Playlists > old school cartoon shorts

old school cartoon shorts
Creator: randywang
Posted: 3 years ago

11 favorites


Movie: The Pink of Arabee ( 1976 )
The Pink Panther visits a Middle Eastern town, but is chased around when a rope conjured by a snake charmer falls in love with the Panther's tail.
Movie: Rocky Pink ( 1976 )
The Pink Panther longs for a pet, but he hasn't got enough money to buy one. A suspect man in a street corner fools him into buying a rock as his pet. The panther adopts the rock anyway, and it immediately takes on a life of its own. When the panther is out walking the rock, they pass a place where rocks and gravel are sold. The rock goes wild and eats the entire supply, growing into a huge boulder. The panther is kicked out of his home by his own mother after the boulder has made a large hole in the floor. The persistent boulder rolls into some wet cement, making it so huge the panther gets terrified and runs away from it.
Movie: The Lonesome Mouse ( 1943 )
Jerry is bored and lonely after Tom gets booted from the house so he decides to get him back inside.
Movie: The Midnight Snack (Short 1941) ( 1941 )
Jerry's raiding the fridge, carrying off a giant wedge of cheese. Tom's feeling playful, so he piles the cheese high with dishes, builds a set of bread-slice steps, and ends them on a rolling pin. This sends Jerry crashing, of course. Jerry puts the cheese back. Tom dips a paw into a bowl of jelly in the process and decides to raid the fridge; he puts Jerry's tail under an iron. After some snacking, Tom buries Jerry in the cream from a creampuff. But he also tosses the cheese wedge into the china cabinet, bringing Mammy down to scold him. Time for a scapegoat: Tom stuffs Jerry into the fridge, then runs to the next room. When Mammy screams, Tom chases Jerry but this chase ends differently, with Tom trapped in the ironing board. Jerry takes careful aim with a fork, sending Tom into the fridge, where Mammy thrashes him as Jerry munches on the cheese.
Movie: Fraidy Cat ( 1942 )
Tom hears a ghost story on the radio and is spooked by it; Jerry notices this and takes advantage of it, using a variety of tricks to scare Tom.
Movie: Puss n' Toots (Short 1942) ( 1942 )
Tom is playing with Jerry when someone delivers a cute lady cat for Mammy to take care of. Tom is smitten at first sight, and primps a bit. He offers a fish and a canary, but she's not interested. He then retrieves Jerry (filed under "M" in a filing cabinet), again proving unusually competent. He does several magic tricks with Jerry, producing him in a box of chocolates and Toots' bow, and finally tucking Jerry behind him. While trapped there, Jerry grabs a hat and uses the hat pin to even the score a bit. He runs away to a record changer, and gets Tom caught up in the machinery. With Tom thoroughly defeated (and the machine thoroughly broken), Jerry primps a bit himself, kisses Toots, and sashays into his hole.
Movie: The Bowling Alley-Cat ( 1942 )
As the title implies, Tom and Jerry are in a bowling alley. Both spend a lot of time sliding on the well-polished lanes. Eventually, Jerry takes up residence among the pins and Tom tries to bowl him down.
Movie: Sufferin' Cats! (Short 1943) ( 1943 )
Tom and another cat fight over Jerry.
Movie: Jerry and the Lion ( 1950 )
Jerry agrees to help an escaped circus lion, whose first need is food. But first they'll have to evade Tom, who heard the news bulletin and is armed with a shotgun.
Movie: The Yankee Doodle Mouse ( 1943 )
In honor of the U.S. military during WWII, Tom and Jerry do battle in the basement, using household items as war weapons and vehicles.
Movie: The Zoot Cat ( 1944 )
"Square" Tom becomes the coolest cat of all when he puts on homemade green and orange zoot suit,
Movie: Solid Serenade ( 1946 )
Tom's love song (Is You Is, or Is You Ain't My Baby) to his girlfriend Toots wakes up Jerry, so he unties Spike (Tom had tied him up).
Movie: Cat Fishin' ( 1947 )
Tom is a feline fisherman, Jerry is his live bait, and Spike is the bulldog guarding the lake.
Movie: Part Time Pal ( 1947 )
Tom becomes Jerry's friend after falling into a barrel of cider while chasing him.
