Playlists > ✔️ The Interwar Period (1918–1939) films and TV shows

✔️ The Interwar Period (1918–1939) films and TV shows

The years between two World Wars saw some abrupt political, social and economic changes in Europe. The United States became the world leader in industrial progress largely fueled by Prohibition and the Great Depression.

The popularity of jazz grew during Prohibition along with illegal drinking establishments known as ‘speakeasies’. Radio broadcasts were a source of free entertainment. Films of the interwar years introduced Walt Disney and Charlie Chaplin.

Creator: Greer
Posted: 3 years ago

17 favorites


Movie: The Good Shepherd ( 2006 )
The tumultuous early history of the Central Intelligence Agency is viewed through the prism of one man's life.
Movie: Dempsey ( 1983 )
True story about Jack Dempsey, one of the most famous professional US boxers who made his name in the 1920's as the world heavyweight champion and media sensation.
Movie: Century Hotel ( 2001 )
An omnibus of seven stories, all set in the room 720 of Century Hotel, that illustrate the tense and changing nature of relationships between men and women during each of the seven decades between the 1920s and the 1990s.
Movie: The Career of a Chambermaid ( 1976 )
The film tells a story of a young chambermaid from Venice who is a fan of Italian "Telefoni bianchi" cinema of the fascist era. She decides to follow her dream and goes to Rome, hoping to become an actress.
Movie: Bent ( 1997 )
Max is gay and as such is sent to Dachau concentration camp under the Nazi regime. He tries to deny he is gay, and gets a yellow label (the one for Jews) instead of pink (the one for gays). In camp, he falls in love with fellow prisoner Horst, who wears his pink label with pride.
Movie: Bessie ( 2015 )
The story of legendary blues performer Bessie Smith, who rose to fame during the 1920s and '30s.
Movie: Enid ( 2009 )
Edwardian child Enid Blyton begins to tell stories to her brothers as an escape from their parents' rows before the father deserts the family. While training as a teacher after the Great War she sends her stories to publishers; one of them, Hugh Pollock, takes her on and also marries her. They have two daughters, but Enid is a terrible mother, letting a nanny raise th...Read all
Movie: Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius ( 2004 )
Jim Caviezel stars as golf legend Bobby Jones, the icon who retired from competition at the tender age of 28.
Movie: Genius ( 2016 )
When, one day in 1929, writer Thomas Wolfe decided to keep the appointment made by Max Perkins, editor at Scribner's, he had no illusions: his manuscript would be turned down as had invariably been the case. But, to his happy amazement, his novel, which was to become "Look Homeward, Angel," was accepted for publication. The only trouble was that it was overlong (by 300 pages) and had to be reduced. Although reluctant to see his poetic prose trimmed, Wolfe agreed and was helped by Perkins, who had become a true friend, with the result that it instantly became a favorite with the critics and a best seller. Success was even greater in 1935 when "Of Time and the River" appeared, but the fight for reducing Wolfe's logorrheic written expression had been even harder, with the novel originally at 5,000 pages. Perkins managed to cut 90,000 words from the book, and with bitterness ultimately taking its toll, the relationships between the two men gradually deteriorated. Wolfe did not feel grateful to Perkins any longer but had started resenting him for owing his success to him.
Movie: The Gang of Oss ( 2011 )
Netherlands, 1938. In a small town in the province of North Brabant called Oss, Johanna wants to change her life and quit the criminal gangs of the town. The harder she tries, the more she is involved.
Movie: A Girl Named Sooner ( 1975 )
A young girl in the hills of Indiana, who had been abandoned by her family and raised by a bootlegging old woman, is taken by the authorities and made the ward of a childless couple.
Movie: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button ( 2008 )
Tells the story of Benjamin Button, a man who starts aging backwards with consequences.
Movie: England Made Me ( 1973 )
A story about an English businessman in 1930s Germany who encounters a financier who has forged his career on greed, corruption and opportunism, rather than the traditional British principles of decency and fair play.
Movie: The English Patient ( 1996 )
At the close of WWII, a young nurse tends to a badly-burned plane crash victim. His past is shown in flashbacks, revealing an involvement in a fateful love affair.
Movie: Ethel & Ernest ( 2016 )
The life and times of the parents of the hailed British graphic novelist, Raymond Briggs.
