Playlists > Nouvelle Vague

Nouvelle Vague

French new wave (La Nouvelle Vague) is a French film movement which emerged in the late 1950’s.

The movement was characterized by its rejection of traditional conventions in favor of experimentation and a spirit of Iconoclasm.
Filmmakers explored new approaches to editing, visual style and narrative, as well as engagement with the social & political upheavals of the era, often making use of irony or exploring existential themes.

The new wave is often considered one of the most influential movements in the history of cinema.

Creator: Rodjenka
Posted: 3 years ago

12 favorites


Movie: Alphaville ( 1965 )
A U.S. secret agent is sent to the distant space city of Alphaville where he must find a missing person and free the city from its tyrannical ruler.
Movie: Hiroshima Mon Amour ( 1959 )
A French actress filming an anti-war film in Hiroshima has an affair with a married Japanese architect as they share their differing perspectives on war.
Movie: Breathless ( 1960 )
A small-time thief steals a car and impulsively murders a motorcycle policeman. Wanted by the authorities, he reunites with a hip American journalism student and attempts to persuade her to run away with him to Italy.
Movie: Cleo from 5 to 7 ( 1962 )
Cleo, a singer and hypochondriac, becomes increasingly worried that she might have cancer while awaiting test results from her doctor.
Movie: Jules and Jim ( 1962 )
Decades of a love triangle concerning two friends and an impulsive woman.
Movie: Pierrot le Fou ( 1965 )
Pierrot escapes his boring society and travels from Paris to the Mediterranean Sea with Marianne, a girl chased by hit-men from Algeria. They lead an unorthodox life, always on the run.
Movie: Le Beau Serge ( 1959 )
After long absence, a man returns to his hometown only to find his best friend has become an alcoholic.
Movie: Les Cousins ( 1959 )
Charles is a young provincial coming up to Paris to study law. He shares his cousin Paul's flat. Paul is a kind of decadent boy, a disillusioned pleasure-seeker, always dragging along with other idles, while Charles is a plodding, naive and honest man. He fell in love with Florence, one of Paul's acquaintances. But how will Paul react to that attempt to build a real love relationship ? One of the major New Wave films.
Movie: Shoot the Piano Player ( 1962 )
Once a successful concert pianist under his birth name Edouard Saroyan, Charlie Koller is now a pianist playing honky-tonk music in a sleazy Paris bar owned and operated by Plyne, most in Charlie's current life who do not know of his past as that concert pianist. This new life, where he is caring for the youngest of his brothers, minor Fido Saroyan, is to escape the pain associated with that past life, which included a marriage to waitress Thérèse Saroyan. Charlie has always been a shy, reserved man, coming out of that concert pianist life which has made him retreat further into his shell where he only feels comfortable behind the keyboard. Besides Fido, the only person of any meaning in Charlie's life is his neighbor, prostitute Clarisse, who, in addition to looking after Fido when needed, is solely there as his paid bed partner in his need for some human connection. Charlie's life becomes more complex with two developments. First, he and Léna, a waitress at Plyne's, start to fall for each other, her interest in him which he first learns from Plyne, who admitted to him that he too was attracted to her but that he knew she would never be attracted to him. And second, Charlie's oldest brother, not very adept criminal Chico Saroyan, comes looking for his help in eluding two criminal associates, Momo and Ernest, who he and their last brother Richard Saroyan bilked in what was their one and only job together.
Movie: Le signe du lion ( 1962 )
Pierre Wesselrin is a 40-year-old American who lives in Paris by sponging off his working friends and various wealthy acquaintances. He receives a telegram saying that a rich aunt has died, so he throws a party, using borrowed money of course, and invites all his friends. After discovering that his aunt disinherited him, his luggage is impounded and he is thrown out of his apartment. All his friends are now away for the summer, or are working outside Paris, so he is forced to wander the streets and become a clochard.