Movie: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse ( 1947 )
Tom, sick of Jerry stealing the milk out of his bowl, poisons it. Instead of killing the mouse, the potion transforms him into a muscular beast.
Movie: Salt Water Tabby (Short 1947) ( 1947 )
It's a grand day at the beach for Tom and his girlfriend Toots - that is, until Jerry shows up (and, for a while, gets a rather vicious crab involved as well).
Movie: A Mouse in the House ( 1947 )
Mammy Two-Shoes tells Tom and Butch that the cat who gets rid of the icebox-raiding, breadbox-invading mouse (Jerry) is the one who can stay.
Movie: The Invisible Mouse ( 1947 )
Tom chases Jerry into a bottle of invisible ink, and Jerry then proceeds to have fun torturing Tom.
Movie: Kitty Foiled ( 1948 )
Tom subjects Jerry to his usual harassment; but the cat finds a new enemy, and the mouse finds a new friend, in the canary of the house.
Movie: The Truce Hurts (Short 1948) ( 1948 )
Butch convinces Tom and Jerry that there's no reason to fight and they should all sign a peace treaty. Tom and Butch even rescue their pals from a fellow cat and dog. But then a steak falls off a truck and the boys can't decide how to divvy it up, ultimately losing it completely, and the truce is off.
Movie: Old Rockin' Chair Tom ( 1948 )
Mammy Two-Shoes replaces Tom with a younger cat who is a lightning-quick mouser. Tom and Jerry form an alliance in order to get rid of this dangerous newcomer.
Movie: Professor Tom ( 1948 )
A younger cat looks to Tom to teach him how to properly catch mice.
Movie: Mouse Cleaning (Short 1948) ( 1948 )
Mammy has just finished cleaning the whole house. Tom, meanwhile, has just chased Jerry through a mud puddle and into the house. Mammy stops him and makes him clean up the mess. She goes out shopping, and threatens Tom that if there's any mess when she gets back, he's out. Jerry hears this, and you know where it's going from there. First, a few scatterings of ashes from the ashtray. Tom throws a tomato, which hits the wall; as he's cleaning, Jerry empties a fountain pen into the water bucket. He then aims it at Tom, but it's empty; Tom fires the pen at the curtains, but for him, it works. A lightning wash-and-iron session, and the drapes are fine again. Now, some acrobatics from Jerry: he juggles lots of eggs, then throws them; Tom catches and juggles them himself, but Jerry has also started spinning a pie plate on a fork. Tom manages to take that over, too, but then Jerry pulls the rug out (literally). Tom catches the eggs in a carton, but the pie hits him. An exhausted Tom falls asleep. Jerry inks the bottoms of his feet with a stamp pad, then gets Tom to chase him. Another whirlwind cleanup session, hastened by the approaching figure of a grocery-laden Mammy. But Jerry's got one more surprise for Tom: a load of coal is being delivered, and he moves the ramp to the living room, where the coal engulfs Mammy. Tom runs down the street as Mammy throws coal; he thinks he's safely out of range when he taunts her, but he's wrong once more.
Movie: Polka-Dot Puss ( 1949 )
Tom pretends to have a cold in order to trick Mammy into letting him stay inside for the night. Jerry tricks Tom by making him think he really is sick - with the measles.
Movie: The Little Orphan ( 1949 )
The Bide-a-Wee Mouse Home has sent the orphan mouse, Nibbles, to spend Thanksgiving with Jerry. But Jerry's cupboard is bare, and Nibbles is always hungry. They start by raiding Tom's milk dish, but Tom wakes up and drains it. Fortunately, Mammy has just put out a huge Thanksgiving feast, just ready for the raiding. And that's just what Jerry and Nibbles do, grabbing Pilgrim hats from the table decorations. All goes fairly well until Nibbles eats a whole orange, which is way too big for him. Jerry smacks him with a spoon, which sends the orange flying, right into Tom's mouth. Tom stalks up to the table in a feather duster, which turns into an Indian headdress. Battle follows, featuring Tom sending flaming cat-tails after the mice, and culminating in a champagne bottle launching Tom into the dish cabinet, which crashes down. Tom waves a white flag, and all three sit down to a polite dinner, but Nibbles eats the whole turkey before anyone else can touch it.
