Playlists > 🤖 Dystopian future & cyberpunk films and TV shows

🤖 Dystopian future & cyberpunk films and TV shows

What happens when rebellion, oppression, revolutions, wars, overpopulation, disasters, and artificial intelligence take over the world? Here is a list of plausible bleak futures that film makers have envisioned for us.

Creator: Greer
Posted: 3 years ago

122 favorites


Movie: Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within ( 2001 )
A scientist makes a last stand on Earth with the help of a ragtag team of soldiers against an invasion of alien phantoms.
Movie: The Happening ( 2008 )
Elliot Moore is a high school science teacher who quizzes his class one day about an article in the New York Times. It's about the sudden, mysterious disappearance of bees. Yet again Nature is doing something inexplicable, and whatever science has to say about it will be, in the end, only a theory. Scientists will bring out more theories, but no explanations, when a more urgent dilemma hits the planet.
Movie: Fail Safe ( 2000 )
Cold War tensions climb to a fever pitch when a U.S. bomber is accidentally ordered to drop a nuclear warhead on Moscow.
Movie: Earth 2100 ( 2009 )
Follows the account of Lucy, who is born into a society where people are desperate for natural resources, while the global temperature and population are highly increasing.
Movie: Dreamcatcher ( 2003 )
Friends on a camping trip discover that the town they're vacationing in is being plagued in an unusual fashion by parasitic aliens from outer space.
Movie: Dragon Head ( 2003 )
A teenage boy wakes up and finds himself on a train. He vaguely remembers being on a class trip when something terrible happened, and he is one of the few survivors.
Movie: The Day the Earth Stood Still ( 2008 )
A remake of the 1951 classic science fiction film about an alien visitor and his giant robot counterpart who visit Earth.
Movie: The Day the Earth Stood Still ( 1951 )
An alien lands and tells the people of Earth that they must live peacefully or be destroyed as a danger to other planets.
Movie: Without Warning ( 1994 )
A television program is interrupted by a news network announcing that three meteors have hit the United States, France and China. At first, it seems natural but after interviews by scientists and eyewitness seems to suggest that it is not. Three more meteors are coming and the various Earth governments combine forces to stop them.
Movie: The Omega Code ( 1999 )
SPOILER: A rabbi in Jerusalem develops software that can unlock prophecies in the Torah. He's murdered and the software stolen. A powerful man uses it to gain world domination.
Movie: The Last Border ( 1993 )
After an environmental disaster, the arctic regions of Scandinavia have become a wasteland, a battlefield for the army and rebels' guerrilla troops. A bunch of crooks with motorbikes, lead by 'Duke', is terrorizing the civilians. An escaped prisoner, Jake, has personal reasons for killing Duke, and he gets help from the locals, including a girl suffering of amnesia and a harmless nutcase. The time for payback is to come, but Duke has decided to strike first.
Movie: Future Fear ( 1998 )
An able-bodied scientist has found a cure for the plague from outer space which has eradicated almost all life on the planet. A mad general who wants to repopulate the planet with a new race sends a special female assassin to take him out.
Movie: In the Mouth of Madness ( 1995 )
An insurance investigator begins discovering that the impact a horror writer's books have on his fans is more than inspirational.
Movie: Dogma ( 1999 )
An abortion clinic worker with a special heritage is called upon to save the existence of humanity from being negated by two renegade angels trying to exploit a loop-hole and reenter Heaven.
Movie: Deep Impact ( 1998 )
Unless a comet can be destroyed before colliding with Earth, only those allowed into shelters will survive. Which people will survive?
Movie: By Dawn's Early Light ( 1990 )
The crew of a nuclear bomber attack the Soviet Union while the President of the United States tries desperately to regain control of his military after his helicopter crashes during a limited nuclear exchange in this film with a scenario similar to Fail-Safe (1964) and Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964). Originally a made for cable movie, it concentrates on the relationship between a veteran pilot and his female co-pilot and the president's attempt to wrest control away from a war-mongering successor.
