Playlists > old school cartoon shorts

old school cartoon shorts
Creator: randywang
Posted: 3 years ago

11 favorites


Movie: Buddy's Bug Hunt (Short 1935) ( 1935 )
Buddy learns a valuable lesson on how bugs should be treated.
Movie: Buddy's Lost World (Short 1935) ( 1935 )
Buddy sails to a lost world and battles with cave men and prehistoric creatures.
Movie: My Green Fedora (Short 1935) ( 1935 )
Peter Rabbit tries to stop his little brother, Elmer, from crying but nothing seems to work, until he gets tired of listening to it and leaves the house leaving the baby alone. Elmer is kidnapped by a weasel so Peter goes to rescue him.
Movie: Along Flirtation Walk (Short 1935) ( 1935 )
Chickens from Plymouth Rock College and the Rhode Island Reds prepare for the big game. At the pre-game dance at Plymouth Rock, a glee club sings the title song. The big game arrives; Plymouth Rock is coached by a duck, and Rhode Island by a rooster. And the game turns out to be, not football, but laying eggs (though the teams look and act surprisingly macho). Going into the half, Rhode Island leads 75-30. In the locker room, Plymouth Rock gets a pep talk, while the Rhode Island team is stuffed with billiard balls. For some reason, the Rocks get penalized for laying live chicks while there's no penalty for the billiard balls. Meanwhile, a Plymouth Rock benchwarmer who's been pestering the coach all through the picture gets sent in and single-handedly wins the game, 100-99, at the last second.
Movie: Buddy of the Legion (Short 1935) ( 1935 )
Buddy gets a new job in a book shop, but spends his work hours daydreaming about leading the Foreign Legion and fighting Amazons.
Movie: Country Boy (Short 1935) ( 1935 )
Mother rabbit sends her charges off to school. Peter needs a bit more attention; he's hiding with the chickens, using a feather duster to stand in for a tail. On his way to school, Peter starts to sneak into a farmer's field, but is caught by three schoolmates. They threaten to tell the teacher, and Peter heads off to school. The bell rings, and Peter decides to cut class and attack the field. Carrots and beans (which prove to be Mexican jumping beans) pose no problem, but a row of beets proves stubborn. Peter uses the rope and winch from the farmer's well to haul them out, but the farmer's cow, munching on the other end of the row, lands in the well, and its bleats alert the farmer. Peter runs, and rides atop the farmer's mower to escape him. After damaging the flowers, hedges, and corn, he runs through a stand of maple trees with out-of-season sap/syrup, then a chicken coop, leaving him coated in feathers. He perches on a fence post and crows.
Movie: Buddy the Dentist (Short 1934) ( 1934 )
Buddy's dog gets hooked on sugar, and ends up with a toothache. Buddy tries to wiggle the tooth, but it makes the dog feel very uncomfortable. So Buddy tries gas, but it backfires and Buddy's own tooth ends up falling out. A 1934 Looney Tunes short directed by Ben Hardaway.
Movie: Buddy's Adventures (Short 1934) ( 1934 )
Buddy & Cookie's hot air balloon gets thrashed by a violent thunder storm and they ended up landing on foreign grounds. The town Buddy & Cookie are in is called "Sourtown". The residents are always in a bad mood due to them drinking and eating sour products and due to the strict laws which outlaws laughter, dancing, singing, and jazz. Buddy doesn't take the laws seriously as he tries to play some jazz to lighten everyones mood. Unfortunately the king of Sourtown doesn't take law breakers likely.
Movie: Rhythm in the Bow (Short 1934) ( 1934 )
A fiddling hobo experiences life on a train and in the country.
Movie: Buddy the Woodsman (Short 1934) ( 1934 )
A musical number with Buddy in the role of a woodsman. Goes through a lumberjack's days chopping down trees. A bear raids the lumberjacks while having pasta as Buddy and Cookie have to dispose of him.