Movie: 22 vs. Earth (Short 2021) ( 2021 )
Set before the events of Disney and Pixar's "Soul," 22 defies the rules of The Great Before and refuses to go to Earth, enlisting a gang of five other new souls in her attempt at rebellion. However, as her cohorts' activities lead to unexpected results, 22's subversive plot may actually lead to a surprising revelation about the meaning of life.
Movie: Springtime for Thomas ( 1946 )
It's spring, and Tom is much more interested in the female cat next door than in Jerry.
Movie: The Milky Waif ( 1946 )
Jerry finds himself in charge of a foundling mouse called Nibbles, who is eager to steal milk from Tom's bowl and oblivious to the danger.
Movie: Trap Happy ( 1946 )
Tom calls the exterminators, but they send a cat, who despite his various tools, doesn't fare much better than Tom usually does.
Movie: Runaway Brain ( 1995 )
In an attempt to convince Minnie that he hasn't forgotten to buy her an anniversary present, Mickey Mouse ends up promising to take her to Hawaii. Funds being short, he applies for a job as lab assistant to the sinister Dr. Frankenollie, who happens to be searching for a donor to provide his monstrous creation with a brain...
Movie: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Pink ( 1968 )
The Pink Panther buys a land lot atop a narrow mesa, and the house he builds blocks a nearby observatory's view of the Moon. At first, the short, pointy-nosed astronomer at the observatory zooms his huge telescope into the panther's window and believes the newspaper photo of a sexy woman being looked upon by the panther is an actual observation of life on the Moon, and he telephones the fantastic finding to his employers. The Pink Panther builds a brick wall to block the telescope's view, and the hostilities begin. The little astronomer tries to dynamite the wall, and it falls on top of him, while the Pink Panther operates the observatory's telescope door to close and cut off the outer part of the telescope. While the astronomer zooms the repaired telescope into a view of the Moon's surface, he sees dancing, little green men, which are really puppets being controlled by the panther onto the lens of the telescope. When the little astronomer telephones this discovery to his superiors, he is fired pending a sanity hearing!
Movie: Mickey's Garden ( 1935 )
The insects have completely taken over Mickey's garden. He spritzes them with insecticide, but runs out and they keep feasting. He mixes a new batch. Meanwhile, Pluto stalks a bug and gets his head stick in a pumpkin. He stumbles around and bumps into Mickey and the sprayer, giving Mickey a faceful of bug juice. He awakens to a warped reality, where the bugs and plants are giant sized, and the bugs get drunk on the insecticide and chase our heroes.
Movie: Mickey's Grand Opera ( 1936 )
Mickey is preparing to conduct an opera when he chases Pluto away. Pluto crashes into a magician's props backstage and spars with the hat, its rabbits, and its doves. The opera begins: Clarabelle plays flute, Clara and Donald are the leads in a Romeo and Juliet style opera, "Bella Figlia Dell'Amore" from Verdi's Rigoletto. Pluto follows the magic hat onstage, to Mickey's growing annoyance. The hat falls into a tuba, and soon the animals are filling the stage.
Movie: Beach Picnic (Short 1939) ( 1939 )
Donald Duck is at the beach and tries to ride a rubber horse. He notices Pluto sleeping at the shore and decides to have some fun with him by sending the rubber horse over to Pluto which completely mesmerizes him. Meanwhile, a tribe of ants abduct Donald's picnic lunch. Donald lays out fly paper to stop the ants. Pluto follows one of the ants and, of course, he and later Donald become enmeshed in the fly paper.
Movie: Mickey's Surprise Party ( 1939 )
Minnie is baking cookies. When she leaves for a short while, her dog Fifi accidentally drops popcorn kernels in the dough. Mickey and Pluto come over and visit with Minnie and Fifi. When Mickey notices that something is burning, Minnie remembers the cookies, which are popping popcorn out of them. Minnie is upset and lies on her sofa crying. Mickey goes out and buys a large amount of cookies. He comes back and shows them to her and she is overjoyed.
Movie: Mickey's Fire Brigade ( 1935 )
Mickey, Donald and Goofy are fire fighters. As you might expect, their attempts at fighting a boarding house fire are not particularly effective. They hear Clarabelle singing in the bathtub and rescue her, tub and all, against her will (she won't believe there's a fire).