Movie: By Dawn's Early Light ( 2008 )
When Mike Lewis leaves L.A. to stay with his grandfather in Colorado for the summer, he hates the old man's cowboy ways. When Mike demands to go home, the old man agrees and saddles up a ...
Movie: The Arrival ( 1996 )
Zane, an astronomer, discovers intelligent alien life. But the aliens are keeping a deadly secret, and will do anything to stop Zane from learning it.
Movie: Plughead Rewired: Circuitry Man II ( 1994 )
In the backdrop of Earths polluted future a female FBI agent removes Danner, a pleasure android from an asylum in order to coerce him into helping her hunt down the criminal psychopath Plughead. But Plughead who has tangled with Danner before has his own plans as he is forcing a female scientist to help him manufacture life extending longevity chips which he intends to sell to rich and powerful clients.
Movie: The Rapture ( 1991 )
A telephone operator living an empty, amoral life finds God and loses him again.
Movie: Split Second ( 1992 )
In a flooded future London, Detective Harley Stone hunts a serial killer who murdered his partner, and has haunted him ever since. He soon discovers what he is hunting might not be human.
Movie: World War III ( 1982 )
Soviet paratroopers drop into Alaska to sabotage the oil pipeline in retaliation against a United States grain embargo. A skirmish occurs at a pumping station, lightly defended by Col. Jake Caffey and a National Guard recon unit. A stalemate ensues while the possibility of World War III hangs in the balance. The danger escalates as the Soviet Secretary-General and the American President play a cat-and-mouse game.
Movie: Image of the Beast ( 1981 )
Third and best known entry in the Mark IV series of fundamentalist apocalypse films. Fundamentalist Christian guerrilla David helps condemned dissidents escape, attempts to subvert the computerized Mark of the Beast, and generally tries to survive as prophecy unfolds in the rise of the Antichrist to the pinnacle of his power and the beginning of God's war on sinful man.
TV Show: The Martian Chronicles ( 1980 )
Earth sends its first manned probe to Mars in 1999, and a jealous Martian murders the two astronauts when his wife has erotic dreams of meeting them. Members of a subsequent expedition are hypnotized into believing that they have landed in the childhood community of their leader and have been reunited with deceased family and friends, and they are poisoned by the Martians. Col. John Wilder leads a third expedition and learns that a chicken pox virus brought to Mars by the first two expeditions has almost eradicated the Martian population. A member of Wilder's team becomes obsessed with protecting Mars from Earthman and murders some of the others in Wilder's party, before Wilder kills him. Colonists arrive on Mars to settle, among them priests seeking God, and a lone Martian masquerades as the most desired persons of various settlers. Global war on Earth reduces man's natal planet to radioactive waste, and most of the settlers returned there prior to the holocaust. Wilder struggles to assemble the remaining humans on Mars, who cope with their loneliness in different ways and will not leave their piece of Mars, before Wilder meets a Martian of past or future who tells him the secret of simple Martian life and convinces him to abandon the Earth lifestyle.
Movie: Stryker ( 1983 )
The world's water supply has dried up due to some sort of apocalypse. A beautiful woman holds the secret to where one of the last springs being guarded by a group of Amazons. A "Road Warrior" like crew captures her and tries to make her talk through brutal torture. The hero (Styrker) unites with some of the remaining "good guys" and the Amazons and frees the woman. They go on to a "Road Warrior" type of concluding battle with the bad guys.
Movie: Radioactive Dreams ( 1986 )
After a nuclear war, Phillip Hammer and Marlowe Chandler have spent fifteen years on their own in a bunker, stuffed with junk from the 40s and old detective novels. Now, nineteen-years-old, they leave their shelter to find a world full of mutants, freaks, and cannibals. They become famous detectives in the struggle for the two keys that could fire the last nuclear weapon.
