Playlists > old school cartoon shorts

old school cartoon shorts
Creator: randywang
Posted: 3 years ago

11 favorites


Movie: Don't Give Up the Sheep (Short 1953) ( 1953 )
A sheepdog thwarts the efforts of a thieving wolf whose tricks include altering the time clock, hiding in a bush, imitating Pan, digging a tunnel, unleashing a wildcat and disguising himself as the dog's coworker.
Movie: Steal Wool (Short 1957) ( 1957 )
Ralph Wolf tries to forcibly remove Sam Sheepdog in order to gain access to a flock of sheep. Without success, he uses a lasso, cannon, a string of firecrackers, and a giant rubber band.
Movie: Double or Mutton (Short 1955) ( 1955 )
Ralph Wolf wants to steal sheep; Sam Sheepdog wants to stop him. Ralph's tricks include digging a tunnel, walking a tightrope, launching a guided missile, dressing as Little Bo Peep, shooting a cannon and growing Sam's hair.
Movie: A Sheep in the Deep (Short 1962) ( 1962 )
Ralph Wolf and Sam Sheepdog punch into work, with Sam guarding a flock of sheep against Ralph's attempts to snatch some mutton for dinner. Ralph uses a lull-a-bye record to put Sam to sleep and steals one of the sheep, but the lamb unzips itself to reveal someone very unexpected beneath!
Movie: Woolen Under Where ( 1963 )
Ralph Wolf and Sam Sheepdog are friends, housemates and coworkers who become bitter enemies, but strictly while they're on the clock. A suit of armor, a skin diving outfit, a unicycle and a makeshift tank figure in Ralph's schemes.
Movie: Ready, Woolen and Able (Short 1960) ( 1960 )
A hungry Ralph Wolf wants to swipe and eat some of the sheep in Sam Sheepdog's flock. Not only does Sam foil all of Ralph's schemes, but he turns up everywhere Ralph goes, even inside a whale's mouth.
Movie: Drip-Along Daffy (Short 1951) ( 1951 )
Daffy Duck plays a western hero, but things don't go as he hoped in a one horse town.
Movie: Mighty Mouse in the Great Space Chase ( 1982 )
Shorts from "The New Adventures of Mighty Mouse and Heckle and Jeckle" Saturday morning cartoon show edited together into a movie. Space cat villain Harry the Heartless holds space mouse Queen Pureheart. Only Mighty Mouse can save her.
Movie: Plane Goofy ( 1940 )
A fast-talking airplane-salesman inspires the farmyard animals to building airplanes of their own, but farmer Alfalfa is set on not getting off of the ground. The salesman finally gets him to take a flight, with the result that he vows never to take another one.
Movie: Ants in Your Pantry ( 1945 )
This story follows the daily activities of ants. The beautiful Queen Ant arrives, and immediately goes up to the maternity ward. Will there be lots of new baby ants before long?
Movie: Tweet and Lovely (Short 1959) ( 1959 )
Sylvester Cat's new hang-out is an inventor's lab, which is near Tweety Bird's house atop a pole. Guarding Tweety's house is a bulldog named Spike. Sylvester invents all kinds of contraptions including a storm cloud, a robot dog, inv
Movie: Tweet Dreams (Short 1959) ( 1959 )
Sylvester realizes he has a fixation with Tweety and seeks help from a psychiatrist.
Movie: Hyde and Go Tweet (Short 1960) ( 1960 )
Sylvester is sleeping on the ledge outside the office of Dr. Jekyll, who is drinking the potion that turns him into a monster. Sylvester chases Tweety as he flies by and Tweety ends up in the Hyde formula turning him into a giant.
Movie: The Rebel Without Claws (Short 1961) ( 1961 )
In the American Civil War, Tweety is determined to get a message to General Lee, but Sylvester has been deployed to stop him.
Movie: High School of the Dead: Drifters of the Dead ( 2011 )
Our team of apocalyptic survivors find themselves on a remote island. They drop their guard and the woman begin to have a much needed break while the men search for food. While waiting for the food to cook a chemical is inhaled by the group which causes them to hallucinate, seeing their fleshly desires.
