make it to Cuba.
Movie: Enemy of Women ( 1944 )
Young Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels, an unsuccessful playwright, is forced, in order to support himself, to take a position as tutor in the household of Herr Quandt. His first attempt to force himself upon women comes when he becomes interested in a young actress, Maria Brandt, daughter of Colonel Brandt at whose home he is lodging. He is driven from the house...
Movie: Summer of My German Soldier ( 1978 )
A young American girl meets a German prisoner of war.
TV Show: D-Day Sacrifice ( 2014 )
It was the biggest air and naval fleet in history to take off for France to free Europe from Nazi Germany's clutches. As World War II entered its fifth year of combat, and despite set-backs in Russia, the power of Germany remained so strong that the Anglo American Allies had to recruit 2 million men all ready to sacrifice their lives. From the Battle of Normandy to the Liberation of Paris, tens of thousands of lives were lost; D-Day Sacrifice recounts the story of the D-Day Landings on 6 June 1944 through the testimonies of those who lived it. Comprised entirely of re-mastered and colourised archive footage, much of it never before seen, the remarkable testimonies of famous individuals like Dwight D. Eisenhower and Erwin Rommel are intertwined with those of anonymous soldiers and citizens, such as film director Samuel Fuller and Eisenhower's chauffeur, Kay Summersby.
Movie: Wake Island: Alamo of the Pacific ( 2003 )
This documentary is a captivating account of the defense of Wake Island by a small contingent of United States Marines and civilian contractors. From December 8th until December 23rd, 1941 the defenders thwarted an aerial attack and an attempted amphibious landing from a naval task force before finally being overwhelmed by the third attempt by the Japanese Imperial Navy. Five surviving Marines, one surviving construction contractor and others walk the viewers through the battle and the aftermath of the battle. A truly superb story of American heroes at the outset of World War II, narrated by Will Lyman.
Movie: 3rd Reich: Evil Deceptions ( 2016 )
The Nazis were the most evil party in history. To accomplish their 3rd Reich they created a messiah in Adolf Hitler but also devised a machine that would manipulate the hearts and souls of millions.
Movie: B-17 Flying Legend ( 2003 )
Here is the story of WWII's most famous airplane, the B-17s. Packed with 211 minutes of content, including the original 1944 Memphis Belle
Movie: Objective, Burma! ( 1945 )
A group of men parachute into Japanese-occupied Burma with a dangerous and important mission: to locate and blow up a radar station. They accomplish this well enough, but when they try to rendezvous at an old air-strip to be taken back to their base, they find Japanese waiting for them, and they must make a long, difficult walk back through enemy-occupied jungle.
Movie: The Quiet American ( 1958 )
A young naive American and a cynical older British diplomat disagree over politics in 1952 Vietnam and over a beautiful young native girl.
Movie: The Gallant Hours ( 1960 )
The Gallant Hours depicts the crucial five-week period in October-November 1942 after Admiral Halsey took command of the beleaguered American forces in the South Pacific Area. That period of combat became a turning point in the struggle against the Japanese Empire during the World War II. The story is told in flashback, framed by Halsey's ceremony of going on inactive duty in 1947.
Movie: Arch of Triumph ( 1948 )
In winter of 1938, Paris is crowded with refugees from the Nazis, who live in the black shadows of night, trying to evade deportation. One such is Dr. Ravic, who practices medicine illegally and stalks his old Nazi enemy Haake with murder in mind. One rainy night, Ravic meets Joan Madou, a kept woman cast adrift by her lover's sudden death. Against Ravic's better judgement, they become involved in a doomed affair; matters come to a crisis on the day war is declared.
Movie: Allies ( 2014 )
August 1944. A team of British soldiers led by a US Captain are dropped behind enemy lines in France on a mission that could shorten the war. As nothing goes according to plan, commando Sergeant Harry McBain and Captain Gabriel Jackson know they must put aside personal animosity if the mission is to succeed. Inspired by true events, Allies tells the story of friendship and survival.
Movie: They Gave Him a Gun ( 1937 )
A World War I veteran who married the girlfriend of his presumed-dead war buddy falls into the racketeering business.
Movie: Sunday Dinner for a Soldier ( 1944 )
A poor family in Florida saves all the money they can in order to plan something special for the soldier they've invited to Sunday dinner. They don't realize that their request to invite the soldier never got mailed. On the day of the scheduled dinner, another soldier is brought to their home and love soon blossoms between him and Tessa, the young woman who runs the home.
Movie: The Pied Piper ( 1942 )
While traveling in France during the Nazi invasion of 1940, an Englishman is entrusted with the care of a group of refugee children.
