Playlists > ✔️ The Tudor & Stuart eras (1485–1711) films and TV shows

✔️ The Tudor & Stuart eras (1485–1711) films and TV shows

Modern England begins and spans more than 200 years. The Tudors (1485-1603) and Stuart (1603-1711) periods were great times for new ideas and new inventions from newspapers, forks, chocolate, flushing toilets to ingenious way of making cannon balls bounce off castles.

Creator: Greer
Posted: 3 years ago

31 favorites


TV Show: The Tudors ( 2007 )
Jonathan Rhys Meyers stars in this original, history-based drama series as the young, vibrant King Henry VIII, a competitive and lustful monarch who navigates the intrigues of the English court and the human heart with equal vigor and justifiable suspicion.
TV Show: The Borgias ( 2011 )
This expansive drama series stars Oscar winner Jeremy Irons in his Golden Globe-nominated role as Pope Alexander VI, the cunning, manipulative patriarch of the infamous Borgia dynasty, who builds an empire by bribing, buying and muscling his way into the papacy.
TV Show: The Virgin Queen ( 2006 )
Set against some of Britain's most beautiful landscapes, The Virgin Queen explores the full sweep of Elizabeth I's long and eventful life, from the young princess to the successful Queen, who turns England into a major world power.The drama explores her days of fear as a potential victim of her sister's terror and her great love affair with Robert Dudley. Some of the important political and historical events during her reign are highlighted as she balances personal life with the pressures of being a monarch. Her years of triumph over the Armada, her old age and her last enigmatic relationship with the young Earl of Essex are also captured.
TV Show: Elizabeth I ( 2005 )
Two-part miniseries event that explores the intersection of the private and public life of Elizabeth I in the latter half of her reign, offering a personal look at her allies, her enemies and her suitors as she struggled to survive in a male-dominated world.Elizabeth I sheds light on both the personal and public side of England's most enigmatic queen. The daughter of King Henry VIII, Elizabeth I (1533-1603) reunited a nation divided by religious strife, faced down the Spanish Armada and, after an unprecedented 45-year reign, died one of England's best-loved monarchs. During her time as Queen, poets and playwrights wrote about her, artists painted her, and composers dedicated works to her, all contributing to the legend of the "Virgin Queen" who never married. In the public's mind, Elizabeth's romantic life is nearly completely overshadowed by her political achievements and military triumphs. Elizabeth I looks beyond the myth at the woman behind the crown, striking a balance between the queen's desire to find love and passion, and her responsibility to the monarchy.
TV Show: The Spanish Princess ( 2019 )
The Spanish Princess, the latest chapter in the dynastic saga of Tudor England, is a powerful, epic story that not only returns the audience to the world of royal court intrigue as seen uniquely through the perspective of the women, but also sheds light on a previously untold corner of history – the lives of people of color, living and working in 16th century London.
TV Show: England's Forgotten Queen: The Life and Death of Lady Jane Grey ( 2018 )
In this three-part series for BBC Four, historian Helen Castor pieces together the astonishing true story of Lady Jane Grey - the first reigning Queen of England.We may think we know the history: an innocent teen thrust onto the throne and beheaded as a traitor after reigning for just nine days. But Helen discovers original documents that reveal a Tudor thriller - an epic story of dynastic rivalry, intrigue and betrayal. A young woman manipulated by older men who ends up losing her life as a result.In July 1553, Tudor England is rocked by a constitutional crisis. Henry VIII's young son Edward dies with no male heir to inherit the throne. Having never had a reigning Queen, England now has two who claim the title. Two women prepared to fight for the throne - the 37 year-old Catholic Mary Tudor and the teenage Protestant Jane Grey.
TV Show: Wolf Hall ( 2015 )
Historical drama chronicling the rise of Thomas Cromwell, the son of a humble blacksmith who became King Henry VIII's chief minister, as he navigated the corridors of power in the Tudor court.
TV Show: Las Aventuras del Capitán Alatriste ( 2015 )
In a society, the proud and arrogant Golden Age Spain, riding blind towards the end of the Empire and in which the honor and loyalty are all, a Spanish soldier who has travelled Europe fighting under the flag of "Tercio Viejo de Cartagena", survives in the Austrias' Madrid as a mercenary swordsman hired four coppers on request. Brave, honest and loyal man, Diego Alatriste will be involved in intrigues and conspiracies of various kinds that require him to make good use of his steel.