Movie: Dogville ( 2004 )
A woman on the run from the mob is reluctantly accepted in a small Colorado community in exchange for labor, but when a search visits the town she finds out that their support has a price.
Movie: Dark Streets ( 2008 )
The owner of a 1930s nightclub loses control of his life amid love triangles and too much debt.
Movie: Christopher Robin ( 2018 )
A working-class family man, Christopher Robin, encounters his childhood friend Winnie-the-Pooh, who helps him to rediscover the joys of life.
Movie: Café Society ( 2016 )
In the 1930s, a Bronx native moves to Hollywood and falls in love with a young woman who is seeing a married man.
Movie: The Bullet Vanishes ( 2012 )
Son Donglu, a newly promoted detective teams up with Guo Zhui, fastest gunman in Tiancheng and Xiaowu, a novice policeman to investigate the mystery deaths in a bullet factory.
Movie: Agatha and the Truth of Murder ( 2019 )
In 1926, with her personal life in tatters and her writing in crisis, a young Agatha Christie decides to solve a real-life murder.
Movie: Yiddish ( 2020 )
Seven young people tell their personal stories with the Yiddish language while discussing the life and work of avant-garde Yiddish poets.
Movie: Days of 36 ( 1976 )
It is 1936 in Greece, shortly before the Metaxas' dictatorship. A former drug trafficker and police informer, Sofianos, is in prison because of the assassination of a trade unionist during a rally. A conservative politician, Kriezis, with whom Sofianos had a homosexual relationship, visits him in prison. Using a smuggled gun Sofianos manages to take him hostage in his cell and blackmails the police in order to be released. The government is at a dead end and the country finds itself in a crisis. If they free Kriezis, they will lose the support of the democrats, if they don't, they will lose the support of the conservatives. Being incapable of dealing with the situation, the government decide to kill Sofianos. First, they attempt clumsily to poison him and then they hire a sniper to shoot him.
Movie: The Cold Room ( 1984 )
Seventeen-year-old Carla arrives in East Berlin to spend the summer with her estrange historian father, Hugh. She stays in an old hotel that used to be a butcher shop. She soon gets the feeling that something is wrong with her room and that it used to be bigger somehow. There she discovers an old wardrobe with a mirror in it. When she sees an image of a young girl in the mirror instead of her own, she begins suffering from violent visions about the young butcher's daughter, who lived there during the 1930s and helped a Jewish dissident hide from Gestapo in the cold room of her father's shop. However, not only was her father a violent staunch Nazi supporter and Party member but he also raped her on nightly basis. Carla slowly loses the ability to separate these horrifying visions from reality and begins to fear her own father. Hugh tries to help her but things only get worse. Is Carla slowly losing her mind or are the visions trying to tell her something?
Movie: Agatha ( 1979 )
A fictional account of the real life, eleven day, never explained 1926 disappearance of famed murder mystery writer Agatha Christie is presented. On a cold winter day, her damaged car with her expensive fur coat is found abandoned at the side of a country road. While the authorities initially suspect that she could have committed suicide, her pompous husband, Col. Archibald Christie, who is less than cooperative with the authorities, is adamant that she is still alive.
Movie: Limehouse Blues ( 1934 )
Fresh from Chinatown in New York, Harry Young has taken over the illegal import business in the seamy Limehouse district of London, where he cold-bloodedly disposes of rivals and runs a ...
Movie: Female ( 1933 )
Alison is owner and successful manager of an automobile factory. She also has a good relation to her employees - especially the male ones, which she is known to invite to her bed for some time and then dump quickly. Only the inventor Jim Thorne refuses her offers - will she fire or marry him?
Movie: The Red Tent ( 1969 )
The commander of a failed 1928 Arctic airship expedition is remembering the events of the "Italia" airship flight, crash and subsequent rescue efforts. The "ghosts" of people involved in the events appear in his memories to assist him in determining his guilt in the affair. The reminiscences are mixed with the real action: the flight of the "Italia", the air rescue operation from Kings Bay airfield, the expedition of the "Krassin" ice-breaker. A sort of human touch is added by the ever beautiful C.C. playing Malmgren's girlfriend.