Movie: Pop Goes Your Heart (Short 1934) ( 1934 )
A robin sings, and the vegetation turns spring-like, followed by some more action by birds and bees. A grasshopper teaches his sons to chew and spit tobacco. Two spiders play the title tune on their web; some worms animate some apples to the tune; a chorus of frogs sings. Beavers play tennis, using spider webs as a net and their tails as racquets. A bear on the prowl is rebuffed by a turtle, then traps several beavers in a tree. They drop a beehive on him; he rolls down a hay-covered hillside, landing amid a farmer's mounds of hay; the farmer tosses the bear-stack into his "bailer", and the bear turns into a walking hay bale.
Movie: Viva Buddy (Short 1934) ( 1934 )
Buddy goes to Mexico and visits a cantina. He wakes up the patrons from their siesta and there is music and dancing. Pancho (a Wallace Beery caricature), one bad hombre, rides into town with his gang. Pancho shoots up the cantina and wakes the Four Marx Bros. sleeping in a Murphy bed. He shoots the tip off Buddy's banana and Buddy throws the rest of the banana into Pancho's face. Pancho forces Buddy at gunpoint to play the piano and a señorita dances. Pancho propositions her and she smacks him so hard he flies out the back door, where a goat butts him and pushes him back in. He comes onto her again and Buddy uses his cello as a bow, shooting Pancho in the butt with a fork. A fight ensues, ending up in a jumbled pile of broken furniture. The two emerge and Pancho says, "I was only foolin', Buddy" (an homage to Beery's role as Butch in "The Big House".
Movie: Buddy the Detective (Short 1934) ( 1934 )
Buddy must solve the case of a young girl who has been kidnapped by an insane musical sorcerer.
Movie: The Girl at the Ironing Board (Short 1934) ( 1934 )
Mysteriously, late at night, the laundry comes to life.
Movie: The Miller's Daughter (Short 1934) ( 1934 )
Ceramic figurines come to life after one of them is knocked over and broken by the household cat.
Movie: Buddy's Bearcats (Short 1934) ( 1934 )
Buddy's baseball team battles to the final inning with their rival.
Movie: Why Do I Dream Those Dreams (Short 1934) ( 1934 )
Another retelling of Rip Van Winkle who has a vivid dream before awakening.
Movie: Buddy of the Apes (Short 1934) ( 1934 )
Buddy must battle a group of natives who have kidnapped his girlfriend.
Movie: Goin' to Heaven on a Mule (Short 1934) ( 1934 )
A passed out drunken farm hand dreams of entering heaven on a mule.
Movie: Buddy's Trolley Troubles (Short 1934) ( 1934 )
Buddy runs his own trolley. Most of it seems to be a musical number. However, there is a criminal living in the ditches as he breaks loose and hijacks Buddy's trolley.
Movie: Pettin' in the Park (Short 1934) ( 1934 )
While at the park, a group of birds engage in a swimming contest.
Movie: Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie ( 2005 )
Lumpy teams with tiny Roo for a Halloween adventure in the Hundred Acre Wood, in this animated tale about friendship, bravery, and teamwork.
Movie: Buddy's Pony Express (Short 1935) ( 1935 )
Buddy races the other townsfolk to win a job as a Pony Express rider.
Movie: Buddy's Theatre (Short 1935) ( 1935 )
Buddy is a projectionist in a movie theatre where the 'coming attractions' trailer promises '15 features for 15 cents." When the feature comes on, Buddy gets so excited about the damsel-in-distress in the movie that he swings on a reel of film , from the projection booth to the screen, to save the film-heroine from an ape.
Movie: Mr. and Mrs. Is the Name (Short 1935) ( 1935 )
Mermaids sing to us about mermaids and fishes at play; they and some other sea creatures dance to it. Buddy as a merman plays tag with a girl mermaid, but he gets too rough and turns her off. Buddy looks inside a shipwreck and drags the girl to it; she busies herself playing with the jewelry in a treasure chest. Meanwhile, Buddy finds some props in another trunk and does an imitation of Charles Chaplin. The girl finds a piano and plays the title song. The noise draws an octopus, who grabs her and swims off, with Buddy in pursuit. The octopus (squid?) drops the girl to fight Buddy, and does so with some success until Buddy lures it into a pipe and ties the tentacles to a flange, then starts bashing the octopus with a battering ram. The girl kisses Buddy; he blushes, then gets hit by the battering ram into her arms.