TV Show: Blackadder ( 1983 )
Comedy set in different historical periods that features the ill-fated exploits of the mean-spirited Edmund Blackadder and his dim sidekick Baldrick.
TV Show: Borgia ( 2011 )
The name Borgia stands for betrayal, intrigue and corruption in the Vatican, which was the center of the world during the Renaissance.
TV Show: Gunpowder ( 2017 )
London, 1605. Robert Catesby, a 33-year-old Warwickshire gentleman, devises a plot to blow up Parliament and and kill the king.
TV Show: Gunpowder, Treason & Plot ( 2004 )
Award-winning writer Jimmy McGovern and film director Gillies MacKinnon bring the story behind the Gunpowder Plot to BBC TWO in two original films exploring the lives of Mary Queen of Scots and her son James 1st.The first concentrates on Mary's short-lived reign and the battles she has to fight with both her Protestant subjects and the English Queen, Elizabeth 1st. She conspires with the Earl of Bothwell to assassinate her miscreant husband Lord Darnley.The story continues with her son James VI of Scotland (who, on Elizabeth's death, became James 1st of England), and the plot against his reign masterminded by the influential Catholic Robert Catesby - a plot planned by Guy Fawkes to blow up the Houses of Parliament in order to rid the nation of an oppressive Protestant monarch.
TV Show: Lorna Doone ( 2000 )
Passionate love story set in 17th century rural England, charting the young John Ridd's search for revenge after his father's murder, and the chance encounter with beautiful Lorna Doone that changes the course of his life.
TV Show: Jamestown ( 2017 )
Set in the early 17th Century, Jamestown tells the story of three courageous, dynamic women who leave their dark pasts behind in England, and make the journey of a lifetime across the ocean for a new life in America.
TV Show: New Worlds ( 2014 )
Gripping drama set in the turbulent 1680s. This sequel to The Devil's Whore follows two young men and two young women who commit their lives to a fairer future, with blood, passion and urgency.
TV Show: The Fortunes and Misfortunes of Moll Flanders ( 1996 )
Masterpiece Theatre brings its four-hour fling with a scandalous 18th century heroine, in a broadcast of Moll Flanders. A costume drama which follows the fortunes of Moll Flanders in 18th Century England. Her determination to reach a secure place in society results in incest, bigamy, adultery, wealth and poverty. Based on the novel by Daniel Defoe.
TV Show: The White Queen ( 2013 )
The White Queen is a riveting portrayal of one of the most dramatic and turbulent times in English history. A story of love and lust, seduction and deception, betrayal and murder, it is uniquely told through the perspective of three different, yet equally relentless women - Elizabeth Woodville, Margaret Beaufort and Anne Neville. In their quest for power, they will scheme, manipulate and seduce their way onto the English throne.

The year is 1464, before the Tudor dynasty ruled the country, and war has been ravaging throughout England over who is the rightful King. It is a bitter dispute between two sides of the same family, The House of York and The House of Lancaster.

The House of York's young and handsome Edward IV is crowned King of England with the help of the master manipulator, Lord Warwick "The Kingmaker." But when Edward falls in love with a beautiful Lancastrian commoner, Elizabeth Woodville, Warwick's plan to control the throne comes crashing down.

A violent, high-stakes struggle ensues between Elizabeth, her most fierce adversary, Lancastrian Margaret Beaufort, and Anne Neville, the pawn in her father's power game - each woman vying for the crown.
TV Show: The White Princess ( 2017 )
The White Princess tells the story of one of the most fascinating periods of British history, spanning the winter court of Henry Tudor – uniquely from the women's point of view. The most ruthless players in history will stop at nothing to support their own causes and those of the ones they love.
TV Show: The Musketeers ( 2014 )
A thrilling world of action, adventure and romance inspired by Dumas' legendary characters.On the streets of 17th century Paris, law and order is more a fledgling idea than reality, and the Musketeers, Athos, Aramis and Porthos, are far more than merely royal bodyguards for King Louis XIII; they are inseparable, loyal unto death and committed to upholding justice. Together, this crack team of highly trained soldiers fight for honour, for valour, for love, and just for the pure thrill of it.