Movie: The Prodigal Planet ( 1983 )
Final and least well-known installment in the Mark IV series of fundamentalist apocalypse films. About to be executed by the forces of the Antichrist, fundamentalist Christian guerrilla David is rescued by Connie, an Antichrist agent pretending to be a double agent for the Believers' Underground. Connie hopes to trick David into leading her to the dissidents' hidden base. Meanwhile, Armageddon and the Second Coming draw nigh.
Movie: Fist of the North Star ( 1995 )
Based on a graphic novel, this apocalyptic adventure centers on a man who must reverse the cataclysmic conditions of his world.
TV Show: Fist of the North Star ( 1984 )
In a post-nuclear future, human race has made many steps. Normal people have become slaves, while genetically modified giants rule the world. Gunpowder is a distant memory and martial arts is the only weapon a man can count on. Two schools face each other in the battle for dominion: Hokuto and Nanto. Kenshiro is the rightful successor of Hokuto school, while Shin is Nanto's. Shin stole Ken's girlfriend Julia and Ken is looking for her. Kenshiro travels the barren wasterland of post-apocalyptic Earth as seeks to rescue Julia. As the series progresses, we are introduced to the six Grand Masters of the Nanto Seiken school, as well as Kenshiro's three adoptive brothers, also trained in the art of Hokuto Shinken. Eventually, Kenshiro's ultimate rival becomes none other than his eldest brother, Raoh, a would-be conqueror who does not recognize Kenshiro as a worthy succcessor.
Movie: Fist of the North Star ( 1991 )
In a post-nuclear hellscape, a master of the deadly martial art "Hokuto Shinken" allies with two kids and an expert in "Nanto Suicho-Ken" to battle the tyrants who kidnapped his lover.
Movie: Dead Man's Letters ( 1986 )
The world after the nuclear apocalypse. Pale light lits the scenery of total destruction. The surviving humans vegetate in wet cellars under the nuclear winter. But somehow human spirit still sees somewhere the dim light of a new and better future. The next generation starts the walk towards a new life.
Movie: Jurassic Park ( 1993 )
A pragmatic paleontologist touring an almost complete theme park on an island in Central America is tasked with protecting a couple of kids after a power failure causes the park's cloned dinosaurs to run loose.
Movie: Flash Gordon ( 1980 )
A football player and his friends travel to the planet Mongo and find themselves fighting the tyranny of Ming the Merciless to save Earth.
Movie: Quintet ( 1979 )
During a future ice age, dying humanity occupies its remaining time by playing a board game called "Quintet." For one small group, this obsession is not enough; they play the game with living pieces ... and only the winner survives.
TV Show: The Umbrella Academy ( 2019 )
Reunited by their father's death, estranged siblings with extraordinary powers uncover shocking family secrets -- and a looming threat to humanity.
TV Show: iZombie ( 2015 )
Olivia "Liv" Moore is a rosy-cheeked, disciplined, over-achieving medical resident who had her life path completely mapped out... until the night she attended a party that unexpectedly turned into a zombie feeding frenzy. As one of the newly undead, Liv has devised a way to resist her baser urges to devour fresh human brains--she's taken a job in the Seattle coroner's office.In this appropriately dead-end job, she can secretly snack on the brains of the many Jane and John Doe corpses that make a final stop in the morgue. Liv remains resigned to an eternity without hope or purpose, until she realizes that with every brain she consumes, she retains a portion of that person's memories, and she begins to experience visions from the point of view of the murder victims. It's not the same as being alive again, but at least she can find purpose in her undead existence by helping to solve the murders of those who are indeed fully dead.
TV Show: Zoo ( 2015 )
Zoo is a global thriller about a wave of violent animal attacks against humans sweeping the planet. Jackson Oz is a young, renegade American zoologist who spends his days running safaris in the wilds of Africa when he begins noticing the strange behavior of the animals. As the assaults become more cunning, coordinated and ferocious, he is thrust into the race to unlock the mystery of the pandemic before there's no place left for people to hide.