Movie: Those Were Wonderful Days (Short 1934) ( 1934 )
At a 4th of July picnic, a hero and a villain battle for the heart of a girl.
Movie: Buddy's Garage (Short 1934) ( 1934 )
While having lunch at the garage, Cookie is kidnapped by a man and Buddy engages in a car chase to rescue her.
Movie: Buddy's Show Boat (Short 1933) ( 1933 )
Buddy's boat floats merrily down the river as various musical and dance shows are performed.
Movie: Buddy the Gob (Short 1934) ( 1934 )
While on shore leave, Buddy the Sailor is called upon to rescue a young girl from a dragon.
Movie: Bosko's Mechanical Man (Short 1933) ( 1933 )
Bosko creates a robot. The only problem is that his creation goes mad wreaking havoc.
Movie: Bosko the Musketeer (Short 1933) ( 1933 )
When Honey shows Bosko a book about the three musketeers he re-imagines the story with himself as the lead.
Movie: Beau Bosko (Short 1933) ( 1933 )
Bosko is a soldier in the Foreign Legion out to capture the desert scourge, Ali Oop.
Movie: Wake Up the Gypsy in Me (Short 1933) ( 1933 )
A camp of Russian gypsies, dancing and playing music. After an opening dance, a quartet of beer-drinkers gargles the Volga Boatman song, then another group hauling on a rope sings it (we finally see that the other end of the rope is anchored by a very small dog). A trench-coated bomber sneaks into the palace, where we see Rice-Puddin', the mad monk, cheating at a jigsaw puzzle. He spies the activity in the gypsy camp and orders a henchman to fetch the gypsy girl. The villagers revolt as a result, sending The Mad Monk scrambling on his horse; they stuff a bomb into his pants just as he turns his horse into a helicopter, and it explodes.
Movie: Bosko the Speed King (Short 1933) ( 1933 )
Bosko fine tunes his car for a big race at the track.
Movie: Bosko in Dutch (Short 1933) ( 1933 )
Bosko the mailman skates across a frozen pond along with various other animals.
Movie: The Organ Grinder (Short 1933) ( 1933 )
An organ grinder and his monkey make their way down a New York streetscape. The monkey climbs up several stories to get tips from a couple of women. It does a little dance for a group of kids, then uses some props to impersonate Harpo Marx, Stan Laurel, and Oliver Hardy. It then sits down at a couple of pianos and begins playing, first, the title song, then 42nd Street. It gets caught in a runaway car, and after running into a fruit cart, crashes into a music store and comes out as a one-man band with the organ grinder in the rear.
Movie: Bosko the Sheep-Herder (Short 1933) ( 1933 )
Bosko takes care of a flock of sheep and finds music in nature at every opportunity.
Movie: Bosko's Knight-Mare (Short 1933) ( 1933 )
Bosko, after reading a book about medieval knighthood, falls asleep and has a nightmare where Honey, his girlfriend, in the role of a princess, gets captured. Bosko finds the villain, and wakes up in the midst of fighting him and destroys his knight replica.
Movie: Bosko's Dizzy Date (Short 1932) ( 1932 )
Honey is a music teacher; her pupil is a kitten who hates playing the violin. No matter what she does to correct him, the kitten plays horribly. She phones Bosko, who is asleep. Bosko's dog, Bruno, tries to wake him but fails. He answers the phone himself by knocking off the receiver and barking into the speaker. Honey asks Bruno to wake up Bosko, so the dog tries again. Even the phone does its part by sprouting hands and arms, which it uses to whistle and knock its receiver on the floor. Bosko finally answers and tells Honey he'll be right over. When Bosko arrives at Honey's place, the two of them sing and dance and play music. The kitten expresses its disdain by dumping bathwater into Bosko's saxophone, but Bosko continues to play as bubbles emerge from the bell. Honey dances on the soap bubbles, safely descending from her balcony to the ground as they pop. The kitten is soon forgotten as Bosko and Honey go for a bicycle ride, followed by Bruno. A fierce thunderstorm interrupts their fun.