TV Show: Versailles ( 2015 )
Versailles, 1667. Louis XIV was 28 years old. To rise to the heights of the nobility and wield its absolute power, he launched the construction of Versailles... it proved to be a snare. Louis XIV is a young King haunted by childhood trauma, the Fronde civil, a rebellion of the nobility against his father, Louis XIII... It will prove be a strategic policy out of the ordinary, manipulative, Machiavellian, and he will "invent" Versailles for the nobles of Paris, to keep them under control, and gradually transform the castle into a golden prison. But how will Louis live as the greatest King in the world?Historical fiction of the court figures and the more humble villagers, guiding us in a world of betrayals and secrets, politicking and declarations of love.
TV Show: Charles I: Downfall of a King ( 2019 )
Historian Lisa Hilton discovers how, in just fifty tempestuous days, Charles I's rule collapsed, laying the foundations for civil war, the loss of royal power and, ultimately, the king's head.
TV Show: The Stuarts: A Bloody Reign ( 2018 )
The Stuart dynasty lived through arguably the most eventful, bloodthirsty and trying period in British history, and this series reassesses the royal house's history and legacy in a new and unique way.
TV Show: Reign ( 2013 )
Hidden between the lines of the history books is the story of Mary Stuart, the young woman the world would come to know as Mary, Queen of Scots. Queen of Scotland since she was six days old, the teenage Mary is already a headstrong monarch - beautiful, passionate, and poised at the very beginning of her tumultuous rise to power. Arriving in France with four close friends as her ladies-in-waiting, Mary has been sent to secure Scotland's strategic alliance by formalizing her arranged engagement to the French king's dashing son, Prince Francis. But the match isn't signed and sealed, it depends more on politics, religion and secret agendas than affairs of the heart. With danger and sexual intrigue around every dark castle corner, Mary rallies her ladies-in-waiting and steels herself, ready to rule the new land and balance the demands of her country and her heart.
TV Show: Salem ( 2014 )
Set in 17th century colonial Massachusetts—a significant time in the history of American politics, religion and society— Salem brings you the real story behind the infamous witch trials. In Salem, witches are real, and they're behind it all. Salem Village and Salem Town feuded over property, grazing rights and church rights. The government was dominated by Puritan leaders. People were scrutinized closely and this resulted in obvious discord. They were afraid of being persecuted for anything that may offend the Puritan mindset. The word "witch" seemed an easy and appropriate curse hurled at someone who behaved abnormally.
TV Show: The Plantagenets ( 2014 )
Professor Robert Bartlett tells the extraordinary story of England's most dysfunctional, yet longest ruling, royal dynasty.
TV Show: Elizabeth R ( 1971 )
A Chronicle of England's Golden Age of the late 16th century. Academy Award winner Glenda Jackson stars in one of the most popular and acclaimed Masterpiece Theatre presentations ever created, the story of England's Queen Elizabeth I. Filled with palace intrigue, royal romance and stunning historical detail, it traces her reign from young Princess through almost 5 years of rule over England's Golden Age. Long sought by collectors, this Emmy Award winning production boasts an all-star cast, riveting performances, gripping drama, and all the pomp and pageantry befitting this legendary Queen.
TV Show: The Six Wives of Henry VIII ( 1970 )
A chronicle of England's turbulent years of the early 16th century recounting the life and times of the vibrant and lusty King Henry VIII in a cycle of six plays.
TV Show: Carlos, Rey Emperador ( 2015 )
Historical series about Carlos I of Spain and V of Germany, born in 1500 and died in 1558, who ruled the crowns of Castile, including the Kingdom of Navarra and Aragon between 1516 and 1556, and was also Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Carlos V from 1520 to 1558. Carlos was the grandson of Ferdinand and Isabella and son of Philip the Handsome and Joanna I of Castile. A young man whose willpower, tenacity and determination become the most powerful man in Europe, despite the hostility that surrounds it and the large size of its rivals.
TV Show: Hürrem Sultan ( 2003 )
During the 8 episodes of this production where 'Ali Surmeli' and 'Gulben Ergen' had the leading roles, we watched how Hurrem Sultana became a character who influenced the Ottoman history with intrigues after gaining Suleiman the Magnificent's trust and love with her beauty, femininity, intelligence and cleverness.
TV Show: Luna Nera ( 2020 )
In 17th century Italy, a teenage midwife accused of witchcraft must choose between a star-crossed love and fulfilling her powerful destiny.
TV Show: Upstart Crow ( 2016 )
Comedy about William Shakespeare as he starts to make a name for himself in London while also trying to be a good husband and father for his family in Stratford-upon-Avon.