Movie: Pride of the Marines ( 1945 )
Marine hero Al Schmid is blinded in battle and returns home to be rehabilitated. He readjusts to his civilian life with the help of his soon to be wife.
Movie: The Last Bullet ( 1996 )
Set during WWII, an Australian and Japanese soldier play a deadly game of Cat and mouse in a South Pacific Jungle.
Movie: In the Meantime, Darling ( 1944 )
A young bride who comes from a rich family has a hard time adjusting to life in a boarding house with other soldiers and their wives. Her spoiled ways cause resentment from the other wives and problems with her husband.
Movie: The Court-Martial of Billy Mitchell ( 1955 )
A dramatization of the American general and his court martial for publically complaining about High Command's dismissal and neglect of the aerial fighting forces.
Movie: The Battle of Britain ( 1945 )
The official World War II US government account of Great Britain's stand against the Nazi war machine after the Dunkirk evacuation.
Movie: They Raid by Night ( 1942 )
The British Commandos send Bob Owen (Lyle Talbot) to Norway to prepare for a raid. His mission also includes freeing General Heden (Paul Baratoff) who is being held by the Nazis. His aides include Eric Falken (George Nesie) and Harry (Charles Rogers). Inga (June Duprez), a Norwegian girl to whom Falken was once engaged but who has become the sweetheart of Oberst Von Ritter (Victor Varconi), betrays their hiding place. The three overpower the Gestapo men sent after them, take their uniforms and enter the prison camp and free Heden. The four men then start for the coast to meet the Commando expedition. Inga, who the men still trust, again informs von Ritter and Falken is captured but Bob and Harry escape with the aid of Dalberg, who they thought was a Quisling stooge.
Movie: A Yank in Libya ( 1942 )
American correspondent Mike Malone uncovers a Nazi plot for an uprising of the Arab tribes in Lybia. Pursued by Sheik David and his men, Mike takes refuge in the suite of Nancy Brooks, who is in the British Intelligence. He asks her to hide a gun and escapes through a window. Reporting the affair to...
Movie: Attack! Battle of New Britain ( 1944 )
Documentary film depicting the attack by Allied forces on the Japanese strong-holds of Arawe Beach and Cape Gloucester, New Britain, in the South Pacific theatre of the Second World War in 1943.
Movie: Combat America ( 1943 )
A documentary recounting the experiences of the 351st Bombardment Group of the U.S. Army Air Forces, based in England during the Second World War . The group's air and ground crews are followed through a number of bombing missions over Hitler's Germany.
Movie: Storm Over the Nile ( 1955 )
A CinemaScope remake of The Four Feathers (1939).
Movie: Once Upon a Honeymoon ( 1942 )
At the start of WWII, Katie O'Hara, an American burlesque girl intent on social climbing, marries Austrian Baron Von Luber. Pat O'Toole, an American radio reporter, sees this as a chance to investigate Von Luber, who is suspected of having Nazi ties. As country after country falls to the Nazis, O'Toole follows O'Hara across Europe. At first he is after a story, but he gradually falls in love with her. When she learns that her husband is indeed a Nazi, O'Hara fakes her death and runs off with O'Toole. In Paris, she is recruited to spy for the allies; he uses a radio broadcast to make Von Luber and the Nazis look like fools.
Movie: Silent Wings: The American Glider Pilots of World War II ( 2007 )
6,000 young Americans volunteered to fly large unarmed gliders into battle. Only a few returned.
Movie: No Retreat from Destiny: The Battle That Rescued Washington ( 2006 )
Tells the story of the Confederacy's last great invasion of the north, in July 1864, and the subsequent attack on Washington, D.C. that almost brought the northern war effort to its knees. Follows the campaign from Richmond to Petersburg, then to battles at Lynchburg and General Jubal Early's fight down the Shenandoah Valley - defeating two Union Armies in the process. The Confederates crossing the Potomac River into Maryland, and the ransoming of Frederick and Hagerstown; The pivotal Battle of Monocacy (July 9, 1864), and the desperate defense by Union General Lew Wallace. Finally, the Confederates reaching the gates of Washington, and missing their chance to capture the Union Capitol by minutes. Tells the story of the battle and the campaign through the eyes of the men who fought and died on the farms of Western Maryland.
Movie: The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp ( 1943 )
From the Boer War through World War II, a soldier rises through the ranks in the British military.
TV Show: Rough Riders ( 1997 )
Rough Riders is a 1997 American television miniseries directed and co-written by John Milius about future President Theodore Roosevelt and the regiment known as the 1st US Volunteer Cavalry; a.k.a. the Rough Riders. The series prominently shows the bravery of the volunteers at the Battle of San Juan Hill, part of the Spanish–American War of 1898. 