Movie: Doomsday ( 1938 )
Gandy Goose pulls a "Chicken Little," announcing that the sky is falling.
Movie: The Three Bears ( 1939 )
A singing, jitterbugging Goldilocks goes through her paces with an Italian grizzly trio, but when a bear hunter gets into the house, she joins with them to fight and eventually tie him up.
Movie: The Owl and the Pussycat ( 1939 )
In his first cartoon, Sourpuss has bright colored fur. He romances an Owl and takes her out on his boat, like the nursery rhyme has it. She seems mesmerised by him just as long as he strums his guitar. Her real boyfriend is so dejected he tries doing himself in, but soon he stops their wedding just in time.
Movie: The Glass Slipper (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
Cinderella, with some modern touches: The Brooklyn-accented Cinderella is on the phone to her girlfriend Sadie telling her about the ball. The fairy godmother looks like 'Mae West'; the dancers at the ball jitterbug; the prince looks
Movie: Scotch Highball ( 1930 )
Movie: Codfish Balls (Short 1930) ( 1930 )
This early Terrytoons tells the story of sailors out at sea. They have a sword fight and even battle a shark.
Movie: Pirate's Gold ( 1955 )
In this Terrytoon, Heckle and Jeckle, the talking magpies, tangle with a pirate who has a treasure map, and after much finagling and talk, they are able to get the map and the treasure, only to find that an agent for the Iternal Revenue Service is waiting to collect the unpaid back taxes.
Movie: Topsy TV ( 1957 )
Movie: Gag Buster ( 1957 )
In this Cinemascope Terrytoon, Spoofy is a zany little fox that comes to life on the animator's drawing board and subdues a western gunslinger with trick props and gadgets.
Movie: A Hare-Breadth Finish ( 1957 )
The Hare gets his second chance at beating the Tortoise in a foot race, but a canine police officer thwarts his chance at redemption.
Movie: Trick or Tweet (Short 1959) ( 1959 )
Sylvester Cat and a goony orange cat pretend not to let their rivalry over trying to catch Tweety Bird interfere with their friendship, while each secretly makes an attempt to grab and eat the canary while the other isn't looking.
Movie: A Bird in a Bonnet (Short 1958) ( 1958 )
The chase continues between Tweety Bird and that persistant puddy tat, Sylvester. Tweety hides in a millinery store (where Granny happens to be shopping) and hides on a hat. After a store clerk shoos Sylvester outside, she shows Granny a hat with what is thought to be a stuffed bird. Granny buys the hat and wears it immediately. Sylvester spots the hat and immediately...Read all
Movie: A Pizza Tweety-Pie (Short 1958) ( 1958 )
Another wet and wild Sylvester Cat-Tweety Bird chase, this time in the flooded areas of Venice, Italy, where Granny has taken Tweety on vacation.
Movie: Tweet Zoo (Short 1957) ( 1957 )
Sylvester Cat joins a tour group through the City Zoo and finds Tweety Bird among the exhibits. Sylvester chases Tweety and ends up in a bear's den, a tiger-feeder's meat store, and a lion's cage. He tries to pole vault to reach Tweety in the middle of an alligator pond, only to slip into teeth-range of the beasts. Sylvester leaves the zoo, vowing to strike birds off ...Read all
Movie: Tugboat Granny (Short 1956) ( 1956 )
Tweety Bird and his mistress, Granny, are at the controls of a tugboat that Sylvester tries unsuccessfully to board.
Movie: Greedy for Tweety (Short 1957) ( 1957 )
Tweety, Sylvester and Hector find themselves in the hospital as patients after being injured in one of their chases, and the cat and dog still can't resist causing trouble there.
Movie: Tree Cornered Tweety ( 1956 )
Sylvester Cat chases Tweety Bird while Tweety narrates. The chase takes them out of the city to the country, straight into a mine field, down a ski slope, and to the middle of a wooden bridge, where Sylvster stupidly saws a hole, with himself in its center.
Movie: Sandy Claws ( 1955 )
Tweety Bird is taken by his mistress, Granny, to a beach, where Sylvester Cat spots him and tries to reach his cage, only to be stopped again and again by tidal waves.