Movie: Paris Belongs to Us ( 1961 )
Anne Goupil is a literature student in Paris in 1957. Her elder brother, Pierre, takes her to a friend's party where the guests include Philip Kaufman, an expatriate American escaping McCarthyism, and Gerard Lenz, a theatre director who arrives with the mysterious woman Terry. The talk at the party is about the apparent suicide of their friend Juan, a Spanish activist who had recently broken up with Terry. Philip warns Anne that the forces that killed Juan will soon do the same to Gerard. Gerard is trying to rehearse Shakespeare's "Pericles", although he has no financial backing. Anne takes a part in the play to help Gerard, and to try to discover why Juan died.
Movie: Band of Outsiders ( 1964 )
Two crooks with a fondness for old Hollywood B-movies convince a languages student to help them commit a robbery.
Movie: Vivre Sa Vie ( 1962 )
Twelve episodic tales in the life of a Parisian woman and her slow descent into prostitution.
Movie: La Pointe Courte ( 1956 )
There are two parts to this film: sequences of life in the fishing village of La Pointe Courte (a government inspector's visit, the death of a child) alternate with others following a couple - He is from La Pointe Courte, she is Parisian - coming to terms with their changing relationship.
Movie: Elevator to the Gallows ( 1958 )
A self-assured businessman murders his employer, the husband of his mistress, which unintentionally provokes an ill-fated chain of events.
Movie: Lola ( 1962 )
A bored young man meets with his former girlfriend, now a cabaret dancer and single mother, and soon finds himself falling back in love with her.
Movie: Les Bonnes Femmes ( 1960 )
Ginette, Rita, Jacqueline and Jane try to find fulfillment and love in their lives. Rita has a fiancé whose family is obsessed with social distinction; Jane has a boy-friend in the army, but does not hesitate to enjoy herself with chance encounters; Ginette has a mysterious passion that keeps her away from her colleagues at nights. Jacqueline is lonely; but who is that mysterious bike-rider who is constantly following her ?
Movie: Le coup du berger ( 1960 )
When an unfaithful wife receives a fur coat from her lover as a gift, they must figure out a way to keep the husband from discovering the coat's true origins.
Movie: Weekend ( 1967 )
A surreal tale of a married couple going on a road trip to visit the wife's parents with the intention of killing them for the inheritance.
Movie: Adieu Philippine ( 1963 )
Michel is a young technician in the fledgling TV industry and is due for military service in two months at the time of the Algerian War. Juliette and Liliane are inseparable best friends, and aspiring actresses, who hang around outside the TV studio. Michel invites them in to watch, flirts with them both, and dates them separately and together. When Michel goes on a holiday to Corsica, just before he is drafted, the girls follow.
Movie: Bob the Gambler ( 1956 )
After losing big, an aging gambler decides to assemble a team to rob a casino.
Movie: A Woman Is a Woman ( 1961 )
A French striptease artist is desperate to become a mother. When her reluctant boyfriend suggests that his best friend impregnate her, feelings become complicated when she accepts.
Movie: Little Fugitive ( 1953 )
A young boy fears that he shot his older brother, who is only faking. He then runs away to Coney Island, a crowded beach area, and gets money by returning soda bottles for their deposits.
Movie: The 400 Blows ( 1959 )
A young boy, left without attention, delves into a life of petty crime.
Movie: The Fire Within ( 1963 )
Depressed Alain Leroy leaves the clinic where he was detoxified. He meets friends, acquaintances and women, trying to find a reason to continue living. Will this help him?
Movie: Le Bonheur ( 1965 )
François, a young carpenter, lives a happy, uncomplicated life with his wife Thérèse and their two small children. One day he meets Emilie, a clerk in the local post office.
Movie: Lovers and Lollipops ( 1956 )
Ann, an attractive widowed New York model, lives in an apartment with her daughter Peggy. The courtship of Ann by visiting engineer Larry, and accompanying misadventures, are seen alternately from their and Peggy's viewpoint. Filmed realistically at many New York locations.