Movie: Father and Godfather ( 2007 )
The events take place in a small Albanian village, around the 1930s. This isolated land, dominated by rituals and patriarchal relationships is the spirit that welcomes the newborn child of Abas. Servet, a co-villager, emigrant in the United States of America comes back in his homeland bringing a new vision and a new mentality, which serves as an inspiration for the 10 years old boy, Gjoleka, the son of Abas. Gjoleka founds himself in between of the ideas of his wild father, Abas and his godfather, Servet. Gjoleka symbolizes the young generation in the difficult realities that offer small and underdeveloped countries, where the outside world constitutes an irresistible attraction. The movie shows with a deep realism the human relationships, such as love, jalousie, hate, the impossibility to be integrated with another world, making this way a cruel autopsy of the weird society to which, "sometime" we belong.
Movie: A Month by the Lake ( 1995 )
At a Lake Como resort, Miss Bentley, an attractive older guest, meets a handsome, well-to-do bachelor. But when he's more interested in a beautiful young flirt, the mischievous Miss Bentley goes to outrageous lengths to reel in her catch.
Movie: Portrait of Jennie ( 1949 )
A mysterious girl inspires a struggling artist.
Movie: Giant ( 1956 )
Sprawling epic covering the life of a Texas cattle rancher and his family and associates.
Movie: Hoodlum ( 1997 )
Black gangsters in 1930 Harlem fights Dutch Schultz who is trying to horn in on their numbers racket.
Movie: Last Year at Marienbad ( 1961 )
In a strange and isolated chateau, a man becomes acquainted with a woman and insists that they have met before.
Movie: Rabbit-Proof Fence ( 2002 )
In 1931, three half-white, half-Aboriginal girls escape after being plucked from their houses to be trained as domestic staff, and set off on a journey across the Outback.
Movie: Raise the Red Lantern ( 1991 )
A young woman becomes the fourth wife of a wealthy lord, and must learn to live with the strict rules and tensions within the household.
Movie: Enchanted April ( 1992 )
Four English women, after World War I, who are unhappy with their lives, and their time away on vacation in a beautiful Italian villa.
Movie: Enchanted April ( 1935 )
For Lotty Wilkins, romance is no longer part of her marriage. In an effort to find what's missing from her life, she and three other women rent an Italian villa for the month of April, leaving behind the everyday cares and monotony of their respective lives.
Movie: Fanny ( 1961 )
A love triangle between a young woman, a rich 60-something man and an aspiring sailor set in early 20th century Marseilles.
Movie: Lou Andreas-Salomé, The Audacity to be Free ( 2018 )
Born 1861, Lou Andreas Salomé shuns tradition in pursuit of intellectual perfection, inflaming the hearts and minds of the 19th century's greatest thinkers, including Friedrich Nietzsche, Rainer Maria Rilke, and Sigmund Freud.
Movie: Fried Green Tomatoes ( 1992 )
A housewife who is unhappy with her life befriends an old lady in a nursing home and is enthralled by the tales she tells of people she used to know.
Movie: Gandhi ( 1983 )
The life of the lawyer who became the famed leader of the Indian revolts against the British rule through his philosophy of nonviolent protest.
Movie: Shadrach ( 1998 )
In 1935, ninety-nine-year-old former slave Shadrach asks to be buried on the soil where he was born to slavery, and that land is owned by the large Dabney family, consisting of Vernon, Trixie, and their seven children, and to bury a black man on that land is a violation of strict Virginia law.
Movie: Singin' in the Rain ( 1952 )
A silent film star falls for a chorus girl just as he and his delusionally jealous screen partner are trying to make the difficult transition to talking pictures in 1920s Hollywood.
Movie: Manon of the Spring ( 1987 )
A beautiful but shy shepherdess plots vengeance on the men whose greedy conspiracy to acquire her father's land caused his death years earlier.
Movie: My Left Foot ( 1989 )
Christy Brown, born with cerebral palsy, learns to paint and write with his only controllable limb - his left foot.
Movie: My Family and Other Animals ( 2005 )
An English family relocates to sunny Greece four years before WWII.
Movie: Matewan ( 1988 )
A labor union organizer comes to an embattled mining community brutally and violently dominated and harassed by the mining company.
Movie: The King's Speech ( 2010 )
The story of King George VI, his unexpected ascension to the throne of the British Empire in 1936, and the speech therapist who helped the unsure monarch overcome his stammer.