Movie: A Bum Steer (Short 1957) ( 1957 )
In this Cinemascope Terrytoon, Beefy the Bull retires from the bullfighting ring after successfully defending his championship. His son, Beefy Junior, vows that he too will become a great champion like his father, but his Mama insists on him taking music lessons instead.
Movie: Barnyard Egg-citement ( 1939 )
Mr and Mrs Rooster announce a new addition to the hen house.
Movie: Uranium Blues ( 1956 )
An old prospector and his faithful mule have shared the dangers of gold-seeking together for many years until the hunt for uranium becomes a quest. The old prospector switches to a jeep and leaves his faithful mule behind. However, the jeep is not as dependable as the mule and fails the prospector in a crisis situation, and the mule goes to his rescue.
Movie: Oceans of Love (Short 1956)
The fish in the ocean seem to be making fun of an earnest young man in a row- boat holding a fishing line. A shark comes along, grabs the bait and the hook, and soon wrecks the boat. It's a close race as both head for the shore. The fisherman gets conked on the head and dreams of rescuing a mermaid from the denizens of the deep. As she is about to prove how grateful s...Read all
Movie: Bird Symphony ( 1955 )
This CinemaScope Terrytoon presents a symphony orchestra, composed entirely of birds, giving a performance in a woodland grove. The musical instruments are natural props, such as flower-horns, twig violins and harps composed of heron's legs. The conductor is a woodpecker. A couple of cats are on the prowl and try to capture the birds through the use of various disguises.
Movie: Donald's Better Self ( 1938 )
Schoolboy Donald is torn between his angel and devil sides, though in Donald's case, the devil side isn't hard to resist. But the smoking he's encouraged to do turns him green and gives him regrets, and when the good side shows up and kicks evil's butt, Donald cheers.
Movie: Self Control ( 1938 )
Donald hears a radio philosopher advise to laugh and count ten when he gets angry. He tries it successfully, then settles into his hammock for a nap. Between a caterpillar and the hen chasing it, he's soon tangled up and counting ten again. He also shrugs off a bird using his lemonade as a birdbath, but when a woodpecker attacks his apple tree, burying Donald in apples, he snaps.
Movie: Don Donald (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
Donald is courting Daisy (called Donna, here in her first appearance) Duck in Mexico. He arrives on a burro, which doesn't get along at all well with her; she convinces him to buy a car. They head through the desert, but the car brea
Movie: Donald and Pluto ( 1936 )
Plumber Donald is using a large magnet in his work. When he drops it, it causes trouble for Pluto, especially after Pluto swallows it. Things begin clinging to him, especially his metal dog dish.
Movie: Modern Inventions (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
Donald Duck visits a museum of modern inventions; among the inventions he struggles with: a robot butler who keeps taking his hat; a package wrapping machine; a robot nursemaid; an automated barber chair.
Movie: Donald and the Wheel ( 1961 )
A father tells his son the invention of the wheel was most important; to prove it, the two hipsters visit the inventor caveman Donald Duck. There follows a survey of the progress of transportation, a digression into the basics of gear ratios, a series of live-action dancers to various styles of music inside a giant jukebox, an illustration of the use of wheels in power generation and space satellites, etc. Ultimately, Donald decides he doesn't want the responsibility, but certainly someone else would take on the task.
Movie: The Litterbug (Short 1961) ( 1961 )
Donald and his nephews are litterbugs: they drop garbage everywhere they go - even when they are out for a drive in Donald's car - until they are stopped by a policeman who makes them pick up everything they have dropped. This was the last Donald Duck cartoon ever made.
Movie: The Clock Watcher ( 1945 )
Donald Duck shirks his duties while working as a gift wrapper in a department store.
Movie: How to Have an Accident in the Home ( 1956 )
The spirit of Fate demonstrates how carelessness is responsible for much of Donald Duck's misfortune at home.
Movie: Donald in Mathmagic Land ( 1959 )
Donald's goes on an adventure in which it is explained how mathematics can be useful in real life. Through this journey it is shown how numbers are more than graphs and charts, they are geometry, music and magical living things.