Movie: The Mother and the Whore ( 1973 )
In Paris, Alexandre, an unemployed young man with memories of the May 1968 events in France, attempts to persuade his former love, Gilberte, to marry him. Gilberte opts to instead marry another man. Alexandre is involved with a live-in girlfriend called Marie, and is interested in films such as The Working Class Goes to Heaven. One day, after an unsuccessful reconciliation with Gilberte at the highly popular Les Deux Magots café, he meets Veronika, a Polish French twenty-something nurse. In the midst of the sexual revolution, Veronika is highly promiscuous, and begins to make advances on Alexandre. During the summer of 1972, Alexandre and Marie are nude in bed in their apartment when Veronika visits. Marie lets her in and Veronika insults both of them, but acknowledges she is not pure herself. The three begin a ménage à trois and sleep in the same bed, with Veronika assuring Alexandre she and Marie both love him, and telling him to be more happy with his situation and life. Although Marie affirms her indifference to Alexandre's affairs, she quickly changes her mind when she sees how close he becomes to Veronika. This leads to a growing estrangement between her and Alexandre. As the three sit together, Veronika attempts to reassure Marie about her looks and body. Tearfully, Veronika speaks about how she believes no women are truly whores, and how love is meaningless unless it produces a child.
Movie: L'amour fou ( 1969 )
During the rehearsals for the production of the tragedy Andromaque, the leading actress and her director, a couple behind the scenes, can't find a way to leave their personal problems at home. And life imitates fiction, creating a real tragedy for this couple when the man finds comfort with other women while the actress prefers to stay focused on her work, as if nothing is happening with her partner.
Movie: Zazie dans le Métro ( 1961 )
With her mother away for the weekend, a brash and precocious ten-year-old country-girl sets out to explore Paris during a Métro strike, under her uncle's not-so-watchful eye. Can a little girl cause so much chaos in the heart of the
Movie: Masculin Féminin ( 1966 )
A romance between young Parisians, shown through a series of vignettes.
Movie: Celine and Julie Go Boating ( 1974 )
A mysteriously linked pair of young women find their daily lives preempted by a strange boudoir melodrama that plays itself out in a hallucinatory parallel reality.
Movie: 2 or 3 Things I Know About Her ( 1967 )
A day in the life of a Parisian housewife/prostitute, interspersed with musings on the Vietnam War and other contemporary issues.
Movie: Le Boucher ( 1970 )
An unlikely friendship between a dour, working class butcher and a repressed schoolteacher coincides with a grisly series of Ripper-type murders in a provincial French town.
Movie: Les Biches ( 1968 )
Frédérique is a rich and beautiful woman who picks up a female street artist called "Why". It is December and they go to her villa in Saint Tropez, which is inhabited by a couple of odd gay men. Both women fall for the local architect Paul Thomas. However Why says that she is not interested in him, so Frédérique invites him to move into the villa.
Movie: The Story of Marie and Julien ( 2003 )
Julien lives alone with his cat. He dreams of Marie, and a few minutes later, he sees her on the street and makes a date. He asks her to move in with him, and she does. Her boyfriend is dead, the rest of her past a mystery. Although they quickly seem to fall in love, she sometimes pulls away suddenly from Julien, is distant, and spends the night in a hotel. She also dreads something imminent and warns Julien that if he missteps, he will lose her and all memory of her. Julien responds by digging into her past: what explains her remodeling an upstairs garret room, her nightly dreams, her fears? What can Julien, now desperately in love, do when he learns why? Can either rescue the other?
Movie: The Soft Skin ( 1964 )
Pierre Lachenay, a middle-aged, well-known publisher and lecturer, is married to Franca, an unbalanced woman, and father of Sabine, a 10-year-old girl. While traveling to Lisbon for a lecture, Pierre Lachenay has a one night stand with Nicole, the Panair do Brasil air stewardess. He wants to see her again and again, they travel to Reims together, and Pierre hides the affair from his family, mostly to spare his daughter the anguish of a separation. Nicole is taking it lightly but Pierre, misunderstanding her feelings and expectations, decides to live with her. The couple's break-up leads to a tragic end.
Movie: Le Petit Soldat ( 1963 )
During the Algerian War, a man and woman from opposing sides fall in love with one another.
Movie: Leda ( 1959 )
A wealthy wine grower has trouble with his wife, his children, his best friend, and his mistress across the way, who is murdered.
Movie: The Nun ( 1967 )
In eighteenth-century France a girl (Suzanne Simonin) is forced against her will to take vows as a nun. Three mothers superior (Madame de Moni, Sister Sainte-Christine, and Madame de Chelles) treat her in radically different ways, ranging from maternal concern, to sadistic persecution, to lesbian desire. Suzanne's virtue brings disaster to everyone in this faithful adaptation of a bitter attack on religious abuses by the Enlightenment philosopher Denis Diderot.