Movie: The Lady Vanishes ( 2013 )
While traveling by train, a young socialite is befriended by a charming yet enigmatic older woman. However, when the woman disappears, the other passengers deny she ever existed.
Movie: The Immigrant ( 2013 )
1921. An innocent immigrant woman is tricked into a life of burlesque and vaudeville until a dazzling magician tries to save her and reunite her with her sister who is being held in the confines of Ellis Island.
Movie: The Homecoming: A Christmas Story ( 1971 )
The Walton family is preparing for Christmas in the early 1930s. It's Christmas eve and they are waiting for father Walton to come home from his job in the city some 50 miles away. Since he is late, everyone is worried and over the radio the mother and grandparents hear about an overturned bus and hurt travelers but keep this news from the rest of the family. The story is really a coming of age story about the oldest son JohnBoy who must cut down the tree with his grandfather since his father isn't home and is eventually told about his missing father and sets out to find him. An all round heartwarming story, especially if you are a fan of The Waltons. A simple story about a simple family in simple times. Great family entertainment!
Movie: The Grapes of Wrath ( 1940 )
An Oklahoma family, driven off their farm by the poverty and hopelessness of the Dust Bowl, joins the westward migration to California, suffering the misfortunes of the homeless in the Great Depression.
Movie: The Gathering Storm ( 2002 )
Sir Winston Churchill's (Albert Finney's) years prior to World War II, when only he could see the threat that Adolf Hitler and a rearmed Germany posed to Europe.
Movie: The Gathering Storm ( 1974 )
The story of British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill, focusing on his place in British life just prior to World War II.
Movie: The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp ( 1943 )
From the Boer War through World War II, a soldier rises through the ranks in the British military.
Movie: The Lover ( 1992 )
It is French Colonial Vietnam in 1929. A young French girl from a family that is having some monetary difficulties is returning to boarding school. She is alone on public transportation when she catches the eye of a wealthy Chinese businessman. He offers her a ride into town in the back of his chauffeured sedan, and sparks fly. Can the torrid affair that ensues between them overcome the class restrictions and social mores of that time? Based on the semi-autobiographical novel by Marguerite Duras.
Movie: Richard III ( 1995 )
The classic Shakespearean play about the murderously scheming 15th-century king is reimagined in an alternative setting of 1930s England as clouds of fascism gather.
Movie: The Natural ( 1984 )
An unknown comes seemingly out of nowhere to become a legendary player with almost divine talent.
Movie: The Sting ( 1973 )
Two grifters team up to pull off the ultimate con.
Movie: The Water Diviner ( 2014 )
An Australian man travels to Turkey after the Battle of Gallipoli to try to locate his three missing sons.
Movie: The Garden of the Finzi-Continis ( 1970 )
The story of the Finzi-Continis, a noble family of Ferrara, during the Jewish persecution in Italy's 1930s.
Movie: The White Countess ( 2006 )
In 1930s Shanghai, a blind American diplomat develops a curious relationship with a young Russian refugee who works odd--and sometimes illicit--jobs to support members of her dead husband's aristocratic family.
Movie: The Whole Wide World ( 1996 )
In Texas in the 1930s, young schoolteacher Novalyne Price meets a handsome, eccentric, interesting young man named Robert Howard. He's a successful writer - of the pulp stories of 'Conan the Barbarian'; she's an aspiring one. A friendship develops into a sort of courtship. Based on a memoir by Novalyne Price.