TV Show: Will ( 2017 )
Will is the wild story of young William Shakespeare's arrival onto the punk rock theater scene that was 16th century London - the seductive, violent world where his raw talent faced rioting audiences, religious fanatics and raucous side-shows. It's the hot, contemporary, dangerous version of Shakespeare's life, played to a modern soundtrack, exposing all his recklessness, lustful temptations and brilliance.
TV Show: By the Sword Divided ( 1983 )
This classic period drama series follows the fortunes of the aristocratic Lacey family, living peacefully in Arnescote Castle until the onset of the English Civil War in 1640. Sir Martin Lacey, the head of the family, is steadfastly loyal to the King. However the family is torn apart when his eldest daughter Anne weds John Fletcher - son of a merchant family who support the forces of Cromwell.
TV Show: Henry VIII: Man, Monarch, Monster ( 2020 )
Henry VIII: Man, Monarch, Monster reveals the truth about England's most infamous King, King Henry VIII. Filmed in historic locations including Hampton Court, Windsor Castle and the Vatican and unearthing new documents never seen before on TV, a team of Tudor experts uncover the real Henry, and explore how his complex personality fundamentally shaped the nation.
TV Show: The Six Wives of Henry VIII ( 2001 )
Queen, lover, mother, outcast, victim and survivor - this is how historian and series narrator David Starkey assigns the roles of the six wives of Britain's most famous monarch Henry VIII in the sexual intrigue and cut-throat power politics of his long reign from 1509 to 1547. The series, The Six Wives of Henry VIII takes a fresh approach and presents each wife's story from her perspective. Through the women's own words and powerful dramatizations, we learn that the wives were not pitiful victims or pawns but rather knowing players in a high-stakes game and remarkable individuals who managed to show great dignity even when facing exile and death.
TV Show: Edward and Mary: The Unknown Tudors ( 2002 )
The compelling story of two of England's most striking monarchs: Edward VI and Queen Mary. Written and presented by Dr. David Starkey, this is the compelling story of two of England's most striking monarchs: a brother and sister, tied by blood and affection, and torn apart by religion, power, and some of the bloodiest episodes in English history.
TV Show: The Devil's Whore ( 2008 )
Colourful four-part drama about the seismic events of 17th-century England, when political disobedience turned to revolution and bloody civil war.
TV Show: The Great Fire ( 2014 )
As the great fire tears London apart, this brand new epic drama details the heart-wrenching stories of a city and its people in crisis.  This drama recreates the chaos of a city imploding in 1666 Great Fire of London.
TV Show: Peter the Great ( 1986 )
This is the story of Peter I, Tsar of Russia from 1682, and the constant struggle between him, his sister Sophia and the Streltsy, an important Russian military corp. The story depicts the efforts of Peter in transforming Russia in an "all European" country, importing scientists, costumes, technology and military tactics.
TV Show: Sir Francis Drake ( 1961 )
Sir Francis Drake was a British adventure series that aired on the ITV Network from 1961-1962.The series starred Starring Terence Morgan as Sir Francis Drake, who was the commander of the vessel, The Golden Hind. As well as battles at sea and an abundance of sword fights, the series also deals with intrigue at Queen Elizabeth's court.
TV Show: Da Vinci's Demons ( 2013 )
In a world where thought and faith are controlled, one man fights to set knowledge free. Leonardo da Vinci is tortured by a gift of superhuman genius. He finds himself in a conflict between truth and lies, religion and reason, past and future. His aspirations are used against him by opposing forces – luring him into a game of seduction where those who despise his intellect need him most.His quest for knowledge nearly becomes his undoing, but da Vinci's genius prevails and he emerges as an unstoppable force that lifts an entire era out of darkness and propels it into light. His story becomes a mirror into our own world, calling us all to join his fight to free the future.
TV Show: The Borgias ( 1981 )
Historical story of the ruthless Rodrigo Borgia. A man who intends to become Pope and who will not let anything stand in his way.
TV Show: La Peste ( 2018 )
Seville, 16th century. During a terrible plague epidemic, the corpses of several murdered people are found, as an omen of the end of the world. Seville was one of the main cities of the Western world. Known as the Great Babylon, it was home to people of all races, where fifty different languages were spoken, and all the gold from America arrived into its port. It was one of the smelliest, most beautiful cities in the world, and the setting for this unique, character- driven thriller.