Based on James Patterson's #1 bestselling novel.
TV Show: No Tomorrow ( 2016 )
No Tomorrow centers on Evie, a risk-averse quality-control assessor who falls for free-spirited thrill seeker Xavier - only to find out he lives his life that way because he believes the apocalypse is coming.No Tomorrow is described as a romantic comedy with the ultimate ticking clock (8 months and 12 days, to be exact).
TV Show: The Mist ( 2017 )
Based on a story by Stephen King, The Mist centers around a small town family that is torn apart by a brutal crime. As they deal with the fallout an eerie mist rolls in, suddenly cutting them off from the rest of the world, and in some cases, each other. Family, friends and adversaries become strange bedfellows, battling the mysterious mist and its threats, fighting to maintain morality and sanity as the rules of society break down.
TV Show: The Messengers ( 2015 )
An apocalyptic event on Earth gives five strangers angelic powers, and it also brings a mysterious dark figure to the planet.
Movie: Poseidon ( 2006 )
On New Year's Eve, the luxury ocean liner Poseidon capsizes after being swamped by a rogue wave. The survivors are left to fight for their lives as they attempt to escape the sinking ship.
TV Show: Sidonia no Kishi ( 2014 )
A thousand years after the alien Gauna destroyed the Earth, a small remnant of humanity still fights on to survive, fleeing on the gargantuan asteroid-based spaceship Sidonia. But centuries of flight and warfare have changed mankind in incredible ways: genetic engineering has allowed humans to photosynthesize like plants, reproduction occurs through cloning, and a third gender has been created to balance the population. Even though it's been a century since the last encounter with the Gauna, military service is mandatory, with all those able enough enlisted to pilot the Garde robots that stand as Sidonia's front line of defense. For Nagate Tanikaze, whose grandfather secretly hid him in the forgotten bowels of the asteroid, it's a strange new world as he's forced to come to the surface and join the ranks of defenders. Yet his recruitment comes just in time, for the Gauna have suddenly reappeared, and what could be man's last battle will require every resource humanity has left. And what no one knows, yet, is that Nagate is not exactly what he seems, and a secret buried in his past may change the fate of all mankind!
Movie: Knights of Sidonia: The Movie ( 2015 )
A recap of the first season of Sidonia no Kishi with additional scenes and re-edited sound effects.
Movie: #Alive ( 2020 )
Without warning, people in the streets of Seoul become extremely violent, cannibalistic, attacking passersby, behaving like zombies. A young man alone in his parents' 4th floor apartment becomes spectator to all this. There're no groceries left in the apartment. He foolishly opens the door and a neighbor forces himself in. He's infected but is finally forced out. TV informs him that the virus is spreading nationwide. As the days pass, the phone and internet stop working, then the water's gone. When all hope is gone, he sees a cute girl in the apartment across from his.
TV Show: Reality Z ( 2020 )
An ode to horror, humor and pop culture, Reality Z narrates in ten episodes a zombie apocalypse that imprisons participants and producers of a reality show called Olimpo. During an elimination night of the show, the studio becomes a shelter for those who seek salvation in Rio de Janeiro where madness and horror begin to rule.
Movie: Day of the Dead: Bloodline ( 2018 )
A small group of military personnel and survivalists dwell in an underground bunker as they seek to find a cure in a world overrun by zombies.
TV Show: Swallowed Star ( 2020 )
One day, an unexplained RR virus appeared on the earth, drawing the world into disaster. Infected animals mutated into terrible monsters, invaded massively, and humans built walls around the destruction and established the base city as the last bastion for humans. The suffering that mankind has experienced during this period of time is known as the "Great Nirvana Period." Not only that, Luo Feng not only carried the burden of supporting the family but also to protect the human homeland, for the better survival and development of mankind, together with other justice warriors, to join hands against the fierce monsters. Under the desperate situation of the end, can Luo Feng and other warriors repel monsters and successfully protect the human world?