Movie: Two Flags West ( 1951 )
Forced by circumstances,Confederate POWs and Union soldiers join forces against Indians but old animosities resurface during their fragile alliance.
TV Show: D-Day: The Last Heroes ( 2013 )
Dan Snow examines how the Allied Forces planned and executed the D-Day landings, as surviving veterans tell the story of one of the most dramatic military operations in history.
Movie: Iwo Jima: 50 Years of Memories ( 2007 )
It was one of the last major battles of WWII, fought on a tiny Pacific island only eight miles square. And when it was over, nearly 30,000 American and Japanese men were dead. Thousands more were wounded. This is the story of Iwo Jima, told entirely through the voices of American servicemen who survived the hell that was "Operation Detachment." Interviewed 50 years after the last shot on Iwo was fired, many of these brave men had never before spoken to anyone about their experiences on "Sulpher Island" -- a silence that haunted them for decades. Originally broadcast on PBS, Iwo Jima: 50 Years of Memories has been digitally remastered with added footage and photographs, including additional maps and archival film not previously available to the public. Iwo Jima: 50 Years of Memories remains a moving tribute to all of the men who suffered through this horrific campaign -- and the thousands who didn't come home.
Movie: Von Steuben's Continentals: The First American Army ( 2007 )
It's all live-action, in full-color, shot and created digitally, detailing the creation and drill of the Revolutionary War American soldier from the defeats as a militia rabble in 1776 to success after Valley Forge in 1779-1781. It details all of the movements in Baron Von Steuben's "Blue Book" drill manual, as well as detailing the various uniforms, equipment, weapons, camps, marching, soldier life in camp, food and battles of the Continental Soldier. This is a first-of-its kind documentary, using actors and reenactors in authentic uniforms and settings to tell the story of the men of this army. This is the first in a planned 35 DVD "American Soldier Series" detailing the lives times and world of the American fighting men (and women) through history.
Movie: The Navy Way ( 1944 )
The experiences of a disparate group of young men as they make their way through Navy boot camp.
Movie: The History of the Luftwaffe ( 1989 )
Using very rare footage recently obtained from the eastern block, the Luftwaffe's success, structure, tactics and inherent weaknesses are chronicled.
Movie: Nazi Britain ( 2003 )
In 1940 the Channel Islands became the only part of Britain to fall under Nazi rule. Now in this film Islanders speak from the heart about one of the most extraordinary periods in our history. Reliving in their own words the horror of the first air raids, the shock of occupation and the islands' gradual five year long decent into privation and starvation before experiencing the capitulation of the German forces and the joy of liberation.
Movie: Stolen by Hitler ( 2005 )
In 1941 Hitler deported over 2000 British men, women and children from the Channel Islands to the heart of Nazi Germany. It was a terrifying journey into the unknown and some killed themselves rather than go. Others had just hours to pack one bag, destroy their pets and leave. However, the initial horror of the camps and the struggle to survive in the primitive conditions was replaced with a determination not just to survive, but to thrive, as Hitler's crime created one of the most bizarre episodes of the war.
Movie: Fleeing the Reich ( 2005 )
In 1940, carried on a wave of rumour and panic, thirty thousand Channel Islanders fled their homes, their livelihoods and the islands for five long years in exile. Arriving in England with just one small case and only twenty pounds in cash, they were sent by rail across the country from Oldham to Glasgow. Children separated from parents, all cast adrift in an alien culture. Homeless and jobless, the adventures that befell them helped forge friendships the length and breadth of Great Britain which survive to this day. This is their story.
Movie: Katy's Love Affair ( 1947 )
The fortunes of an upper-class British family are followed through three wars and four generations.
Movie: Final Account ( 2021 )
An urgent portrait of the last living generation of Hitler's Third Reich in never-before-seen interviews raising vital questions about authority, conformity, national identity, and their own roles in the greatest human crimes in history.
Movie: American Traitor: The Trial of Axis Sally ( 2021 )
An American woman named Mildred Gillars broadcast Nazi propaganda during World War II. She was dubbed Axis Sally by the American GIs who simultaneously loved and hated her. The story plunges the viewer into the dark underbelly of the Third Reich's hate-filled propaganda machine, Sally's eventual capture, and subsequent trial for treason in Washington D.C. after the war.
Movie: Lost Daughter ( 1949 )
Intrigued by the portrait of a Jewish girl at a London art gallery, a British Army Major attempts to find her amongst the refugees living in various camps for displaced people in post-World War II Germany.