Movie: Young and Healthy (Short 1933) ( 1933 )
The lazy yet large King Louis could care less about the royal ball and is more interested in sleeping on his throne. He suddenly heard the cries and cheers of the kingdom's kids playing outside and decides to play with them much to the dismay of the queen.
Movie: One Step Ahead of My Shadow (Short 1933) ( 1933 )
To music - and sometimes the song "One Step Ahead of My Shadow" - we see various scenes of a China imagined by 1930's U.S. stereotyping. We're in what may be Shanghai, with rickshaws and other cultural touchstones. A young man steers his small boat down a river to visit his sweetheart, to whom he sings. A large man, who's well-to-do, seems to cheat his rickshaw driver who takes him to the same house where the kids are courting. A dragon interrupts the fun, the damsel is in distress, and fireworks may follow.
Movie: The Shanty Where Santy Claus Lives (Short 1933) ( 1933 )
Christmas Eve. A poor orphan boy trudges through the snow, pathetically. He finally arrives at his miserable cabin. While he is crying, Santa arrives and, singing the title song, offers to take the boy to his workshop. They arrive, and the toys go wild (in the full version, they sing the title song, but this has been censored in some versions due to outdated stereotypes). He plays with a few toys. A candle falls off the tree and starts a fire. The toys try in vain to fight the fire; the boy hooks up a hose to a set of bagpipes and takes care of it.
Movie: Bosko's Woodland Daze (Short 1932) ( 1932 )
Bosko and his dog Bruno play hide and seek in the woods.
Movie: A Great Big Bunch of You (Short 1932) ( 1932 )
A mannequin in the city dump improvises a piano from the junk to play and sing the title song The various animals and pieces of junk all join in.
Movie: Bosko the Drawback (Short 1932) ( 1932 )
Bosko is the star player in a wacky game of professional football.
Movie: Bosko the Lumberjack (Short 1932) ( 1932 )
Bosko is a lumberjack who cut's down trees and saves his girl, Honey, from a villain.
Movie: You're Too Careless with Your Kisses! (Short 1932) ( 1932 )
A bee returns home late after a night out having too much honey. His wife leaves him, but quickly ends up in the clutches of an evil ladybug. The whole hive turns out to fight the ladybug and get her back.
Movie: Bosko's Store (Short 1932) ( 1932 )
Bosko spends the day working away in his store.
Movie: The Queen Was in the Parlor (Short 1932) ( 1932 )
The king returns to his castle, and asks where the queen is; she's in the parlor, and won't be seen, according to the title song. He goes to his throne and summons his jester, Goopy Geer. Various bits of silliness ensue (including an Amos & Andy impression cut in some versions). A black knight arrives and threatens one of the young ladies in court; Goopy fights him off, first with an ax, then in armor from kitchen utensils, then butting him with a mounted animal head, which makes the knight's armor fall apart. He pulls it together again and runs away.
Movie: Bosko's Party (Short 1932) ( 1932 )
Bosko whistles "It Ain't Gonna Rain No Mo" as he walks down the sidewalk in the pouring rain. His umbrella provides a good sailboat when he wants to cross a flooded street. Meanwhile, Honey is getting dressed and made up. She's about to remove her nightgown when she realizes that we in the audience are watching her. She goes behind a modesty screen, but the mirror reveals all to us. Bosko arrives at Honey's place and one of her friends opens the door. Little does she know that several of her friends are downstairs waiting to surprise her. This is Honey's birthday. Honey's little yapping dog causes trouble before and during the party. Worse trouble comes from her pupil--a little kitten who hides underneath a flowerpot and can't get out from under it. When he finally does, he causes a minor catastrophe.
Movie: Bosko at the Beach (Short 1932) ( 1932 )
Bosko, Honey, and Bruno spend a day at the beach.
Movie: The Squawkin' Hawk (Short 1942) ( 1942 )
Henery Hawk, making his first appearance in a Warner Bros. cartoon, refuses the worm his mother is trying to feed him; after all, he's a chickenhawk. That night, he sneaks out to the henhouse, but comes up against a protective rooster.