TV Show: Survivors ( 2008 )
When a deadly virus wipes out most of the world's population, a handful of survivors struggle to stay alive.
TV Show: Flatland ( 2019 )
An apocalyptic war has been raging for millennia between two foes in an alternate dimension called Flatland. The battle reaches modern-day Shanghai where Smith shanghais three young American warriors to fight various incarnations of his nemesis Khan in an epic duel between good and evil, where reality is fluid and the fate of the planet hangs in the balance.
TV Show: Caprica ( 2010 )
Set 58 years before Battlestar Galactica, Caprica follows two rival families - the Graystones and the Adamas - as they grow, compete, and thrive in the vibrant world of the peaceful 12 Colonies, living in a society close to our own. Entangled in the burgeoning technology of artificial intelligence and robotics that will eventually lead to the creation of the Cylons, the two houses go toe-to-toe, blending action with corporate conspiracy and sexual politics.Daniel Graystone, a computer genius, is owner of a large computer corporation that is spearheading the development of artificial intelligence. He and his wife Amanda, who's a brilliant surgeon, are both relentless in their scientific pursuits. The Adama clan is helmed by Joseph Adama, a renowned criminal defense attorney and father of future Battlestar commander William Adama. When tragedy strikes both families, lines are drawn that will determine the fate of the human race.
TV Show: Reverie ( 2018 )
This grounded new thriller follows Mara Kint, a former hostage negotiator and expert on human behavior, who became a college professor after facing an unimaginable personal tragedy. But when she's brought in to save ordinary people who have lost themselves in a highly advanced virtual-reality program in which you can literally live your dreams, she finds that in saving others, she may actually have discovered a way to save herself.
TV Show: Cowboy Bebop ( 1998 )
In the year 2071, the crew of the spaceship Bebop travel the solar system trying to apprehend bounties. In the slang of the era, "Cowboys" are bounty hunters. Most episodes revolve around a specific bounty, but the show often shares its focus with the pasts of one of each of the four main characters and of more general past events, which are revealed and brought together as the series progresses. (The show originally aired on TV Tokyo, but due to what the network considered "excessive violence", only a few episodes, out of order, were ever shown. The channel WOWOW later picked up the series and aired the entire 26 episode run, in order.)
Movie: All Tomorrow's Parties ( 2004 )
In a future century, after the apocalypse, Gui Dao dynasty controls continental Asia. Zhuai and his younger brother Mian are captured and sent to "Prosperity Camp" for reeducation. They soon discover that the camp's aim is to brainwash people with propaganda. Five years later, there's a change in government and they are free again. Zhuai falls in love for the beautiful Xuelan and together they take her to an old industrial city, now deserted. They get themselves a place to live in an abandoned apartment and try to rediscover the little pleasures of life.
Movie: Immortal ( 2004 )
In the distant future, Earth is occupied by ancient gods and genetically altered humans. When a god is sentenced to death he seeks a new human host and a woman to bear his child.
Movie: Electric Dragon 80.000 V ( 2002 )
A young boy gets jolted with electricity as he's climbing a tall cable pylon. As he gets older, he experiences intense fits of violence in which bolts of electricity burt from his fists. Elsewhere in Tokyo, there is an electronics wizard who also happens to be a vigilante with a taste for electric weapons. When the pair catch each other's attention, the result is a battle that will light up the city.
Movie: Bicentennial Man ( 1999 )
An android endeavors to become human as he gradually acquires emotions.
Movie: The Thirteenth Floor ( 1999 )
A computer scientist running a virtual reality simulation of 1937 becomes the primary suspect when his colleague and mentor are murdered.
Movie: Webmaster ( 1998 )
JB is the city's best attacker, who lives a carefully organized life in and outside the network. After hacking into the most powerful of all domains the Stoiser domain, JB thought that the cruel Stoiser would kill him. But instead he gave him a job - as a webmaster.