Movie: All the Boys Are Called Patrick ( 1959 )
Students Veronique and Charlotte meet the same man separately, who makes a date with each of them separately the next evening. When they both show up, he shows up, too, with a third woman.
Movie: The Bakery Girl of Monceau ( 1996 )
A law student regularly visits a Paris bakery to flirt with a brunette employee.
Movie: La Chinoise ( 1967 )
A small group of French students are studying Mao, trying to find out their position in the world and how to change the world to a Maoistic community using terrorism.
Movie: Antoine and Colette (Short 1962) ( 1962 )
Antoine Doinel is 17, lives in a hotel and works in a factory making records; he loves music. He falls in love with a woman he meets at a concert. She sees him as a friend, but her parents love him.
Movie: Last Year at Marienbad ( 1961 )
In a strange and isolated chateau, a man becomes acquainted with a woman and insists that they have met before.
Movie: The War Is Over ( 1966 )
Diego is one of the chief of the spanish Communist Party. He is travelling back to Paris (where he lives) from a mission in Madrid. He is arrested at the border for an identity check but manages to go free thanks to Nadine, the daughter of the man whose passport is used by him. When he arrives in Paris, he starts searching one of his comrades, Juan, to prevent him from going to Madrid where he could be arrested by Franco's police...
Movie: Une Femme Mariée ( 1964 )
Charlotte is young and modern, not a hair out of place, superficial, cool; she reads fashion magazines - does she have the perfect bust? She lives in a Paris suburb with her son and her ...
Movie: The Unfaithful Wife ( 1969 )
A man begins to believe his wife is cheating on him.
Movie: The Umbrellas of Cherbourg ( 1964 )
A young woman separated from her lover by war faces a life-altering decision.
Movie: The Young Girls of Rochefort ( 1968 )
Two sisters leave their small seaside town of Rochefort in search of romance. Hired as carnival singers, one falls for an American musician, while the other must search for her ideal partner.
Movie: The Creatures ( 1969 )
A young mute woman, living in a small village, is expecting a baby. Her husband is at the same time writing a novel and using the villagers as his characters. In the creative process, reality and imagination are constantly intertwined.
Movie: Claire's Knee ( 1970 )
On lakeside summer holiday, a conflicted older man is dared to have a flirt with two beautiful teenage stepsisters despite his betrothal to a diplomat's daughter and the fact that the girls have boyfriends.
Movie: The Collector ( 1967 )
A womanizing art dealer and a painter find the serenity of their Riviera vacation disturbed by a third guest, a vivacious bohemian woman known for her long list of male conquests.
Movie: My Night at Maud's ( 1969 )
The rigid principles of a devout Catholic man are challenged during a one-night stay with Maud, a divorced woman with an outsize personality.
Movie: Eyes Without a Face ( 1960 )
A surgeon causes an accident which leaves his daughter disfigured, and goes to extremes to give her a new face.
Movie: Life Upside Down ( 1965 )
Real estate agent Jacques Valin records his life story on a tape recorder when he loses job.
Movie: Méditerranée ( 1998 )
A short film documenting the seas and shores of the Mediterranean Sea.
Movie: L'eau à la bouche ( 1960 )
Miléna is living in her grandmother's baroque château when the rich lady dies. The lawyer Miguel, who had a previous relationship with Miléna, insists the other two grandchildren, Fifine ...
Movie: Le bel âge ( 1960 )
Movie: Marie for Memory ( 1968 )
Parallel lives of two couples destined to suicide, one, and unhappiness, the other.
Movie: Stolen Kisses ( 1968 )
After being discharged from the army, Antoine Doinel centers a screwball comedy where he applies for different jobs and tries to make sense of his relationships with women.
Movie: A Man and a Woman ( 1966 )
A man and a woman meet by accident on a Sunday evening at their childrens' boarding school. Slowly they reveal themselves to each other, finding that each is a widow/widower. Each is slow to reveal anything personal so that each revelation is hidden by a misperception. They become friends, then close friends, and then she reveals that she can't have a lover because, for her, her husband's memory is still too strong. Much of the film is told wordlessly in action, or through hearing one of their thoughts as they go about their day.