Movie: Double Chaser (Short 1942) ( 1942 )
A mouse, being chased by a cat, enlists the help of a sleeping bulldog. When the dog awakes, the mouse hides in a hen's nest, and the cat disguises himself as a hen - and even does a hen imitation when the chicks hatch. The mouse then keeps pointing out the cat's hiding places, but when he points to a dump where the cat isn't hiding, the dog turns on him. The mouse paints an apple black and lights the fuse, but it explodes and sends him to mouse heaven.
Movie: Gopher Goofy ( 1942 )
A homeowner is enjoying his lovely lawn and garden when it's invaded by a couple of gophers with Brooklyn accents. The homeowner attacks, but the gophers outsmart him at every turn: They duck his hoe and shotgun. He gasses them with helium, and they float away -- causing a crow to throw away his bottle. The inflated gophers hit a tree and fall to earth. The gardener fishes for the gophers under his hat; they substitute a tomato, and he cries, thinking he's squished a gopher. Next, he tries the garden hose; the gophers stop the flow until there's a huge blast of water, which they direct back at the homeowner. He hits the ground and starts burrowing himself, surfacing in his fountain.
Movie: Ceiling Hero ( 1940 )
A series of blackout gags parodying aviation and aviation films. Gags include a parchutist whose parachute reads "Good to the last drop", jokes about LA's expanding city limits, and a satire of test pilot and their bravery.
Movie: Calling Dr. Porky (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
A dog thinks he is being chased by small pink elephants, and goes to the hospital. While Porky is working on medication, the pink elephants find him and cause havoc. Porky finally gives him some medication, that only works temporarily, but then sees them again. He rushes back in and is once again ill.
Movie: Malibu Beach Party (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
Jack Bunny (a spoof of Jack Benny) invites Hollywood celebrities to his Malibu house for a party.
Movie: Holiday Highlights (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
Blackout gags about the holidays. New Year's (the baby speaks to us). Valentine's Day (it's Leap Year, so the girl turns to the boy) Washington's Birthday (the cherry tree story). Arbor Day (a dog directs the placement of the tree). Easter (the bunny is menaced by the fox, who turns out to be a softy). April 1: no picture. Mother's Day: a decidedly low key reunion. Graduation day: the boy gets his diploma, and promptly joins a bread line. Halloween: the witch rides her broom, towing an advertising banner. Thanksgiving: A turkey for dinner, in more ways than one. Christmas: Santa's sleigh is an ice cream truck. New Year's: The Tournament of Roses parade; we see some floats.
Movie: Wacky Wildlife (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
A series of typical Avery spot gags set around wild animals. A dainty deer drinks very loudly and rudely from a lake. A pack rat swaps an egg and an acorn, then back again ("monotonous, isn't it?"). A flock of ducks lands; a hunter fires; all fly away, except one with an American flag on its side. A termite fells a huge tree. A cowboy rides across the plains well, no; his horse is just slapping itself with the front hooves. A coyote calls to its mate: "Hey, Mabel, come on out!" A camel contradicts the narrator, saying he's really thirsty. A wild dog: because of the lumbermen.
Movie: The Timid Toreador (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
The bull makes short work of the matador, and then turns on Porky, a tamale vendor who wanders into the ring accidentally. But then he makes the mistake of actually eating most of Porky's extra hot tamales.
Movie: Of Fox and Hounds (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
Willoughby, a big dumb hound, is repeatedly tricked by George, the fox, into jumping off cliffs, among other things.
Movie: Bedtime for Sniffles (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
Sniffles is determined to stay up until midnight on Christmas Eve in order to see Santa Claus. As the time grows later, and his eyelids grow heavier, Sniffles desperately tries to rid his home of all sleep-inducing sights and sounds, but no matter how hard he tries, he just can't seem to stay awake.
Movie: Porky's Hired Hand (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
Porky hires on Gregory Grunt to watch over his chicken coop to stop the fox from raiding it. He falls asleep, and the fox fills his bag. But Grunt wakes up and confronts the fox who then talks him into becoming his partner. As the fox is leaving, he locks himself into the incubator room by mistake. Porky hears the noise and comes running.