Movie: Pi ( 1998 )
A paranoid mathematician searches for a key number that will unlock the universal patterns found in nature.
Movie: Andromedia ( 1998 )
Mai and her friends have an inseparable bond since childhood. But as of late, their friendship is questioned when their romantic relationships get in the way of others. But before Mai can make amends, she is unfortunately killed in a traffic accident. Distraught with her death, Mai's father implements his ongoing research of recording a person's memory into a microchip. His years of work finally pay off and Mai is alive again--through a computer. But trouble soon brews when a large corporation sends some thugs to retrieve Mai and the technology by forcible means. But before they can get to Mai, her father luckily safe havens her into her former boyfriend's laptop. Now the chase is on for the laptop and Mai's boyfriend and former friends have to run to keep her safe.
Movie: Redline ( 1997 )
When a man is murdered in Moscow, experimental bionic research brings him back to life. He then sets out to find his murderers and money that was stolen during the crime.
Movie: Resurrection of the Little Match Girl ( 2002 )
To Chinese restaurant delivery boy 'Ju', the only joy in life is spending time at the electronic game room. One day, 'Ju' who was engrossed in an electronic game as usual, is advised to log-on to a game called RESURRECTION OF THE LITTLE MATCH GIRL. The match selling girl of Andersen's fairytale is revived through the game, and 'Ju' is drawn into the little girl's virtual reality. As reality and cyberspace interchange, 'Ju', like in the famous fairytale, is given the mission to save the little girl from danger and lead her to a peaceful death. However, the two are not only confronted by a gigantic force called the System, that attempts to stop them, but other obstacles that place their lives in danger...
Movie: Tokyo Gore Police ( 2008 )
In future Tokyo, a young woman in the privatized police force tracks down her father's killer while battling against mutant rebels known as engineers.
Movie: Hardwired ( 2009 )
After a tragic accident nearly claims the life Luke Gibson (Gooding Jr.) the Hexx Corporation hardwire an implant into Luke's brain, it saves his life, but Luke soon finds out that this new technology comes at price, advertising.
Movie: Bleeding Steel ( 2017 )
A Special Forces Agent is assigned to protect a scientist and his creation from a sinister gang.
Movie: Altered Carbon: Resleeved ( 2020 )
On the planet Latimer, reawakened Takeshi Kovacs must protect a teenage tattooist named Holly while investigating the death of a yakuza boss alongside Gina, a strangely familiar no-nonsense CTAC agent.
Movie: The Gene Generation ( 2007 )
Michelle, an assassin to a new breed of killers (DNA Hackers), finds she has greater obstacles in her life... Family.
Movie: Chrysalis ( 2007 )
In the near future Paris, a cop is searching for his wife's killer. The trail leads him to a high tech medical clinic where everything is not what it seems.
Movie: Ultraviolet ( 2006 )
A beautiful hæmophage infected with a virus that gives her superhuman powers has to protect a boy in a futuristic world, who is thought to be carrying antigens that would destroy all hæmophages.
Movie: Gunhed ( 1996 )
Brooklyn's smuggling companions are slaughtered, sometimes violently, one by one as they wantonly defy the security systems of the Kyron-5. Babe falls into a vat of green liquid and becomes a cybernetic antagonist. Brooklyn is placed under arrest by Sergeant Nim, who suggests they follow surviving children Seven and Eleven. The Kyron-5 declared war on humanity, and killed most of those living on the island. Brooklyn, a mechanic, must overcome his fear of cockpits and command the Gun UNit/Heavy Elimination Device to the heart of the Kyron-5.
Movie: Hackers ( 1995 )
Hackers are blamed for making a virus that will capsize five oil tankers.