TV Show: Naotora: The Lady Warlord ( 2017 )
During the Sengoku period, the Ii family governs the Totomi region. Due to many past wars, there are no more male successors left to become a lord. Naotora Ii, the only daughter of the lord, now becomes a lord. She faces a difficult period. The constant love from her fiance, whom she became engaged with at a young age, helps her to keep moving forward
TV Show: Still Star-Crossed ( 2017 )
Still Star-Crossed picks up where the famous story of Romeo and Juliet ends, charting the treachery, fight for power and ill-fated romances of the Montagues and Capulets in the wake of the young lovers' tragic fate. The series is based on the eponymous book by Melinda Taub. In the wake of Romeo and Juliet's tragic deaths, the Montague and Capulet rivalry escalates. A new royal takes the throne and struggles to determine what is best for his city when Verona as an epicenter of mayhem.
TV Show: Isabel ( 2012 )
Life of Isabella I of Castile, also known as Isabella the Catholic.
TV Show: Christopher Columbus ( 1985 )
TV Show: Pretenders ( 1972 )
In England in 1685, two children are caught up in the Duke of Monmouth's rebellion against King James II.
TV Show: Empires ( 2000 )
Within the long history of civilization are great eras of struggle, triumph, and loss. These periods are reflective of the best and worst of humanity: explosive creativity, ultimate depravity, the use and abuse of power, and war.
TV Show: The Buccaneers ( 1956 )
The Buccaneers is an ITV series about a swashbuckling reformed pirate, Captain Dan Tempest, as he defends the island of New Providence in the Caribbean from the evil Spanish in the 1600s.
TV Show: Muhtesem Yüzyil: Kösem ( 2015 )
In 1603, Prince Ahmed became the youngest sultan until then in the history of the Ottoman Empire. He falls in love with Anastasia, a young woman who knows only by a portrait that has been given to him. Meanwhile to obtain the favor of her grandson, Sultana Safiye (grandmother) orders to capture the muse of the painting and orders to bring her to the harem of the new sultan. It is at this moment that Nasya (Anastasia) captivate the Sultan even more with her innocence, and after having lived a life full of dangers, assassinations and intrigues, happens to become the first woman in all Ottoman history carrying the title of Empire's official regent.
TV Show: La Guerre des Trônes: la Véritable Histoire de l'Europe ( 2017 )
La Guerre des Trônes: la Véritable Histoire de l'Europe recounts the epic story of the rival dynasties that forged the history of medieval and early modern Europe. Shot on location across Europe, the series documents the turbulent conflicts between the French Royal Houses of Valois and Burgundy, and their Plantagenet rivals in England, which erupted with such ferocity in the titanic struggle of The Hundred Years War. Each episode focuses on a moment in European history and a clash between European houses.
TV Show: The Fall of Anne Boleyn ( 2020 )
An accounting of the final days of Anne Boleyn, second wife of Henry VIII, from her arrest and trial to the day of her execution. A thorough hour-by-hour examination of the evidence and events, led by historian Tracy Borman, reveal what actually happened.
TV Show: Becoming Elizabeth ( 2022 )
Becoming Elizabeth is the fascinating story of the early life of England's most iconic Queen. Long before she ascended the throne, young Elizabeth Tudor was an orphaned teenager who became embroiled in the political and sexual politics of the English court. With no clear heir, the death of King Henry the VIII sets into motion a dangerous scramble for power. His surviving children find themselves pawns in a game between the great families of England and the powers of Europe who vie for control of the country.Elizabeth struggles to control her own destiny and take real power as the men around her attempt to claim her sovereignty. Her fascinating and factual journey to secure the crown is filled with scheming, betrayal and illicit relationships that threaten to bring forth her demise at a time in which every man or woman of the court is on the wheel of fortune, which may take them to a position of great power one moment, or the executioner's block the next.
TV Show: A Column of Fire
A Column of Fire is based on author Ken Follett's Elizabethan-era dramatic novel of the same name. The series will follow the 1558 romance between Ned Willard and Margery Fitzgerald, continuing on through half a century of political intrigue and turmoil.
TV Show: The Witchfinder ( 2022 )
It's the year of our Lord 1647 and fear of witchcraft is rife. Puritanical Christianity, deep-seated superstition and a willingness to scapegoat outsiders have created a tinderbox of suspicion in which few are safe. In this environment, witchfinding has flourished, as self-appointed witch experts achieve hero status by investigating accusations of witchery and extracting confessions.A failing witchfinder transports a suspected witch across 1640s East Anglia to a trial that could change his fortunes forever. But his captive is the worst possible travel companion: an inquisitive, uncouth woman whose ability to prick his pomposity and ask uncomfortable questions turns a straightforward journey into a life-changing ordeal.