Movie: Yankee Dood It ( 1956 )
The King of the Elves comes to help a failing shoemaker industrialize through the doctrine of industrial capitalism.
Movie: A Mutt in a Rut ( 1959 )
A dog watches a cartoon that says "when dogs get old their master's will shoot them." Elmer takes the dog hunting, but the dog believes he is going to be shot so he does everything he can to hurt Elmer first.
Movie: Ant Pasted (Short 1953) ( 1953 )
Elmer Fudd, on a fourth of July picnic, throws some of his firecrackers into an ant colony, and the ants declare all-out war on him.
Movie: Crows' Feat ( 1962 )
Two Mexican crows, flying to Guadalajara on the wings of an airplane, spot a corn field on the ground below and dive into it. The corn field is guarded by a rifle-toting Elmer Fudd, whom the two lame-brained crows unsuccessfully try to outwit.
Movie: The Hardship of Miles Standish ( 1940 )
In this version of "The Courtship of Miles Standish", Elmer Fudd is messenger John Alden, sent to give Miles' love letter to Priscilla. While delivering the message, however, her house is attacked by Indians, and John is the only one who can save her.
Movie: Dog Gone People (Short 1960) ( 1960 )
Elmer Fudd agrees to take care of his boss' dog in return for a promotion and finds he must treat the pooch as a human being.
Movie: Each Dawn I Crow (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
Chided by a narrator, John Rooster thinks Elmer Fudd is going to slaughter him with an axe for Sunday dinner and is willing to do anything to prevent his hour of doom.
Movie: What's My Lion? (Short 1961) ( 1961 )
It's open season for hunting, and Rocky the Mountain Lion takes refuge from gunfire by sneaking into a cabin owned by Elmer Fudd. Elmer doesn't realize Rocky is posing as one of the stuffed heads hanging on his wall, even though Rock
Movie: An Itch in Time (Short 1943) ( 1943 )
Elmer threatens to give his dog a bath if he doesn't stop scratching, but the poor pooch is the victim of a hungry flea whose tools of the trade include pickaxes and dynamite.
Movie: Kit for Cat (Short 1948) ( 1948 )
Elmer Fudd takes in two cats during a cold night, but can only keep one. Both cats want to be chosen, so the battle is on.
Movie: Rugged Bear ( 1953 )
It's a peaceful day in a national forest...until hunting season begins at which point all the bears hide out in a cave but one bear, Humphrey, doesn't make it. He hides out in a cabin and, seeing hunter Donald Duck approaching, hides the bearskin rug in a trunk and takes its place. Masquerading as the rug tends to be an unpleasant experience for Humphrey as Donald opens nuts and bottles in his mouth and washes him in the washer/dryer among other things. Finally, when hunting season ends and Donald leaves, Humphrey is relieved but makes a startling discovery...
Movie: Grin and Bear It ( 1954 )
Donald Duck arrives at Brownstone National Park. The park's ranger, J. Audubon Woodlore, asks the bears to participate with the tourists stealing! Humphrey decides to pair with Donald particularly because of the roast ham he has. When Donald doesn't reward the bear with his food, Humphrey tries a variety of means to get the ham finally getting Donald's attention by lying down on the road pretending that Donald ran over him. After Donald pays up with food, he sees through the scheme and struggles with Humphrey. After the ranger makes Donald and Humphrey clean up the resulting mess, he too notices the ham and makes off with it but is scolded for it by Donald and Humphrey.
Movie: Bath Day ( 1946 )
Minnie gives Figaro a bath and ties a ribbon around his neck. Figaro feels like a sissy, and when he mixes it up with some alley cats, they mock him, and the leader attacks. But Figaro is so afraid that his shaking topples a series of trash cans onto the aggressor. The rest of the cats didn't see this happen, and think Figaro defeated their leader. Of course, now he's all dirty, and he needs another bath...
Movie: Private Pluto (Short 1943) ( 1943 )
Pluto is a guard dog on a military base. He's told there are saboteurs, and is assigned to guard a pill-box (gun emplacement). Before long, the "saboteurs" reveal themselves: Chip and Dale, making their debut, using the cannon-like g
Movie: Food for Feudin' (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
Chip and Dale and Pluto battle over possession of a supply of nuts.