Movie: Thoroughly Modern Millie ( 1967 )
In 1922 New York City, Millie Dillmount (Dame Julie Andrews) and Miss Dorothy Brown (Mary Tyler Moore) are just two of the girls living at the Priscilla Hotel for Single Young Ladies run by Mrs. Meers (Beatrice Lillie). Orphaned, Miss Dorothy, just recently arrived, is a naive, old-fashioned girl from a seemingly privileged background who has aspirations to be a stage actress. From more modest means, Millie, in New York City for three months, used to be old-fashioned, but now has a new modern sensibility and look to match, complete with bobbed hair and dresses with hemlines above the knee. Included in this new modern sensibility is Millie's goal of getting a job as a stenographer, with a quick promotion to being her wealthy boss' "Mrs." Love is not to factor into the equation. She believes she's found the right employer in the form of chisel-jawed Trevor Graydon (John Gavin) of the Sincere Trust Insurance Company. Millie's pursuit of Mr. Graydon is despite the fact that Mr. Graydon sees her as one of the boys, he has old-fashioned sensibilities, and Millie has a mutual attraction to another boy named Jimmy Smith (James Fox). Although she likes Jimmy, Millie feels that Jimmy, as a paper clip salesman with an overwhelming happy-go-lucky attitude, is not driven enough to be husband material. That doesn't stop Jimmy's pursuit of Millie. In her association with Jimmy, Millie meets flamboyant wealthy Renaissance woman Muzzy Van Hossmere (Carol Channing). Jimmy's father once worked as Muzzy's gardener. Originally from humble means much like Millie, Muzzy tries to convince Millie that true love will lead to happiness, as that is what happened when she met the now deceased Mr. Van Hossmere, who she had no idea was rich. In other goings-on amongst this new circle of friends, Miss Dorothy leaves New York City without a word to anyone except Mrs. Meers. Thinking this situation rather odd, Millie connects Miss Dorothy's leaving with that of other girls previously living at the Priscilla Hotel. With Mr. Graydon's help, Jimmy and Millie try to find out what happened to Miss Dorothy.
Movie: To Kill a Mockingbird ( 1963 )
Small-town Alabama, 1932. Atticus Finch (played by Gregory Peck) is a lawyer and a widower. He has two young children, Jem and Scout. Atticus Finch is currently defending Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white woman. Meanwhile, Jem and Scout are intrigued by their neighbours, the Radleys, and the mysterious, seldom-seen Boo Radley in particular.
Movie: To Kill a Mockingbird ( 1997 )
Movie: Tristana ( 1970 )
Shortly after her mother's death, an innocent and youthful woman will find refuge into the household of her middle-aged aristocratic guardian, who will submit her to his sexual advances.
Movie: Wallis & Edward ( 2005 )
In 1936, Edward VIII abdicated in order to marry the woman he loved, Wallis Simpson, a twice-divorced American. These events caused a scandal around the world. Wallis and Edward is an attempt to portray the romantic aspects of the story from Wallis's point of view. The drama follows the beginning of their affair whilst Edward was Prince of Wales and Wallis was still married to Ernest Simpson.
Movie: The Color Purple ( 1986 )
A black Southern woman struggles to find her identity after suffering abuse from her father and others over four decades.
Movie: The Children of Huang Shi ( 2008 )
About young British journalist, George Hogg, who with the assistance of a courageous Australian nurse, saves a group of orphaned children during the Japanese occupation of China in 1937.
Movie: My Life So Far ( 1999 )
Memoir of the lives of a family growing up on a post World War I British estate headed up by a strong disciplinarian, her daughter, her inventor husband, their ten year old son and his older sister. Through the household comes a number of suitors hoping to impress the young woman, including an aviator. When the elder woman's son shows up at the estate with his French fiancé, everything gets thrown into turmoil. The young boy takes a sudden interest in her sexual allure and his father is disturbed by his own non-Victorian feelings.
Movie: Water for Elephants ( 2011 )
Set in the 1930s, a former veterinary student takes a job in a travelling circus and falls in love with the ringmaster's wife.
Movie: W.E. ( 2012 )
The affair between King Edward VIII and American divorcée Wallis Simpson, and a contemporary romance between a married woman and a Russian security guard.
Movie: Where the Red Fern Grows ( 2003 )
Where the Red Fern Grows is the heartwarming and adventurous tale for all ages about a young boy and his quest for his own red-bone hound hunting dogs.
Movie: Where the Red Fern Grows ( 1974 )
Where the Red Fern Grows is the heartwarming and adventurous tale for all ages about a young boy and his quest for his own red-bone hound hunting dogs.
Movie: Women in Love ( 1969 )
Two best friends fall in love with a pair of women, but the relationships soon go in very different directions.
Movie: Wish You Well ( 2013 )
After a family tragedy, a young girl moves from New York with her younger brother to live with their great-grandmother on a Virginia farm and comes closer to understanding the land and roots that inspired her father's writings while discovering herself, the love of family, and the power of truly believing.