Movie: Shop Look & Listen (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
J.T. Gimlet's department store is closed, and the mice are going on a tour, led by the same W.C. Fields mouse as in Little Blabbermouse (1940). First, the shoe department, where we see mules, both red and green, who pop out of the box and bray at us. Next, the artworks: Whistler's Mother proves to be a good whistler herself; The Thinker is puzzling over his tax return; a painting that starts with two Indians becomes The Last of the Mohicans. In housewares, an automatic ashtray deals with a cigar (prompting a string of babble from Blabbermouse). An automated poker table plays the whole game, complete with the requisite ace-up-the-sleeve. And finally, the gift-wrap department, which includes one robot to measure out ribbon and another to wrap packages. This prompts another string of babble from Blabbermouse, which gets *him* wrapped up (and, when that's not enough, slapped with a "Do Not Open Until Xmas" sticker on his mouth).
Movie: Saps in Chaps (Short 1942) ( 1942 )
Gags depict the old west in a variation of "Go West, young man," and a parody of Cutler's Last Stand.
Movie: Dog Tired (Short 1942) ( 1942 )
The Two Curious Puppies, vying over a bone, chase each other into the zoo, where their confrontations with the various animals keep the laughing hyena in stitches.
Movie: Nutty News (Short 1942) ( 1942 )
Elmer Fudd narrates a newsreel (but is never seen on screen). A hunter uses a moose call; the moose answers back using a hunter call. A barber uses an invention to startle a boy. A man uses a rear-view mirror to guard his hat while eating, but that's not all he should have guarded. In a laboratory, we see how rabbits multiply: 2x2=4, etc. Fireflies are having a blackout. An artist uses his thumb to get the proportions correct as a model is posing. A baby chick follows along as ducks take their first swim. In the South, the traffic signs read "No U-All Turns." A baseball pitcher throws a dollar across the Potomac, but it gets only halfway; his Scotty dog explains that a dollar doesn't go as far. A fox hunt: the dogs run in circles, because the lead dog is romancing the fox. A new department store is about to be built, and it's already attracted a protestor. Finally, we see a series of battleships, all in the rain except the U.S.S. California, in bright sunshine.
Movie: Lights Fantastic (Short 1942) ( 1942 )
A tour of the bright lights of New York City, where the various advertising signs come to life.
Movie: Hobby Horse-Laffs (Short 1942) ( 1942 )
A spoof of a popular radio program of the time called "Hobby Lobby", with blackout gags showcasing people's various hobbies and inventions.
Movie: Hold the Lion, Please (Short 1942) ( 1942 )
A dim-witted lion sets out to prove he's still "king of the forest" and attempts to capture Bugs Bunny. While Bugs proves that the lion is no match for his superior wit, they both discover they each have someone else to answer to - the lady of the house!
Movie: Ghost Wanted (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
An inexperienced little ghost tries out for a house-haunting job, but winds up getting terrorized by the fat ghost interviewing him for the position.
Movie: The Egg Collector (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
Sniffles the mouse and his friend the Bookworm decide to take up egg collecting, setting their eyes upon a big barn owl egg. But the big barn owl isn't so hot on the idea.
Movie: Little Blabbermouse (Short 1940) ( 1940 )
A mouse, imitating W.C. Fields, leads tours of a drugstore for other mice. We see a number of products living up to their names: vanishing cream, reducing pills, sleeping powders, smelling salts, cough medicine. On to the lunch counter: a giant malt (sign). More products: shaving brush, Krazy mineral water, a rubber band (and brushes dancing to it). A musical revue: the clocks all sing "Start the Day Right"; an order pad would "Love to Take Orders From You"; a ballet troupe wants to "Shake Your Powder Puff"; and so on. Greeting cards greet our tourists. The mousetraps are harmless but the cat next to them isn't, and thus ends the tour. An annoying little boy who's been chatting away the whole time finally gets a jar of alum in the face to shut him up.
Movie: Buddy and Towser (Short 1934) ( 1934 )
On a cold winter's night, Buddy puts his dog, Towser, in charge of protecting the chickens.
Movie: Killer Bean Forever ( 2009 )
Killer Bean is sent on a mission in Beantown, but when he attacks one of the warehouses owned by the mafia boss, Cappuccino, he gets the attention of Detective Cromwell, a bean who's trying to put Cappuccino, and possibly Killer Bean, behind bars.