Movie: How to Be a Detective ( 1952 )
Goofy is hired to solve a mystery of a missing "Al." He searches the city for clues, but constantly runs into a city sheriff (who is portrayed by Pete) who tells him to let the police handle it. A car chase occurs and the drivers ram into a haystack. It turns out that Al is actually the city sheriff who is supposed to get married to the woman who hires Goofy to find him.
Movie: Donald's Nephews ( 1938 )
Donald's sister Dumbella sends her three sons Huey, Dewey, and Louie to visit their uncle Donald. They prove to be quite a handful for Donald, even with help from his book on child rearing.
Movie: The Hockey Champ (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Donald shows his nephews the moves that won him his hockey trophy. But the boys have a few moves of their own.
Movie: Donald's Golf Game (Short 1938) ( 1938 )
Donald is golfing, and his nephews are along to "help." Between their noise and their practical jokes, Donald isn't having a lot of fun or success with his game.
Movie: Sea Scouts (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Donald has a large sailboat, and his crew consists of his three nephews. But between his own clumsiness, and that of his inexperienced (but not mean) crew, the sailing is anything but smooth, particularly when Donald has a run-in with a shark.
Movie: Fire Chief (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
Donald and his nephews are the staff of a fire station. Huey, Dewey, and Louie, annoyed by Donald's snoring, ring the fire alarm. Soon, his bumbling sets the fire station itself on fire. They race off at the alarm, not realizing they
Movie: Truant Officer Donald ( 1941 )
Donald catches his nephews swimming on a school day. He thinks he's made an easy catch, but the boys are much more resourceful than that. When he tries to smoke them out of their clubhouse, they put three roast turkeys in their bed and dress one boy as an angel.
Movie: Billposters ( 1940 )
Donald and Goofy are putting up advertising posters in a farm. Goofy prepares to post on a windmill, but his tools keep disappearing and reappearing on the windmill blades. Donald puts up his posters, a picture of a soup can, and a goat eats them immediately. Goofy gets stuck to his poster after it comes around on the windmill. Donald, being his calm, even-tempered self, gets into a battle with the goat.
Movie: Donald's Vacation ( 1940 )
Donald takes a kayak trip. When he gets to his campsite, he unloads the kayak, fights with his folding chair, and goes to sleep. Meanwhile, the chipmunks of the forest (precursors of Chip 'n Dale), attracted by his squawking, make off with the huge pile of food he carelessly unloaded. They get the attention of a bear, who Donald is soon battling.
Movie: Officer Duck ( 1939 )
Officer Donald Duck (Officer #13) is assigned to apprehend a criminal named Tiny Tom. Donald assumes by the name that he'll be a pushover but when he reaches Tom's hideout, he discovers "Tiny" Tom is actually a hulking Pete who immediately disposes of Donald. Donald decides to use strategy and is able to reenter Pete's house disguised as a baby who Pete surprisingly warms to. When Pete discovers Donald, he chases him down the street but is finally apprehended by Donald's marching police colleagues who make the arrest.
Movie: The Autograph Hound ( 1939 )
Autograph hound Donald, despite the security guard, manages to get signatures from Greta Garbo, 'Mickey Rooney', Sonja Henie, The Ritz Brothers, and Shirley Temple before he's recognized and everyone wants his autograph.
Movie: Donald's Lucky Day ( 1939 )
Donald Duck, delivery boy, is hired to deliver a mysterious package on Friday the Thirteenth. He is hindered by a bothersome black cat -- and by the fact that the package contains a live bomb.
Movie: Donald's Penguin (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Admiral Byrd ships Donald a penguin from the South Pole. Donald is amused by it, until he thinks it has eaten his goldfish. It hasn't - yet - so Donald gets a fish from the fridge to make amends. When he comes back, though, he's got
Movie: Donald's Cousin Gus ( 1939 )
Donald's cousin Gus Goose arrives unexpectedly. Despite the note from his mother saying "he don't eat much," he's soon eating Donald out of house and home.