Movie: The Smugglers ( 1968 )
Movie: Le Cercle Rouge ( 1970 )
After leaving prison, master thief Corey crosses paths with a notorious escapee and an alcoholic former policeman. The trio proceed to plot an elaborate heist.
Movie: The Thief of Paris ( 1967 )
In Paris around 1900, Georges Randal is brought up by his wealthy uncle, who steals his inheritance. Georges hopes to marry his cousin Charlotte, but his uncle arranges for her to marry a rich neighbour. As an act of revenge, Georges steals the fiance's family jewels, and enjoys the experience so much that he embarks upon a life-time of burglary.
Movie: The Things of Life ( 1970 )
Pierre, a successful engineer in building highways has a traffic accident. Being seriously wounded, he is lying waiting for death and remembering his past in flashbacks.
Movie: I Love You, I Love You ( 1968 )
Recovering from an attempted suicide, a man is selected to participate in a time travel experiment that has only been tested on mice. A malfunction in the experiment causes the man to experience moments from his past in a random order.
Movie: La Jetée ( 1962 )
The story of a man forced to explore his memories in the wake of World War III's devastation, told through still images.
Movie: Muriel, or the Time of Return ( 2007 )
In the seacoast town of Boulogne, Hélène sells antique furniture, living with her step-son, Bernard, who's back from military duty in Algiers. An old lover of Hélène's comes to visit - Alphonse - with his niece Françoise; he too is back from Algiers, where he ran a café. Bernard speaks of his fiancée, Muriel, whom Hélène has not met. The narrative, like memory and intention, is jumpy, the past obscured by guilt, misperceptions, and missed possibilities. Appearances deceive, things change. As Hélène and Alphonse try to sort out a renewal, everyone seems off-kilter just enough to hint that all cannot end well. Can anyone know another?
Movie: Out 1 ( 2015 )
"Out 1" is a very precise picture of post May 1968 malaise - when Utopian dreams of a new society had crashed and burned, radical terrorism was starting to emerge in unlikely places and a great many other things. Two marginals who don't know one another stumble into the remnants of a "secret society": Colin, a seemingly deaf-mute who all of a sudden begins to talk and Frederique, a con artist working the "short con" (stealing drinks and tricking men who think she's a hooker out of their money). Meanwhile, there are two theater groups rehearsing classic Greek dramas: "Seven Against Thebes" and "Prometheus Bound". A member of the Moretti group passes a note to Leaud about "The 13" which sends Leaud on a search for "The 13". His search brings him eventually to Bulle Ogier's shop in Les Halles "L'Angle du Hasard." Berto follows much the same path when she steals a cachet of letters from Jacques Doniol-Valcroze and tries to get money from their owners for their return. These twin activities reactivate "The 13", which had been dormant for years, revealing, among other things, that the two theater groups were once one.
Movie: This Man Must Die ( 1969 )
A man asserts himself within the life of an actress he believes is somehow responsible for his son's death.
Movie: Le Samouraï ( 1967 )
After professional hitman Jef Costello is seen by witnesses his efforts to provide himself an alibi drive him further into a corner.
Movie: Z ( 1969 )
Following the murder of a prominent leftist, an investigator tries to uncover the truth while government officials attempt to cover up their roles.
Movie: Contempt ( 1964 )
Screenwriter Paul Javal's marriage to his wife Camille disintegrates during movie production as she spends time with the producer. Layered conflicts between art and business ensue.
Movie: Pickpocket ( 1959 )
Michel is released from jail after serving a sentence for thievery. His mother dies and he resorts to pickpocketing as a means of survival.
Movie: Bay of Angels ( 1963 )
Jean is a clerk in a bank. His colleague Caron is a gambler and gives him the virus. In the casinos, Jean meets Jackie. Their love affair will follow their luck at the roulette.
Movie: Chronicle of a Summer ( 1961 )
Real-life individuals discuss topics on society, happiness in the working class among others and with those testimonies the filmmakers create fictional moments based on their interviews. Later on, the individuals discuss the images created with their own words and see if the movie obtained their level of reality.