TV Show: Shōgun ( 1980 )
After his Dutch trading ship Erasmus and its surviving crew is blown ashore by a violent storm at Injiro on the east coast of Japan, Pilot-Major John Blackthorne, the ship's English navigator, is taken prisoner by samurai warriors. When he is later temporarily released, he must juggle his self-identity as an Englishman associated with other Europeans in Japan, namely Portuguese traders and Jesuit priests, with the alien Japanese culture into which he has been thrust and now must adapt to in order to survive. Being an Englishman, Blackthorne is at both religious and political odds with his enemy, the Portuguese, and the Catholic Church's Jesuitorder. The Catholic foothold in Japan puts Blackthorne, a Protestant and therefore a heretic, at a political disadvantage. But this same situation also brings him to the attention of the influential Lord Toranaga, who mistrusts this foreign religion now spreading in Japan. He is competing with other samurai warlords of similar high-born rank, among them Catholic converts, for the very powerful position of Shōgun, the military governor of Japan.
TV Show: The Lost Pirate Kingdom ( 2021 )
The real-life pirates of the Caribbean violently plunder the world's riches and form a surprisingly egalitarian republic. 
TV Show: Muhteşem Yüzyıl ( 2011 )
From 1520, follows Suleiman the Magnificent and his relatives from his great conquests to the "Battle of Szigeth".
TV Show: Elizabeth ( 2000 )
Professor David Starkey chronicles the story of Queen Elizabeth I, first broadcast in 4-parts on Channel 4. The series uses a combination of tableaux, testimony from descendants, contemporary documents, actors and Starkey's own narration to tell the story of Elizabeth who reigned for over 40 tumultuous years. She was in constant danger from both ambitious men and the adherents of the Catholic religion. Starkey says that her deep distrust of men derives from two events: molestation by her stepfather Thomas Seymour, and an uprising by the Protestant Wyatt against Queen Mary, which landed the young princess in the Tower. The survival instinct she developed in her early years would become invaluable later when she succeeded to the throne. As Queen, Elizabeth had to prove that a woman was capable of ruling the warring factions in her court. The self styled Virgin founded a national church, and warded off the Spanish Armada.
TV Show: Anne Boleyn ( 2021 )
Anne Boleyn explores her struggle to stay alive in the final months of her life, as she endeavors to secure her daughter's future and challenge the patriarchy as her execution hangs over her head.
TV Show: The Boleyns: A Scandalous Family ( 2021 )
An epic three-part series that charts the rise and fall of the Boleyns. A story of love, sex and betrayal, told from the the family's unique perspective.
TV Show: Hernán ( 2019 )
The Spanish "Conquistador" Hernán Cortés arrives in the shores of what today is México and faces both local demons and those who've sailed with him.
TV Show: The Serpent Queen ( 2022 )
The Serpent Queen is a period drama about Catherine de Medici, Renaissance Queen of France. Considered an immigrant, common and plain, Catherine de Medici is married into the 16th century French court as an orphaned teenager expected to bring a fortune in dowry and produce many heirs, only to discover that her husband is in love with an older woman, her dowry is unpaid and she's unable to concieve. Yet, only with her intelligence and determination, she manages to keep her marriage alive and masters the bloodsport that is the monarchy better than anyone else, ruling France for 50 years.
TV Show: Taj: Divided by Blood ( 2023 )
In his quest to find a worthy successor for his grand legacy, Emperor Akbar sparks a war among his sons. What follows is a terrifying battle for power, filled with politics, betrayals, and bloodshed.
TV Show: Barbaros Hayreddin: Sultanın Fermanı ( 2022 )
Historical fiction about Hayreddin Barbarossa the grand admiral of the Ottoman navy who was the nightmare of the Spanish kingdom
TV Show: 1670 ( 2023 )
In this satirical comedy, a zany nobleman navigates through family feuds and clashes with peasants in his quest to become Poland's most famous figure.
TV Show: Mary & George ( 2024 )
Mary & George is based on the true story of Mary Villiers, Countess of Buckingham, who in 17th century England moulded her beautiful son, George, to seduce King James I and become his all-powerful lover. Through outrageous scheming, the pair rose from humble beginnings to become the richest, most titled, and influential players the English court had ever seen, and the King's most trusted advisors.