Movie: Polar Trappers ( 1938 )
Donald and Goofy are trappers in the frozen south (Antarctica) with different approaches. Donald sees a penguin and dresses as one to lure her to the chopping block; Goofy baits a trap with fish (then acts like a walrus to capture one that steals his bait bucket).
Movie: Golden Eggs ( 1941 )
Donald reads in his newspaper that eggs are really going up in value and the price is skyrocketing. Donald realizes that if he had some eggs, he would be quite the wealthy duck so he breaks into a nearby hen-house and collects as many eggs as possible putting them all in a huge basket. Unfortunately, a rooster standing guard makes his presence known and ejects Donald. The inventive duck is able to get back in disguised as a female chicken who the rooster falls for and dances with. Unfortunately, with the rubber glove comb constantly coming loose and a caterpillar falling down the back of his suit, he is ever at the risk of being discovered.
Movie: A Good Time for a Dime (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
A simple visit to the penny arcade turns into quite a frustrating experience for Donald.
Movie: Donald's Camera ( 1941 )
Inspired by a store display, Donald decides to "hunt" some wildlife with his camera. First, he encounters a too-friendly chipmunk, then a large group of shy animals, then some animals in a dark cave. But his biggest challenge is a woodpecker, who finds a number of ways to torment him, even though Donald does manage to trick him briefly using some toothpaste that pretends to be a worm.
Movie: Bellboy Donald (Short 1942) ( 1942 )
Bellboy Donald's patience is seriously tested when Pegleg Pete and his son check in.
Movie: Donald's Gold Mine ( 1942 )
Donald is digging in his gold mine, mostly generic looking dark rocks, and being clumsy, to the great amusement of his burro, when he accidentally fills his cart with a load of pure gold. The burro takes off and dumps the cart, Donald and all, into a scary looking crusher. Donald barely makes it through the machinery.
Movie: Fall Out Fall In (Short 1943) ( 1943 )
Private Donald Duck has a tough time during training march.
Movie: The Old Army Game (Short 1943) ( 1943 )
Private Donald is caught going AWOL and Sgt. Pete is waiting in his barraks for him.
Movie: Wet Paint ( 1946 )
Donald re-paints his car, and a bird lands on it. In the mayhem that ensues, the car ends up covered with handprints, spotted a dozen different colors, stripped of paint, and covered with the stuffing from the seats so that it resembles a sheepdog.
Movie: Dumb Bell of the Yukon ( 1946 )
A snowy scene; Daisy would like a fur coat, so Donald filches a baby bear from its sleeping mother. But the mother awakens and tracks Donald (and her baby) down. Donald uses his own fur coat to disguise himself as a bear cub. The real cub returns, and Donald looks like he might be in trouble, but a jar of honey turns him into the bear's best friend instead.
Movie: Frank Duck Brings 'em Back Alive ( 1946 )
Wild man of the jungle Goofy is swinging through the treetops when he notices great white hunter Donald Duck pulling into port on his safari boat. He is looking for a wild man of the jungle and Goofy offers himself to Donald...if Donald can catch him which leads the duo on a wild chase through the jungle. Eventually they are pursued in their chase by a lion having switched clothes so that Donald is the wild man and Goofy is the hunter. Goofy escapes in Donald's boat leaving Donald swinging through the trees to escape the lion.
Movie: Contrary Condor ( 1944 )
Donald is trying to collect a condor's egg when the condor returns. He hides inside an empty egg and regrets this when the large, warm mother returns. He regrets it even more when he "hatches" and mama encourages him to fly. And mama proves to be even more protective than Donald would like.
Movie: Porky and Gabby (Short 1937) ( 1937 )
Porky and Gabby are driving off to a camping vacation. But between a road rage incident and some trouble negotiating hills, it's off to a bad start. On arrival, they face mishaps with a fly, the tent, and a runaway outboard motor.
Movie: Porky's Cafe ( 1942 )
Porky uses his mechanical gadgets to fix a meal for a strange little man, while cook Conrad Cat deals with an ant in the pancake mix.
Movie: The Plastics Inventor ( 1944 )
Donald listens to a radio program that tells him how to make a fully-working airplane completely out of plastic.
Movie: Saludos Amigos ( 1942 )
Disney animators tour South America and present four animated shorts inspired by their trip.