Movie: Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken ( 1991 )
Thrilled by a performance she sees at a fair, Sonora tries to land a spot as a daredevil who rides horses off of high dives.
Movie: Why Shoot the Teacher? ( 1980 )
In the 1930's, Max Brown is an urban young man from an Eastern province, fresh from college, whose only job offer is in a one-room school house in the Canadian prairie. At first he's distant, superior, lonely, and bewildered; his students are rebellious. Over the course of the year, he is drawn to Alice Field, the wife of a farmer, in a love that can lead nowhere. But, he and his students connect, a connection that matters and lasts.
Movie: Serena ( 2015 )
In Depression-era North Carolina, the future of George Pemberton's timber empire becomes complicated when he marries Serena.
Movie: Johnny Dangerously ( 1984 )
Set in the 1930s, an honest, goodhearted man is forced to turn to a life of crime to finance his neurotic mother's skyrocketing medical bills.
Movie: O Brother, Where Art Thou? ( 2001 )
In the deep south during the 1930s, three escaped convicts search for hidden treasure while a relentless lawman pursues them.
Movie: Harlem Nights ( 1989 )
During the 1930s, a New York City illegal gambling house owner and his associates must deal with strong competition, gangsters, and corrupt cops in order to stay in business.
Movie: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them ( 2016 )
The adventures of writer Newt Scamander in New York's secret community of witches and wizards seventy years before Harry Potter reads his book in school.
Movie: Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald ( 2018 )
The second installment of the "Fantastic Beasts" series featuring the adventures of Magizoologist Newt Scamander.
Movie: Annie ( 1982 )
A young orphan girl's adventures in finding a family that will take her.
Movie: The Education of Little Tree ( 1997 )
Little Tree is an 8-year-old Cherokee boy, who, during the time of the depression, loses his parents and starts to live with his Indian grandma and grandpa and learn the wisdom of the Cherokee way of life.
Movie: The Grand Budapest Hotel ( 2014 )
A writer encounters the owner of an aging high-class hotel, who tells him of his early years serving as a lobby boy in the hotel's glorious years under an exceptional concierge.
Movie: Holiday Inn ( 1942 )
At an inn which is only open on holidays, a crooner and a hoofer vie for the affections of a beautiful up-and-coming performer.
Movie: The Godfather: Part II ( 1974 )
The early life and career of Vito Corleone in 1920s New York City is portrayed, while his son, Michael, expands and tightens his grip on the family crime syndicate.
Movie: The Green Mile ( 1999 )
The lives of guards on Death Row are affected by one of their charges: a black man accused of child murder and rape, yet who has a mysterious gift.
Movie: The Mummy ( 1999 )
At an archaeological dig in the ancient city of Hamunaptra, an American serving in the French Foreign Legion accidentally awakens a mummy who begins to wreck havoc as he searches for the reincarnation of his long-lost love.
Movie: Memoirs of a Geisha ( 2005 )
Nitta Sayuri reveals how she transcended her fishing-village roots and became one of Japan's most celebrated geisha.
Movie: The Child Remains ( 2019 )
An expectant couple's intimate weekend turns to terror as they discover their secluded country inn is a haunted maternity home where infants and mothers were murdered.
Movie: The Legend of 5 Mile Cave ( 2019 )
A mysterious drifter bonds with a boy with tales of the West. Past and present collide when a lawman appears seeking long-lost gold.
Movie: Midnight in Paris ( 2011 )
Gil and Inez travel to Paris as a tag-along vacation on her parents' business trip. Gil is a successful Hollywood writer but is struggling on his first novel. He falls in love with the city and thinks he and Inez should move there after they get married, but Inez does not share his romantic notions of the city or the idea that the 1920s were the golden age. When Inez goes off dancing with her friends, Gil takes a walk at midnight and discovers what could be the ultimate source of inspiration for writing. Gil's daily walks at midnight in Paris could take him closer to the heart of the city but further from the woman he's about to marry.
Movie: Big Fish ( 2004 )
A frustrated son tries to determine the fact from fiction in his dying father's life.
Movie: Child 44 ( 2015 )
A disgraced member of the Russian military police investigates a series of child murders during the Stalin-era Soviet Union.
Movie: Birdman of Alcatraz ( 1962 )
A surly convicted murderer held in permanent isolation redeems himself when he becomes a renowned bird expert.