Movie: Death Machine ( 1995 )
Chaank Armaments is experimenting with the ultimate fighting machine which is part human - part machine. So far, the Hardman project has been unreliable and has killed a number of innocent people. The genius behind this project is Jack who lives in a world of models, toys and magazines. When he is fired by Cale for killing a few corporate officers, he unleashes the ultimate killing machine called the 'Warbeast' against Cale and those who would help her.
Movie: Nemesis ( 1992 )
Alex, a burned out LA cyborg cop, is forced by commissioner Farnsworth to find his former cyborg partner and lover Jared who's about to deliver sensitive data to cyborg terrorists who wish to wage war against humans. Is he being played?
Movie: Until the End of the World ( 1991 )
In 1999, Claire Tourneur's life is forever changed after she survives a car crash. She rescues Sam and travels the world with him. Writer Eugene Fitzpatrick follows and writes their story as a method of recording dreams is being developed.
Movie: Alien ( 1979 )
The crew of a commercial spacecraft encounter a deadly lifeform after investigating an unknown transmission.
Movie: Megaville ( 1991 )
A sci-fi fantasy about a world where it is illegal to enjoy any kind of media except in a place called Megaville. After catching a brutal killer named Jenson, the media police send an agent, Palinov, to infiltrate Jenson's circle of criminals in Megaville because Palinov bears a striking resemblance to Jenson. Palinov, however, begins to suffer intense headaches and has visions of the killings. His mission becomes even more confusing when the president of Megaville is assassinated and the media police seem more interested in doing business with the criminals than catching them.
Movie: Songbird ( 2020 )
In 2024 a pandemic ravages the world and its cities. Centering on a handful of people as they navigate the obstacles currently hindering society: disease, martial law, quarantine, and vigilantes.
TV Show: Earth 2 ( 1994 )
Two hundred years into the future, Devon Adair embarks on a mission to save her son's life and to provide humanity with a second chance. After traveling through space for twenty-two years, Devon and her small Advance team are forced to crash-land onto the far-away planet known as G-889. They are thousands of miles from their destination: New Pacifica, where they're supposed to set up a colony for the 250 families that are following. The survivors start out on a long and perilous journey toward New Pacifica.
Movie: Skylines ( 2020 )
When a virus threatens to turn the now earth-dwelling friendly alien hybrids against humans, Captain Rose Corley must lead a team of elite mercenaries on a mission to the alien world in order to save what's left of humanity.
Movie: Man Divided ( 2017 )
Denmark 2095: The ocean level's risen - thus no natural freshwater. After Fang's split into 2 persons, one travels back in time to 2017 to save a lost ecological research and maybe save the world.
TV Show: Etheria ( 2020 )
From post-apocalyptic westerns to demented comedies to terrifying horror and gore, Etheria serves up the perfect blend of mind-bending and panic-inducing excitement from the best emerging women genre directors in the world. Each episode showcases a vision of the fantastic in this new anthology series created to introduce amazing directors to devoted genre fans.
TV Show: Refugiados ( 2015 )
Mankind is suffering the biggest exodus in history. 3,000 million people from the future have traveled to the present to escape from an imminent global disaster. All the refugees must obey two rules: they must not talk about the future and they must not contact their families.

The arrival of the refugees takes everyone by surprise, including the Cruz family. The series centers on their story, the story of Samuel, Emma and little Ani. A shift in their existence after the arrival of a mysterious refugee, Alex, who has an incredible mission that will change their lives, and in order to accomplish his mission, he will not hesitate to do what there is to do: including breaking the rules.
Movie: A Quiet Place Part II ( 2021 )
Following the events at home, the Abbott family now face the terrors of the outside world. Forced to venture into the unknown, they realize the creatures that hunt by sound are not the only threats lurking beyond the sand path.
Movie: Ad Astra ( 2019 )
Astronaut Roy McBride undertakes a mission across an unforgiving solar system to uncover the truth about his missing father and his doomed expedition that now, 30 years later, threatens the universe.