Movie: Terrier-Stricken (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
Frisky Puppy's sudden barking and playful antics send Claude Cat on wild rides through their house, down the chimney, in and out of faucets, out the door, and eventually diving into an empty swimming pool.
Movie: The EGGcited Rooster (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
Foghorn has egg-sitting duty while his wife plays cards. Henery Hawk, dressed as an Indian ("Me last of mo-hawk-ens!") comes by as Foggy is looking for someone to relieve him. Foggy gets Henery to egg-sit for a little while, but the little hawk gets impatient. Foghorn sends him off with a "hen grenade" which explodes under the dog (leaving him covered with a fried egg...Read all
Movie: Mouse-Warming (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
A teen-aged boy mouse falls in love with the girl mouse who lives in the hole across the room. But Claude Cat literally comes between them, and also tries to stir up a feud between their two families.
Movie: Hoppy-Go-Lucky (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
Sylvester Cat and his dopey, brawny feline friend, Benny, hunt mice in a warehouse because Benny wants one as a pet. Hippety Hopper, the baby kangaroo, is in the warehouse, and the two cats, of course, think he's a giant mouse. Benny wants him and obliges Sylvester to try and catch the fleet-of-foot Hippety.
Movie: Thumb Fun (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
Porky Pig picks up Daffy as a hitchhiker, but Daffy's antics eventually lead to Porky getting in trouble with the police.
Movie: Sock a Doodle Do (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
A prize-fighting banty rooster, so slap-happy that he goes into a punching spree whenever he hears a bell, falls out of a truck and onto the farm where Foghorn Leghorn is in the midst of his usual sparring match with the barnyard dog. Foghorn and the dog use the fighter-rooster's manic punching against each other by ringing a bell once the rooster is within striking d...Read all
Movie: Little Beau Pepé (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
After driving the Foreign Legionnaires from their fort with his aroma, lovesick skunk Pepe falls for the camp mascot, a cat who's accidentally gotten a white stripe painted down her back.
Movie: Cracked Quack (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
Daffy Duck takes shelter from a blizzard by sneaking into a cozy home owned by Porky Pig. Daffy tries to secretly mooch off of Porky for an entire winter, but Porky's dog realizes that Daffy isn't the stuffed ornament he pretends to be and keeps trying to alert Porky to Daffy's ruse.
Movie: Foxy by Proxy (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
Bugs confuses the hunting dogs by dressing up in a Halloween fox costume.
Movie: Who's Kitten Who? (Short 1952) ( 1952 )
A baby kangaroo, Hippety Hopper, breaks free from a crate at the Zoo Office and hops into the house of Sylvester Cat and his son, Junior. They mistake Hippety for a giant mouse, and Sylvester is pummelled again and again by the playful kangaroo, causing Junior to put a paper bag over his head in shame for his father.
Movie: The Prize Pest (Short 1951) ( 1951 )
For no apparent reason, Porky Pig is awarded the grand prize of the "What's the Name of Your Name" game show. Unfortunately, the prize is Daffy Duck, whose tactless and rude visit gets him tossed out Porky's house by the irate pig. Insulted, Daffy decides to get back at Porky by pretending to have dissociative identity disorder, becoming a hideous monster whenever he'...Read all
Movie: Two's a Crowd (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
Claude Cat is perfectly content with his life until his owner brings home a new puppy for his wife. Now, any time Frisky Puppy barks, it sends a nervous Claude jumping to the ceiling.
Movie: A Hound for Trouble (Short 1951) ( 1951 )
Kicked off the boat in Italy, Charlie forces himself upon a pizzeria owner. Donning his best Italian accent and garb, Charlie sets to work as a waiter, astonishing and horrifying the customers with his barefoot grape-stomping and musical rendition of "Atsa Matta for You?"
Movie: A Fox in a Fix (Short 1951) ( 1951 )
A bulldog guards a chicken coop that a hungry fox wants to raid. To gain the friendship and trust of the bulldog, the fox shaves his tail and pretends to be a hard-luck terrier looking for a place to live. The bulldog instantly sees through the fox's ploy but acts as though he's fooled. He agrees to share his home with the fox. At night, the fox sneaks into the chicke...Read all
Movie: Corn Plastered (Short 1951) ( 1951 )
A beany-capped, wise-cracking crow invades a corn field owned by an elderly farmer. The farmer unsuccessfully attempts to kill the crow by using a gun, an axe, and a cannon.