Movie: Bearly Asleep ( 1955 )
Park ranger Donald sends his bears off to hibernate, but Humphrey would rather stay in his hammock, run out for a glass of water, etc., than sleep; when he does get to sleep, his snoring gets him thrown out. His search for a new bed leads him right into the ranger's house.
Movie: Bone Bandit ( 1948 )
Pluto's efforts to dig up a bone are frustrated by his allergy to goldenrod, and by a gopher who is using the bone to prop up his tunnel.
Movie: Pluto and the Gopher ( 1950 )
Pluto digs up Minnie's garden and destroys her house in order to catch a pesky gopher-in spite of Minnie's scoldings.
Movie: Beezy Bear ( 1955 )
Beekeeper Donald catches Humphrey the bear raiding his hives. He complains to Ranger Woodlore, who assembles his bears and lectures them. Donald puts up a barbed wire fence, which slows Humphrey down a bit, but doesn't stop him.
Movie: Out of Scale ( 1951 )
Donald Duck has a model train and town laid out in his yard. He decides to move a live tree that doesn't match the model scale, not realizing it is home to chipmunks Chip and Dale. They in turn move into one of the miniature houses.
Movie: Pluto's Surprise Package ( 1949 )
Pluto tries to bring in the mail, which gets more difficult when a package sprouts legs and tries to go swimming. Between the wandering turtle and the wind blowing the other mail around, Pluto's got quite a task ahead. And it's not made easier when both the letters and the turtle go off a large cliff.
Movie: Let's Stick Together ( 1952 )
Even with his long white beard and aching back, an aging Donald still has to make ends meet by lancing trash in the park. When he happens upon his old partner, an elderly honey bee named Spike, it conjures up memories of the good ol' days.
Movie: Pluto's Sweater ( 1949 )
Minnie Mouse knits a sweater for Pluto. When she puts it on him, Pluto does whatever he can to try to get it off, eventually shrinking it to the perfect size for Figaro.
Movie: Love That Pup ( 1949 )
Spike and Tyke are sleeping, when Tom and Jerry run by. Tom, intent on finding Jerry, handles Tyke thoughtlessly and gets a warning from Spike. Of course, this means Jerry hangs out with the dogs and does what he can to get Tom in trouble.
Movie: The Cat and the Mermouse ( 1949 )
A day at the beach. Tom wants to lay in the sand, but his rest is disturbed by Jerry, who walks by to go fishing. Tom ends up falling off the end of the pier as he chases Jerry and lands underwater, where he encounters a mermaid whose top half looks just like Jerry. A chase, naturally, follows, all underwater. The mermouse, however, runs into a swordfish, and it begins chasing Tom, too, turning into mer-Jerry's ally, until it gets stuck in what looks like a telephone pole. The chase is next interrupted by an octopus, which grabs hold of Tom until Jerry yanks him free when we discover this is all a fever dream of Tom's, and Jerry has actually been performing artificial resuscitation.
Movie: Heavenly Puss ( 1949 )
When Tom is killed by his and Jerry's old rivalry, he has only one chance to find peace in Heaven - apologize to him.
Movie: Triplet Trouble ( 1952 )
Mammy Two-Shoes agrees to babysit three seemingly innocent kittens. But while she is away buying cream, the trio of brats torment Tom and Jerry.
Movie: Smitten Kitten ( 1952 )
Tom's in love again, and Jerry's devil conscience reminds him of times this has happened in the past (which, of course, we see, in the form of clips from earlier shorts), and how that's been nothing but trouble for Jerry.
Movie: The Two Mouseketeers ( 1952 )
This Tom and Jerry cartoon is set in 17th century France. Tom, who is a soldier in the King's castle, is assigned to guard the food laid out on a banquet table. Jerry and a smaller mouse companion, two wandering "mouseketeers," make the situation miserable for Tom as they abscond with (and occasionally eat) all the food they can.
Movie: The Duck Doctor ( 1952 )
Tom is duck hunting, and he wings a little duckling that can't quite keep up with the flock. Jerry gets to the fallen duck before Tom, bandages his wing, and shelters him from Tom as he keeps running out to join his flock.
Movie: Lucky ( 2012 )
A 10-year-old South African orphan leaves his Zulu village to make his own life in the city... only to find no one will help him, except a formidable Indian woman.