Movie: Love and Monsters ( 2020 )
Seven years after the Monsterpocalypse, Joel Dawson (Dylan O'Brien), along with the rest of humanity, has been living underground ever since giant creatures took control of the land. After reconnecting over radio with his high school girlfriend Aimee (Jessica Henwick), who is now 80 miles away at a coastal colony, Joel begins to fall for her again. As Joel realizes that there's nothing left for him underground, he decides against all logic to venture out to Aimee, despite all the dangerous monsters that stand in his way. The fun-filled and action-packed adventure also stars Michael Rooker and Ariana Greenblatt.
Movie: The Last Boy ( 2019 )
With the world's end imminent, a dying mother sends her young son on a journey to the place which grants wishes. The film's inspired by the works of 13th century Sufi mystic and poet, Rumi.
Movie: Dark Planet ( 2009 )
A space traveler from the Earth of the 22th century - without wars, poverty and oppression - crashes on an unknown planet. Politically and economically that planet similar to the totalitarian human states of the 20th century.
Movie: Dark Planet: Rebellion ( 2009 )
Confronting the tyrannical power of his new planet, a space traveler from Earth discovers its true nature.
Movie: Survivor ( 2014 )
During their search for a habitable planet the last living humans crash-land on a barren world, inhabited by bloodthirsty aliens and mysterious post-apocalyptic warriors.
TV Show: Dystopia ( 2018 )
It is the year 2037, the world is dying from a virus that has rendered mankind infertile. Not a single child has been born in 25 years. Governments are powerless puppets for the world's biggest corporation Biocorp. They keep promising a cure that never comes. A pair of scientists travel back to 2017 in order to change the events of their past and prevent the virus from ever existing.
Movie: Dystopia ( 2013 )
Dystopia is a post apocalyptic thriller about the journey of a man and a young girl (Rick and Christine) who struggle to survive in a city of darkness and desolation. Imagine a world subjugated by global warming, headaches, violence, kidnappings, and homelessness. When a mysterious disaster strikes, the world as we know it turns upside down, creating a futuristic society where rules are non-existent. Throughout the barren landscapes of a lost city, our characters must find the inner strength and courage to confront the dangers of this terrifying world. Rick and Christine fight to stay alive, and through this process, discover riveting truths about themselves and the destructive disaster that has nearly destroyed their lives.
Movie: Descent ( 2005 )
When the Ring of Fire starts heating up with an unprecedented amount of volcanic activity a team of scientists are gathered to prevent a global catastrophe.
TV Show: Dark Before Dawn ( 2019 )
Dark Before Dawn follows several characters as they adapt and survive in a harsh new world while trying to maintain some semblance of humanity.
Movie: Outsource ( 2008 )
In a future world, Human Processing Units are bred to perform menial tasks for people on Earth. But when one HPU discovers he's not alone, he will do anything to make contact.
TV Show: Leila ( 2019 )
In the forgotten margins of the segregated communities of a dystopian future, a woman searches for the daughter she lost upon her arrest years ago.
Movie: Apocalypse of Ice ( 2020 )
Already in the throes of a viral pandemic, a massive polar vortex threatens to cover nearly all of Earth in ice. When it's discovered the only chance of survival from the cold is a 100-mile temperate zone near the equator, a virologist, with the pandemic's only cure, must reach the safe zone within 24 hours if humanity is to have any hope of survival.
TV Show: Doomsday: 10 Ways the World Will End ( 2016 )
Doomsday: 10 Ways the World Will End looks at apocalyptic disasters so cataclysmic that if they happened today, they could extinguish the human race. From massive asteroid impacts to volcanic hyper-eruptions to sudden energy blasts from outer space, will you be ready? Can any of us survive?
TV Show: Doomsday Awakening ( 2018 )
Movie: Time to Hunt ( 2020 )
In the near future, a financial crisis will hit Korea and slums arise. From those areas, a group of young people commit crime to survive.