Movie: Dog Collared (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
On Be Kind to Animals Week, Porky Pig decides to practice the principle and affectionately pets a large, slobbering dog. The dog takes an instant liking to Porky and follows the pig everywhere.
Movie: Caveman Inki (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
Back in prehistoric times, a thundering earthquake splits a mountain wide open, and out hops the minah bird, to alternately bedevil, mystify and rescue Inki as he hunts dinosaurs. Meanwhile, a pelt-bedecked caveman persists in his attempts to make a pot of stew, which keeps getting overturned each time Inki, dinosaur, sabre-toother tiger and minah bird zip past.
Movie: Stooge for a Mouse (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
A hungry mouse decides to make one of its two obstacles to obtaining a block of cheese, by framing Sylvester the Cat. It starts stirring up trouble, after hearing Sylvester call the bulldog, Mike. Later on, the mouse uses a telephone and let the earpiece, by Mike's ear. It says Sylvester only wants Mike, as "its pillow". After hearing this, Mike, the Bulldog, wakes u and thinks it was only a dream. The mouse calls Mike again, this time, the mouse says other dogs are laughing at him, because he likes Sylvester, the Cat. After successfully turning two friendly buddies into enemies & both are knocked out cold, then, the mouse walks to the table, the block of cheese is on. As it is approximately half way to the table, the magnet the mouse used to hit Mike, the bulldog with (as an iron boxing glove) on a paw of Sylvester. Then, unexpectedly, the magnet pulls a chandelier off the ceiling & the chandelier hits the mouse so hard, that it fell down, undoubtedly knocked out along with Sylvester, the Cat and Mike, the Bulldog. Then a "HOME SWEET HOME" sign, falls off a wall, as all three are knocked out and appear lifeless, as this animation short cartoon concludes.
Movie: A Fractured Leghorn (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
Foghorn Leghorn and a cat fight over a worm. The cat wants the worm as bait for a fish, while Foghorn just wants the worm for a quick snack.
Movie: Pop 'im Pop! (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
A circus comes to town featuring Gracie the Fighting Kangaroo and her youngster, Hippety Hopper. Hippety slips out of the circus tent and hops into a yard where Sylvester Cat is bragging to his son, Junior, about how good a mouser he used to be. To prove he still has his mettle, Sylvester must fight against the playful Hippety, whom they, as usual, mistake for a giant...Read all
Movie: Strife with Father (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
Two English sparrows adopt the homely hayseed, Beaky Buzzard. Later, his adoptive father tries to teach the dolt to catch chickens.
Movie: Knights Must Fall (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
Bugs must joust with Sir Pantsalot of Drop Seat Manor when he tosses a partially eaten carrot into a suit of armor.
Movie: Henhouse Henery (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
Little Henery the Chicken Hawk goes hunting chickens with a hammer and clunks Foghorn Leghorn on the noggin. Foghorn sends Henery after the barnyard dog by misleading him into thinking the dog is a chicken. The dog sets Henery straight and helps him build a tree trap to catch Foggy for supper.
Movie: Which Is Witch (Short 1949) ( 1949 )
An African witch doctor is cooking up a potion in his big black pot. He has the lizard tongue, fish eyes, gnats' eyebrows, jigger of xxx, bee-stingers, leopard spots and frogs' legs. But he throws a screaming tantrum when he discovers that he's out of rabbit. Meanwhile, Bugs Bunny decides to go to Kuka Munga (one mile) instead of Hubba Hubba (also one mile). He made a bad choice. He meets the witch doctor, who captures him and throws him into his pot. Bugs at first thinks the doc is offering him a hot bath. But when he smells himself cooking, he realizes the horrible truth. Bugs will have to disguise himself as a native female and battle an alligator before his latest adventure is over.
Movie: The Lion's Busy (Short 1950) ( 1950 )
Hungry Beaky Buzzard steadfastly waits for Leo the Lion to be decently deceased before trying to devour him.