Movie: Return to Treasure Island ( 1989 )
Cartoon adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's most famous adventure novel.
Movie: Black Tulip ( 1988 )
When a 100,000-guilder contest is announced in 1800s Holland, Cornelius sets about to grow one to win the prize. However, at the same time, the local alchemist, Bochstel, is trying to cast a spell that will give him unlimited power - and 2 of his ingredients must be a fair maiden (Cornelius's girlfriend, Rosa) and a black flower! Cornelius succeeds in producing a blac...Read all
Movie: Nicholas Nickleby ( 1985 )
A young, compassionate man struggles to save his family and friends from the abusive exploitation of his cold-hearted, grasping uncle.
Movie: Sherlock Holmes and the Sign of Four ( 1983 )
When a woman receives a message apparently from the sender of a series of valuable pearls after the disappearance of her father, Sherlock Holmes is hired to investigate.
Movie: The Corsican Brothers ( 1989 )
A vendetta between two Corsican families is the background to Alexandre Dumas 's story of the strange bond between Siamese twin brothers, who are separated at birth.
Movie: Sherlock Holmes and a Study in Scarlet ( 1983 )
The great detective investigates a murder that has a far flung revenge motive.
Movie: Devilman Volume 3: Devilman Apocalypse ( 2000 )
Fear runs rampant throughout Tokyo with the revelation that demons in fact exist amongst us. Paranoia and the darker side of humanity boils onto the streets as people turn on one another, suspecting that anyone could in fact be a demon hiding in human clothing. Amidst the growing tensions, tragedy strikes Akira causing his mind to snap, retreating into his subconscious, allowing his Devilish alter-ego Amon to break free from Akira's cage of flesh and wreak havoc on both human and demons alike.
Movie: The Flying Cat ( 1952 )
When Jerry befriends a canary Tom finds it necessary to construct a makeshift pair of wings.
Movie: Cat Napping ( 1951 )
Tom's getting ready to settle into the hammock, but Jerry has beat him to it and the battle begins.
Movie: Nit-Witty Kitty ( 1951 )
Tom has amnesia and believes he's a mouse. Jerry, finding him more obnoxious as a fellow rodent than as a cat, seeks to cure him with a blow to the head.
Movie: Slicked-up Pup ( 1951 )
Spike has just washed his pup. Tom and Jerry's chase knocks him into a mud puddle. Spike makes Tom clean him up again and promise to keep him clean which of course is Jerry's opening to get Tom in trouble.
Movie: His Mouse Friday (Short 1951) ( 1951 )
Jerry is far from Tom's servant here. Tom, shipwrecked, washes up on a tropical island. His first attempts at food - a coconut and a turtle - are much too hard. But he spots Jerry just before Jerry sees him, and soon has him in the frying pan. Jerry escapes to a cannibal village; when he sees Tom's frightened reaction, he has his plan. Using soot from a pot, he blackens himself, then threatens Tom and starts cooking him. But Jerry's plan - and tail, and un-blackened bottom - is exposed when his grass skirt comes off during his war dance. Jerry helicopters away using the bone in his hair, and leading Tom right into the real cannibals. But Jerry's triumph is short-lived, as a pygmy cannibal comes after him.
Movie: Sleepy-Time Tom ( 1951 )
Tom is desperate for sleep after a night of revelry with his friends, but Mammy Two-Shoes demands that he stay awake to keep the mouse out of the refrigerator. Jerry, being a clever mouse, sees his opportunity to get rid of the cat.
Movie: Jerry's Cousin ( 1951 )
When Tom's harassment gets out of hand, Jerry writes to his Cousin Muscles, a tough inner city mouse, and asks for his help.
Movie: Jerry and the Goldfish (Short 1951) ( 1951 )
Tom, whose appetite was whetted by a radio cooking program, wants to make a meal out of the pet goldfish. Jerry, who is friends with the fish, does what he can to thwart their feline foe.
Movie: Casanova Cat (Short 1951) ( 1951 )
Tom heads for a big city penthouse to become acquainted with a rich pretty female cat that lives there. He brings her Jerry as a gift and does some humiliating things to Jerry. Jerry, in turn, attracts the attention of another cat who also becomes interested in the female cat. It eventually turns into a fight between Tom and the other cat for the lady's hand but Jerry is the one who gets her in the end.