Movie: Above Suspicion ( 1943 )
Oxford Professor Richard Myles and new bride Frances are off on a European honeymoon. It isn't your typical honeymoon though, for they are on a spying mission for British intelligence on the eve of World War 2.
Movie: Captain Carey, U.S.A. ( 1950 )
A group of agents in the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (forerunner of the C.I.A.) are sent to France, during World War II, to knock out the French railroad system and, in accomplishing this mission, most of them will be killed because of an inside betrayal. After the war, one of the agents returns to find the traitor.
Movie: Hold Back the Night ( 1956 )
A Marine officer tells his squad the story behind a bottle of liquor that he always keeps with him but never drinks from.
Movie: 20, 000 Men a Year ( 1939 )
Jim Howell, a Civil Aeronautics Authorty official, has grounded Brand Reynolds for reckless flying. Reynolds starts a flying school but has little success until Howell has the CAA make Brad's school a center in its civilian pilots' training program. Howell does this anonymously as Brad still bears a grudge against him. Among the college students taking flying lessons are "Skip" Rogers, whose sister, Ann Rogers, opposes his flying until she meets and falls in love with Brad. Jim Howell's brother, Tommy, is also a student. Tommy confesses to Brad that he is afraid to fly, and Brad takes him up on a special training flight which ends in disaster. The engine stalls, Tommy faints and Brad opens his parachute and throws him out of the plane in order to save his life. Brad lands the plane safely in a tree. (Actually, Paul Mantz lands the airplane safely in a tree.) Brad then takes another plane to search for Tommy, and "Skip" goes along as a stowaway.
Movie: Cast a Giant Shadow ( 1966 )
In 1947, following the U.N. decision to split British Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states, a former U.S. Army officer is recruited by the Jews to reorganize the Haganah.
Movie: Dive Bomber ( 1941 )
A new flight surgeon and a Navy pilot overcome personal differences to work on solving the problem of Altitude Sickness which causes blackouts at high altitude. The real stars of the film are the pre-World War II navy aircraft featured in full color
Movie: Sky Devils ( 1932 )
Wilkie and Mitchell, trying to desert their draft into the army, stow away on a ship which takes them into the war zone. While AWOL, the rivals for Mary's affections accidently destroy an ammunition dump.
Movie: The Captive Heart ( 1947 )
In 1940, a concentration camp escapee assumes the identity of a dead British officer, only to become a prisoner of war.
Movie: Between Heaven and Hell ( 1956 )
The spoiled rich son of a wealthy Southerner is changed by his experiences in the Pacific during World War II.
Movie: Firetrail ( 2014 )
A Confederate Civil War captain faces challenges as the Union army storms through South Carolina, destroying everything in its path. When he is sent to the front lines his home life suffers, which only compounds the soldier's trouble
Movie: The Angry Hills ( 1959 )
In 1941, Greek resistance entrusts an American journalist with a Greek double-agent secret list that must reach London and must not fall into Nazi hands.
Movie: Attack on the Iron Coast ( 1968 )
During World War II, a commando leader named Major Jamie Wilson leads a group of soldiers on a suicide mission to destroy a Nazi naval stronghold on the French coast.
Movie: Journey to Shiloh ( 1968 )
At the onset of the Civil War, seven young Texans decide to join General Hood's Texas regiment in Richmond. During their long horseback voyage from Texas to Virginia, the seven young men will witness first-hand the Southern prejudice and snobbery. They also will witness the lynching of runaway black slaves. Filled with dreams of war glory, they will nevertheless push ahead toward their destination. Their trek eastward is eventful and fraught with dangers, as the Texans will occasionally get into trouble with the townsfolk from various towns. Although they do eventually join the Confederate forces, it will happen in Shiloh, Tennessee not in Richmond, Virginia as planned. After becoming soldiers, they realize that war is not what they expected or dreamed about. The army and the war are not at all compatible with the core human values of ordinary Texans. The battle of Shiloh is the epitaph of this story.
Movie: The Secret Invasion ( 1964 )
The Nazis imprison an Italian general who was planning to switch sides and turn over his army to the Allied side. Allied headquarters sends a small, somewhat misfit group of soldiers to spring the general from prison and carry out his plans.
Movie: The Hook ( 1963 )
In the final days of the Korean War, an enemy airman is captured by three American soldiers who cannot bring themselves to follow the order to execute their prisoner.
Movie: War Hunt ( 1962 )
Dispatched to the front lines during the Korean War, an idealistic American soldier discovers the horrors of combat and comes at odds with a psychopathic member of his platoon.
Movie: Taxi for Tobruk ( 1961 )
During World War II, French Commandos join forces with a German officer in order to survive the African desert.