Movie: Cue Ball Cat ( 1950 )
Tom is in a pool hall after hours; as he soon discovers, Jerry is sleeping in the corner pocket. Tom chases Jerry around the table and the rest of the pool hall.
Movie: The Framed Cat ( 1950 )
Jerry and Tom go back and forth framing each other for their misdeeds.
Movie: Tom and Jerry in the Hollywood Bowl (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
Tom is conducting a symphony at the Hollywood Bowl when Jerry comes out to "help" him.
Movie: Safety Second (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
It's Independence Day, and Jerry's little nephew, Nibbles, wants to celebrate with fireworks, while Jerry reminds him to "keep it safe and sane." Initially, this backfires against Jerry, as his attempts to dispose of the firecrackers Nibbles lights explode in his face, but ultimately, Nibbles saves Jerry from Tom with the usual cartoon uses of black powder.
Movie: Purr-Chance to Dream ( 1967 )
Tom has a nightmare of being pounded by a giant dog. Jerry lures Tom into a series of encounters with the miniature vicious bulldog introduced in The Cat's Me-Ouch (1965). Tom finally decides the nightmare wasn't so bad after all.
Movie: Saturday Evening Puss ( 1950 )
While Mammy Two-Shoes enjoys her evening with the Lucky Seven Saturday Night Bridge Club, Tom and his friends have a party in the house. Jerry, unable to sleep, emerges from his mouse hole to stop it.
Movie: Little Quacker ( 1950 )
Tom steals an egg from a mother's nest, cracks it over a frying pan and then discovers he can have roast duck. But the uncooperative hatchling runs away from the cat and into a mouse hole, where he finds an able protector in Jerry.
Movie: Tennis Chumps ( 1949 )
Tom plays championship tennis against a cigar-smoking bully, but both cats find themselves battling Tom's much-abused lackey, Jerry Mouse, for the trophy.
Movie: Jerry's Diary ( 1949 )
The kiddie radio host, Uncle Dudley, reminds his listeners that it is "Be Kind to Animals" week. Tom resolves to be kind to his mouse-nemesis, Jerry, but the cat changes his mind after sneaking a look at Jerry's diary.
Movie: Hatch Up Your Troubles ( 1949 )
A baby woodpecker mistakes Jerry for his mother. The mouse rejects the newly hatched bird but soon finds himself protecting it against his feline nemesis, Tom.
Movie: Duck Dodgers and the Return of the 24½th Century (TV Short 1980) ( 1980 )
While exploring a planet for a molecule needed for yo-yo polish, Duck Dodgers and his cadet Porky Pig encounter Marvin the Martian and his plan to blow up the Earth.
Movie: Dragon Ball: Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle ( 1987 )
Goku and Krillin want to be trained in the martial arts by the great Master Roshi. The only way he will agree to train them is if they go to Devil's Castle to find the Sleeping Princess, who is being held prisoner by Count Lucifer, and bring her back to his island.
Movie: Duck Dodgers in Attack of the Drones (TV Short 2004) ( 2004 )
To thwart an oncoming attack, Duck Dodgers clones an army of robotic drones.
Movie: Johann Mouse ( 1953 )
Tom attempts to catch Jerry by playing music he dances to.
Movie: That's My Pup! ( 1953 )
Spike explains to his son the rules of being a dog: 1: be man's best friend (begging, lying at feet); 2: bury bones; 3: chase cats. Just then, Tom (and Jerry) run by, offering the perfect practice subject. Spike lectures Tom to be scared by the pup or else; Jerry overhears, and is soon doing his best dog impersonation, while Tom works on various strategies to neutralize Tyke.
Movie: Just Ducky ( 1953 )
Jerry Mouse befriends a newly hatched duck who can't swim and ends up protecting him against his feline nemesis, Tom.
Movie: Two Little Indians ( 1953 )
The Bide-a-wee Mouse Home sends two orphans over for a hike with Scoutmaster Jerry. Trouble is, the orphans, dressed as Indians, want to shoot arrows and tomahawk-chop everything in sight, and especially Tom, who quickly gets scalped and has the end of his tail chopped off. He captures Jerry; this, of course, means war, for which the tots paint dozens of badminton shuttlecocks as a fake army. They also paint a fierce face on the sleeping dog. Ultimately, they get Tom to leave a trail of gunpowder, which they light, destroying the garage. Tom signals a truce, and they all smoke a peace pipe, but the smoke comes out of Tom's ears instead of his mouth.
Movie: Life with Tom (Short 1953) ( 1953 )
Tom reads Jerry's best selling book, "Life with Tom" and experiences some flashbacks.
Movie: Puppy Tale ( 1954 )
Jerry rescues a bag of puppies from the river. Most of them run away as soon as Jerry releases them, but one stays behind. Jerry tries to get rid of it, but ultimately takes pity and invites the frisky runt inside, where he has to hide it from Tom, who keeps throwing it out. A thunderstorm starts, and Tom takes pity on the pup, goes out looking for it, and falls into the river himself, where Jerry rescues him.
Movie: Posse Cat (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
Tom and Jerry are in a cabin in the Wild West. Jerry's rustling food, so Tom's owner won't let him eat until he's gotten rid of Jerry.
Movie: Hic-cup Pup ( 1954 )
Spike has just put Tyke to bed for his nap when Tom and Jerry chase out the door to Tyke's crib, waking him up. This gives Tyke an attack of hiccups. Spike warns Tom not to wake him up again, which of course is all Jerry needs...
Movie: Little School Mouse (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
Professor Jerry teaches a course in how to outwit cats, but his pupil seems to know more than Jerry.
Movie: Mice Follies (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
Jerry and his friends flood the kitchen, then use the freezer to turn it into a skating rink. Even though Tom finds a pair of ice skates, the mice have no problem out maneuvering him.
Movie: Neapolitan Mouse (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
Tom chases Jerry through the streets of Naples; they meet a local mouse who recognizes them from their cartoons and shows them around. Meanwhile, some local dogs are shadowing them.
Movie: Downhearted Duckling ( 1954 )
A depressed baby duck thinks he is ugly after reading "The Ugly Duckling" and wants Tom to eat him but Jerry keeps preventing that.
Movie: Pet Peeve (Short 1954) ( 1954 )
Tom and Spike, whose cat food and dog food is getting too expensive, are forced to compete as mousers. The one who catches Jerry gets to stay.
Movie: Touché, Pussy Cat! ( 1954 )
Musketeer Jerry's old friend, François Mouse, sends his son for training. But when Jerry has to save the tyke from a run-in with Tom, the little one is sent packing until he manages to save Jerry.
Movie: Little Runaway ( 1952 )
A baby seal escapes from the circus and ends up in Jerry's backyard pond. Tom finds out soon enough when Jerry grabs a fish from Tom's plate, and when the circus offers a $10,000 reward, his goal is clear. After some straightforward chases, Tom disguises himself in an inner tube to lure the seal and gets caught by the circus's own patrol.
Movie: Fit to Be Tied ( 1952 )
Jerry removes a tack from Spike's paw. In gratitude, Spike gives Jerry a bell to ring when he's in trouble. Soon, Tom is acting as Jerry's servant. But then the city passes a leash law, and Spike can no longer help. Soon, Tom is taunting Spike (much like Foghorn Leghorn taunts the barnyard dog) and harassing Jerry, who becomes his servant until the leash law is repealed.
Movie: Push-Button Kitty ( 1952 )
Tom's being especially lazy, which makes it even easier for Mammy to toss him out when her new mouse-catching robot cat, Mechano, arrives. Mechano is frighteningly efficient, foiling several attempts by Jerry. Jerry turns this efficiency against him by unleashing several mechanical mice; the zealous robot makes a shambles of the house, and finally itself, in the process of chasing them down. Tom is welcomed back, but at the last moment, a key part of the robot had gone down Tom's throat; Jerry activates it, and sends Tom chasing after one of the wind-up mice.
Movie: Cruise Cat ( 1952 )
Tom is the official cat on the cruise ship S.S. Aloha, but he'll be kicked off if the captain finds even one mouse. That one, of course, is Jerry, who sneaks on board just before sailing and is pursued relentlessly by Tom until they both run into the ship's theatre showing Texas Tom (1950), which they pause to watch part of.
Movie: The Dog House ( 1952 )
Spike is building his dream house when Tom crashes into it mid-chase. Of course, Jerry then takes every opportunity to route the chases through the construction project.